Late to the party as ever, I’ve just started to play around with, the much praised “online social bookmarking service”. And that’s what it is, basically. You “bookmark” sites you come across, tag them with keywords (e.g. zappa), others get to see your bookmarks and can even subscribe to them. With a bit of hacking it’s also possible to have your bookmarks included on your own webpage (as I’m doing with my bookmarks over here). Does anyone else in the audience have a account they want to share with us?

Zappa Straße

A street in Berlin is to be named after Zappa:

Die bisherige namenlose Straße 13 in Höhe Landsberger Allee soll nach der US-Rocklegende Frank Zappa (1940-1993) benannt werden. Diesen Beschluß faßten die Bezirksverordneten. Orwo-Haus-Verein-Sprecher Tobias Nöthen sagte: “Das ist genau das richtige Signal für unser Musikzentrum.”

Way cool. Know of any other streets named after Uncle Frank?
(Thanks vrnzr!)

About Time YOU Had A Dot Com

Dreamhost, the people that have been hosting KUR for almost 4 years now, have given me a $10 gift certificate that I can either apply on my own account or give out to someone else.
If anyone’s interested to sign up with Dreamhost using this $10 discount (and I can think of a couple, ahem), just drop me a note and we’ll work something out.

You’d think there’s a catch but really there isn’t. Their hosting rocks, their tech support is superb, they keep adding features, disc space and bandwidth to the point where it’s borderline absurd — all that starting at $7,95/month. So there you go. First come, first served.

Update: The gift certificate has been claimed. :)