Paging Mario Fuente and all earthlings in LA!

Urgent! Chaffey College to “Freak Out” for Zappa: Full details are at, but Saturday’s performers include a chamber music septet, a jazz fusion band and a surf rock group, a suitably eclectic lineup. Mario, don’t get any compromise for tomorrow evening at 7 PM and let us know how it went!!

KUR has got the exclusive!!

This telex from an undisclosed location has just arrived to KUR Headquarters; the sender is Doreen, who claims to be right on the firsts rehearsals from Dweez and Ahmet for the next concerts. Since this is breaking news, i’m posting the unedited version (sorry Barry, i think you’ll understand!). Here’s the literal translation of the message:

“Dear friends at KUR:
I’m in heaven listening to the band playing for the first time. They have been testing a lot of musicians like, erh…Cluuuck…I don’t remember the names because I’m still under the effect of some heavy grenadine we took last night; but there has been a lot of them. One thing you’ll find really interesting is that Ahmet takes care of his cutis with a cucumber mask, which makes it look smooth and gleaming.
So far, they have rehearsed: Zomby Fowl, I’m the Hen, Duck Tomago and Chicken in Bondage (at my request).
I only have eyes for “my” Joe tho’; btw, he brought a handy little oven he keeps in his dressing room, and every night he bakes a tape. Apparently he became “too used to do it” he needs to do it at least once a day.
Ok, enough for today, I’ll keep you guys posted as things develop.
I’m with the band!! Cluuck…
PS: I’m to the left in the picture. The stupid guy took my double chin…The other girls asked their identities to be protected. Seeya!”

More details on the picture here:

Life Of Sin

It’s easier than “doing the bop”: if you are around Washington DC today, for the Inauguration Day of the mandate of the King George II, don’t forget to turn your back on Bush, if you can.
If otherwise you are around Cleveland this saturday 22, don’t miss “The World’s Greatest Sinner” at 8.30 on the Clev. Cinematheque, 11141 East Boulevard.
Both actions will make you in peace with your conscience,
i tell you.