The VoC: So Long & Thanks For All The Fish!

Indeed: the time has come to lay to rest The Voice Of Cheese. Over the past months, no less than 35 participants have had the guts to submit a track, knowing full well their entry would be scrutinized and critiqued before an audience of die-hard Zappa fans. That’s saying something.

To all who participated: kudos! You are the best, and I hope your submission got you some exposure.

“Is this the end of KUR Audience Participation?”, you ask? Mmmh, well I do have an idea that involves nothing much more than a webcam and a YouTube account… I’ll keep you posted.

9 thoughts on “The VoC: So Long & Thanks For All The Fish!”

  1. Thank you Barry, you’ve been so nice almost twice, even before the VOC!

    Now I’m preparing to go to see Cardiacs in London…

  2. Well I certainly enjoyed it and I’ve been, erm, sailing on the seas of cheese ever since VoC#1. How about a vote on our favourite one to round things off?

  3. But we did not hear enough of YOU, Barry. How about “A Bit Mechanical”, or “Counterfeit Anti-Bodies” – just for a sense of closure?

  4. Hello all Voices of Cheeses..!
    I was the very first Limburger to be honored at KUR.
    Thanks to all for the positive comments.

    Joe Cronin
    (often times compared to a well ventilated brie)…gooey even..!

  5. How about a vote on our favourite one to round things off?

    Interesting idea, though I wouldn’t want the VoC to turn into a popularity contest…

    But we did not hear enough of YOU, Barry. How about “A Bit Mechanical”, or “Counterfeit Anti-Bodies” – just for a sense of closure?

    “Counterfeit Anti-Bodies” was featured back in June — and “A Bit Mechanical” is… well… a bit mechanical… I have a fake live version of “Tell You Honey” though, which has applause sampled from Simon & Garfunkel’s Live at Central Park! How about that one? :)

  6. “Little Angel”? Ancient track that; not at all representative of my current state of mind (cue the boys with the butterfly nets). No no no, how about a more recent track called “Basta”, featuring spoken-word samples taken from an obscure early ’50s Latin American soft porn movie?

  7. A good groove doesn’t know from ancient!
    But I’m interested in anything you do, so…

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