Rondo Hatton Report Vol IV

A new Rondo Hatton Report has been published:

Amongst other contributions, this issue features a second submission from Kohjitsu Ohyama, author of two authoritative Japanese books on FZ, proposing a solution to the vexed question of the ‘ultimate compilation’ problem — and from the wilds of Indiana, Prof. Hollinden weighs in with the third installment of his Pigs & Ponies series.

More info and a free download right over here.

One thought on “Rondo Hatton Report Vol IV”

  1. Though the contents of the Rondo Hatton Report might be enlightening and fun to see what other people might have to say, reading it is not. Its a pity that it is set up like a cheap Word-Doc and not designed with editorial skills, the lines are far too long, the font abominable, page layout unfit for printing etc, no offense given. If someone from the TRHR-crew wants it transformed into a likeable and better readable incarnation I very much would like to take it from the pure texts and design it for the modern world. Would be a pleasure for me.
    What do you think?
    Otherwise thanks for the product, really.
    Kind regards

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