Steve Vai’s Western Vacation: Free Copies To Win!

Steve Vai‘s record label has a new album coming out next Tuesday June 22nd (more info here):

Steve Vai - Western Vacation

To celebrate the release, the Favored Nations label has generously offered KUR five free copies to distribute among you! Obviously, merely handing them out to the first five who comment on this post is a tad bit boring, so we decided on a little contest

Update: the contest is now closed! Thanks to all who played along. Some patience please as the jury sorts through the entries…

Here’s the deal: below are three questions, all related to Steve Vai. Your mission: send your answers via email to with the subject line “VAI CONTEST”. An innocent child’s hand (here’s one I prepared earlier) will pick five winners from the pool of contestants who answered all three questions correctly (or two out of three if nobody got three right, etc).

And now for the questions…

Question #1:
What series of guitars did Steve Vai help design?

Question #2:
Where did the phrase “Martian Love Secrets” (which Steve Vai morphed into the title of his 1995 album, ‘Alien Love Secrets’) actually come from?

Question #3:
On which Zappa field recording does FZ introduce Steve Vai as Stephano Vai who “writes nice letters to his Grandmother in Italian and everything…” (Name venue, city, country, date)?

The contest ends at 12PM Western European Time next Thursday, June 24. Remember: only answers sent in via email will be considered, so please don’t put your answers in the comments.

Ladies, gentlemen: start your engines, and good luck!

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8 Responses to Steve Vai’s Western Vacation: Free Copies To Win!

  1. Hugh says:

    How about we go back to the “first five who comment” idea?
    No . . . fine, I’ll give it a whirl.
    I love give-aways!

  2. urbangraffito says:

    [quote comment=”11278″]How about we go back to the “first five who comment” idea?
    No . . . fine, I’ll give it a whirl.
    I love give-aways![/quote]

    Unfortunately, Hugh, if we do it that way, all the others would need to do is “copy and paste” from an earlier comment (and, hey, that’s no fun).

    As a helpful hint, I can tell you that at least two of the answers are available online. We at KUR want it to be hard but not impossible.

    Personally, I think it’s a wonderful precedent that Favored Nations chose to contact KUR to promote Vai’s latest release in this fashion. I’m sure the label, Favored Nations, populates more than just my collection:

    Mattias IA Eklundh‘s ‘Freak Guitar‘ (FN 2002) and ‘The Road Less Traveled‘ (FN 2005)*

    Mike Keneally & Metropole Orkest‘s ‘The Universe Will Provide‘ (FN 2004)

    Terry Bozzio & Metropole Orkest‘s ‘Chamber Works‘ (FN 2005)

    Al Kooper‘s ‘Black Coffee‘ (FN 2005)*

    Andy Summers & John Etheridge‘s ‘Invisible Threads‘ (FN Acoustic 2002)

    Yardbirds‘ ‘Live At B.B King Blues Club‘ (FN 2007)*

    Yardbirds‘ ‘Birdland‘ (FN 2003)*

    * Full Track MP3s available to listen on FN site.

  3. Hugh says:

    [quote comment=”11283″]Unfortunately, Hugh, if we do it that way, all the others would need to do is “copy and paste” from an earlier comment (and, hey, that’s no fun).[/quote]Yes! Yes! Exactly! Put me down for contestant #2!!!
    No fun? What’s more fun than an easy win?
    Okay, you guys. I’ll put on my dusty “thinking cap”. Thanks for the hints. But if my head explodes, please send an official KUR condolence letter to my wife. 🙂

    And on a more serious note:

    [quote comment=”11283″]Personally, I think it’s a wonderful precedent that Favored Nations chose to contact KUR to promote Vai’s latest release in this fashion.[/quote]I agree. And a nice Father’s Day gift for you Barry!
    Thanks for the list UrbanG. I’m going check out those Yardbirds’ releases.

  4. Dark Clothes says:

    I think I know the answer for Q2, and Q1 is probably easy to find out, but the last one is so goddamn hard (if you don’t know it), I think I’ll have to pass on this. But at least this is one of the first five comments, if you decide to change the rules again 🙂 …

  5. urbangraffito says:

    Even if you can only answer 2 out of 3 questions, submit those. Who knows how many will actually get all three correct? The next logical step would be those who answered the best 2 out of 3 until all the discs are awarded…

  6. [quote comment=”11306″]I think I know the answer for Q2, and Q1 is probably easy to find out, but the last one is so goddamn hard (if you don’t know it), I think I’ll have to pass on this. But at least this is one of the first five comments, if you decide to change the rules again 🙂 …[/quote]
    Let me put it this way: looking at the entries we’ve received so far, you still stand a chance at winning a copy with only 2 out of 3 right…!

  7. Disciple of "Bob" says:

    Oh, #3 shouldn’t be that hard to puzzle out. It most likely took place between 1980 and 1982, which would narrow down the number of potential ‘candidate recordings’ to an easily-manageable 15 million or so.

  8. Some more info on this release right over here, by the way.

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