100% Zappa – On The Radio!

Tomorrow (thursday) the whole program of the MR Symphony Orchestra will be aired on the radio – of course you’ll be able to listen to it online. At 19.35 (in Hungary).
A tiny video of the program can be seen here. Hey!

Update: the program can be downloaded here. Just scroll down to 19.35 – it’s in Real Audio format. The segments start at 19.00, 20.00, etc, so you’ll have to download two parts.

100% Zappa!

100% Zappa!

100% extasy! I’ve just arrived home. A real Zappa-celebration, a celebration of Music, with 3 concerts in a row. Beginning with the warm-up concert of Mike Keneally and Ed Mann, playing in duet – jazzy, improvisational, zappaesque: fun. Then came the Symphonic Orchestra, conducted by Adam Fischer – amazing! Smiling musicians, rich texture, carefully elaborated details, big laughs and power. Better than the LSO!
The day was closed by the Modern Art Orchestra (a Big Band), featuring also the two guests above. Cletus Awreetus Awightus, Big Swifty, Zomby Woof and more – can you imagine? Orchestrated by Tom Trapp, who also made a good job as a conductor – lively gestures, big smiles, collective improvisations.
The message of the day was: Music is the Best!