Vai Contest, Return Of

The jury has done its business, the winners have been notified, and will be receiving their copy of “Western Vacation” shortly! Those of you who didn’t enter: buy the album via these handy links: iTunes | Amazon.

And now for the correct answers…
Continue reading “Vai Contest, Return Of”

The Rondo Hatton Report #3

A new issue of The Rondo Hatton Report is out, featuring the following contributions:

  • The Origins Of IINK / Román García Albertos
  • Cruisin’ For A Ruben / Sue Barashy
  • Zappa’s Music Is A Time Machine / Guillaume Dauzou & Sabrina Bergamin
  • Nostalgia For The Old Folks? / Tom Demonay
  • I’m A Bandleader / Richard Hemmings
  • Ten (Zen) Commendments / Simon Prentis
  • Pourquoi Vouloir Mettre Un Caniche Dans Un Bocal? / John Raby
  • A View From India / Mahesh Ramchandani
  • There Is Such A Thing As Progress / Hugo Vanneck
  • One More Time For The World / English Versions

The free download is available here for your reading pleasure.

Steve Vai’s Western Vacation: Free Copies To Win!

Steve Vai‘s record label has a new album coming out next Tuesday June 22nd (more info here):

Steve Vai - Western Vacation

To celebrate the release, the Favored Nations label has generously offered KUR five free copies to distribute among you! Obviously, merely handing them out to the first five who comment on this post is a tad bit boring, so we decided on a little contest

Update: the contest is now closed! Thanks to all who played along. Some patience please as the jury sorts through the entries…

Continue reading “Steve Vai’s Western Vacation: Free Copies To Win!”

Sieg Zappanale!

Remember a certain lawsuit issued by a certain dead rockstar‘s widow against a certain fan-organized tribute festival? As it turns out, said widow just lost the appeal. Robert who mailed in the story, says:

Sorry, currently only available in german. But the message is simple: GZ had appealed against the negative decision from some time ago, this appeal has now been denied, which completes the lawsuit in favor of Zappanale.

From my understanding, the Zappanale festival even retains the right to use FZ’s trademark imperial in its promotional material.

The Lost Patio

As patios go, The Zappa Patio is a pretty heavily consulted one among Zappa fans. So when it goes offline for whatever reason, Zapheads with funny names such as Knut Skogstad jump to the rescue. The Patio appears to be back online again now, but I wanted to inform everyone that KUR has a recent mirror available at all time, just in case something goes awry. Now, to figure out what to do when KUR itself goes offline for whatever reason…

WUSB-FM’s Zappathon Returns

If you’re a regular reader, you’ll know that us here at KUR have supported‘s Zappathon ever since we first heard of it. The last edition featured KUR-pal SOFA live on air, as well as a bunch of soundbites which had been recorded and sent in by KUR-readers. Great fun! That was 2006…
Continue reading “WUSB-FM’s Zappathon Returns”

The Voice Of Cheese Revisited

Those of you who’ve been hanging around here long enough will remember KUR’s The Voice Of Cheese project. It ran for a couple of months back in 2007, featured some great music created by you and generally got wonderful feedback. Michael Pabst, one of the participants, dropped me a note yesterday saying his band, The Research Institute, now has its own official homepage — do check it out!

Now then… This got me thinking about putting together a “round two” of sorts, where the same principles would apply: your music featured here, up for scrutiny to KUR’s 1000-or-so daily visitors. As with the first VoC, there would be no restriction on genre or recording quality. With this post I’m just testing the waters to see if there would be enough (if any) interest from you – yes you! – to send in tracks.

All in favor: post a comment or drop us an email. Let’s see if we can get this show on the road! In the mean time, why not browse 2007’s Voice Of Cheese edition to get your creative juices flowing. 🙂

Bad Zappa Songs, Anyone?

This is a guest post by Alan Wechsler from Albany, NY.
If you’ve written an article which you think would make for some interesting discussion, feel free to send it to us at hello[at] Perhaps we’ll even publish it!

Everyone knows how prolific Frank Zappa was as a composer. So it’s natural that such a great songwriter might have a few duds. I thought it would be fun to put a list together of his worst. Yes, it’s arbitrary and petty, but if you don’t like it you can grow your own green rosetta…
Continue reading “Bad Zappa Songs, Anyone?”

The Circular Motion – A Great Google-y Moogle-y

Here’s a brand new multipurpose FZ-database for you: The Circular Motion – A Great Google-y Moogle-y (Found at FZ in Hungary).

Tour/Gig information was arranged from FZ Shows 7.1 & Giglist, set list information from FZ Shows. Venues were extracted, duplicate venues eliminated, venue pictures downloaded & thumbnails generated, crew information gathered from IINK, links to Zappateers threads extracted semi-automatic. In addition: designing & programming a Google Maps interface.

It seems to belong to Zappateers, and according to the Manual it is made by Nadine & Tom.

And according to me – this is fan-tas-tic. I just can’t get used to the enthusiasism of some music lovers here in the internet – so many great homepages, made with lots of energy and love. Great work – thanks!

The Rondo Hatton Report #1

As announced back in October, the inaugural edition of The Rondo Hatton Report is now available for download. Topics explored are:

  • King Kong: A Conversational Analysis — Paul Carr & Michel Delville
  • The Bard Of Baltimore — Kanguy Chow
  • Zappa’s Music Is a Sphere — Guillaume Dauzou & Sabrina Bergamin
  • Author/Recipient Relationships in FZ Movies — Manuel de la Fuente
  • My Dogs Are Barking — Andrew Greenaway
  • Trouble With Pigs And Ponies — Andy Hollinden
  • FZ And The English Language — John Loska
  • When Zappa Played Like Coltrane — Philippe Mérigot
  • La Dérive Uncle Meat — Didier Mervelet
  • Waxing Lyrical; Why I Love Frank — Sarah Moore
  • Isn’t It Romantic, Punky? — Simon Prentis
  • Frank Zappa Versus the People — Pacôme Thiellement
  • Are You Hung Up? — Hugo Vanneck
  • On “Oh No” From Weasels Ripped My Flesh — Ben Watson

Direct link to the PDF.

Happy reading, and happy holidays!