Rondo Hatton Report Vol IV

A new Rondo Hatton Report has been published:

Amongst other contributions, this issue features a second submission from Kohjitsu Ohyama, author of two authoritative Japanese books on FZ, proposing a solution to the vexed question of the ‘ultimate compilation’ problem — and from the wilds of Indiana, Prof. Hollinden weighs in with the third installment of his Pigs & Ponies series.

More info and a free download right over here.

The Rondo Hatton Report #3

A new issue of The Rondo Hatton Report is out, featuring the following contributions:

  • The Origins Of IINK / Román García Albertos
  • Cruisin’ For A Ruben / Sue Barashy
  • Zappa’s Music Is A Time Machine / Guillaume Dauzou & Sabrina Bergamin
  • Nostalgia For The Old Folks? / Tom Demonay
  • I’m A Bandleader / Richard Hemmings
  • Ten (Zen) Commendments / Simon Prentis
  • Pourquoi Vouloir Mettre Un Caniche Dans Un Bocal? / John Raby
  • A View From India / Mahesh Ramchandani
  • There Is Such A Thing As Progress / Hugo Vanneck
  • One More Time For The World / English Versions

The free download is available here for your reading pleasure.

The Rondo Hatton Report #1

As announced back in October, the inaugural edition of The Rondo Hatton Report is now available for download. Topics explored are:

  • King Kong: A Conversational Analysis — Paul Carr & Michel Delville
  • The Bard Of Baltimore — Kanguy Chow
  • Zappa’s Music Is a Sphere — Guillaume Dauzou & Sabrina Bergamin
  • Author/Recipient Relationships in FZ Movies — Manuel de la Fuente
  • My Dogs Are Barking — Andrew Greenaway
  • Trouble With Pigs And Ponies — Andy Hollinden
  • FZ And The English Language — John Loska
  • When Zappa Played Like Coltrane — Philippe Mérigot
  • La Dérive Uncle Meat — Didier Mervelet
  • Waxing Lyrical; Why I Love Frank — Sarah Moore
  • Isn’t It Romantic, Punky? — Simon Prentis
  • Frank Zappa Versus the People — Pacôme Thiellement
  • Are You Hung Up? — Hugo Vanneck
  • On “Oh No” From Weasels Ripped My Flesh — Ben Watson

Direct link to the PDF.

Happy reading, and happy holidays!