Petition: Aggressive Action by the ZFT

First, read it:

We the undersigned petition the Zappa Family Trust (ZFT) to cease and desist from making threats of legal action against FZ tribute bands, FZ fan sites, Zappa music festivals and other related activities that are designed first and foremost to honour and promote Frank’s music, despite not being ‘approved’ by the ZFT.
While we applaud the work that the ZFT has done – especially in recent years, with the Zappa Plays Zappa tours and the release of CDs & DVDs such as Buffalo, Wazoo and Baby Snakes – we do not see those threatened by the ZFT as being in any way detrimental to Frank’s legacy. Indeed, while recognising that there truly can be no real substitute, we perceive any attempt to curb such alternative activities will be more likely to have a detrimental impact on the legacy.
We consider that the ZFT would be better targeting those who produce and sell Zappa bootleg recordings and pirate memorabilia – of which there are a numerous examples on the Internet. If the ZFT are to unleash the lawyers, they should be aimed at them and not us – the truly devoted fans.

Next: sign it!

52 thoughts on “Petition: Aggressive Action by the ZFT”

  1. Sign it — I did, gladly. And I’m also in very good company I should add. A quick perusal of the petition revealed many names recognizable to the online community.

  2. Are you gonna put your money where your mouth is?
    A petition is pretty worthless without the threat of a boycott…or maybe that is to be implied?
    I’ll probably sign it, but I would prefer it if it had more teeth.
    The first (obvious) step is a total boycott of anything ZpZ related.
    5,000 people x $70.00 per concert ticket = $350,000.
    5,000 people x 30.00 per ZpZ dvd = $150,000.
    Etc etera Etc etera
    I doubt Gail would give a shit but Dweezil certainly would.

    The second step is to not passively buy any ‘new’ Frank product.
    Wait it out, buy it 2nd hand, or temporarily STEAL IT until you find a cheap copy.

  3. bee pee, i don’t think that would help the situation. really.

    opening dialog, to ultimately create alliances with the zft, that would seem like a better plan i think.

  4. Hi aKido —

    At this point, it’s pretty much a basic law of physics that The Widow is not interested in alliances with anyone. Gail is taking extreme action because she thinks she can get away with it, as the vault is supposedly opening big-time. If you are serious, there is only one way to fight back, and that is with your power as a consumer.
    ZpZ is an easy write off for me. A little too Beatlemania for my tastes and the Dweez is a boring bandleader. Just not worth the $. It’s seriously over-priced. As for FZ material? Well, I’ve been waiting 13 years or so for the Vault to open so it is really no problem for me to wait another year to pick something up cheap. But then again, will I crumble upon an announcement of new product? Time Will Tell!

  5. Hi bee pee
    [quote comment=”17407″]there is only one way to fight back[/quote]
    I think you might have misunderstood the message of the petition – the aim here (as I see it) is not to “fight back”, but to make the point of the fans clear towards the ZFT. That might not be too much, but (we’ll see) if there will be thousands of names, that will be something.

    While the other thing, the “boycott” – I dont think you mean it seriously. So what if 10, or 100 guys “boycotting” something? No one notices – and you won’t have music to listen to. Or: you’ll steal in a way (download or so), and that is just the wrong way. And: through boycotting you will not be able to show the big quantity of fans. One guy can stand out and say: “I’m boycotting!” – but sorry, that is rather ridiculous. So this petition thing seems to be the best way to make the fans’ opinion understandable, to make it clear.

  6. A goodly amount of the signataries on there seem to have bought all her late husband’s official releases, as they were released, for the best part of her husband’s life. These are precisely the wrong people she should be pissing off. This woman’s gall astounds me.

  7. Balint: I read ya loud and clear but tend to disagree.
    No one notices?
    It’s actually the ONLY WAY to get noticed.
    I have plenty of music to listen to, be it Frank or something else.
    I don’t need the ZFT, they need me.

  8. Disclaimer: I’m opposed to illegal downloading/duping. Just got carried away! I guess I’m opposed to organized boycotts for the most part, too. It’s individual choice and should be left at that. Be it one or many. It makes a difference.

  9. [quote comment=”17409″]The petition is already on zäppä.cöm‘s official forum, though a bit hidden: Forum Index -> Randomonium -> petition time.[/quote]

    I get the feeling that this petition, like most other fan responses to current *aggressive action by the zft*, is going to be dismissed out of hand: just take the wording *petition time* and its placement in the forum itself. But, as Clark Gwent so observed, the signatories on this petition have bought all of the official releases, and are *precisely the wrong people* to be pissing off. Still, the point of this petition isn’t to *bring the zft to their senses* or change their present course of action (though there is always hope — but I’m too much of a terminal cynic to believe that they will ever alter such deeply entrenched behavior), but at the very least to let them know the depths of dissatisfaction to which their actions has turned off this particular customer and fan, and as bee pee has eluded to earlier, such dissatisfaction has consequences when it comes to this freak’s wallet.

  10. Signed it.

    Am also still boycotting ZFT releases. Whether they notice or not is immaterial…I feel happier in myself not giving my money to them!

  11. How about posting a manual of sorts, outlining how and where to buy Züppü albums legally, while at the same time bypassing the ZFT cash machine? I’d certainly give it a go!

  12. I’m on and out and out boycott as well. I have no qualms in illegally downloading music that is overpriced or ridiculously difficult to get- which has been the case with Zfart releases- But always on the grounds that I would buy it if I saw it. Because of this current situation, I cant with good conscience give that woman money. So I have downloaded what I dont have of the whole catalogue (18 albums) and would encourage other people to buy it. I’m also handing out burnt cds of anything anyone wants from the catalogue. Art surpasses the Artist, the public has a right to hear it, regardless of the Artist or the businesswoman’s wishes, regardless of whether they get paid or not.
    Hmm, is this even a boycott or is it a way of life…

  13. I would like to see Gail Z respond, either through an interview, the forum, here, whatever on the subject of this petition.

    Take my case, my latest album ‘BLINK’ has been out for about 6 months, self-released, and I sell downloads (320kbps) and CDs from my website directly. I really enjoy that direct connection with the fans, and the freedom it gives me too. But for the last 4-5 months it has been available through russian sites and bittorrent sites, and some are even SELLING THE DOWNLOADS!!! I mean, i send cease/desist letters monthly, and it just keeps popping up elsewhere all the time without my consent at all. I haven’t even put it out on iTunes and any other digital store!

    It is a really strange time to be a recording artist trying to earn a living, and for you folks who are not in this situation, should at least try to put yourself in our shoes a little. Just replace the words ‘music’ and ‘CD’ by ‘your job’ and then imagine that people are duplicating your weekly paychecks and cashing them instead of you. Do that and you might get a sense of the bad feeling we have.

    Remember that internet service providers, computer makers, marketing companies and website operators are still getting rich with the fact that people connect to the internet to access entertainment created by artists who are getting paid less and less…

    BUT: For me personally, since the album has been available through bittorrent, i have more fans, and I sell quite well on my website. At the moment, it is extremely hard to quantify the advantages over the disadvantages. Would I be selling more if it weren’t pirated? See how things get a bit hard to understand? Anyway, for me it’s not super clear right now.

    I can imagine that for a ‘world-renowned’ artist like FZ, it must be 100 times worse! A lot more infrigement going on all the time, so i can sort of understand that they (ZFT) are shooting in all directions, sometimes hitting the wrong folks to try and limit the damages.

    Anyhow, I hope she speaks out about this and explain her situation soon, because pissing fans off is the worst strategy!

  14. Hi aK, thanks for your comment – and let me join you: yes, I’d also like to hear a reaction fromthe ZFT.

    The other thing:
    [quote comment=”17417″]…and then imagine that people are duplicating your weekly paychecks and cashing them instead of you.[/quote]
    There is a bit of a mistake here: this fansite or any “normal” fan site NEVER shared official recordings (again: NEVER), so here no one is “cashing paychecks” instead of the ZFT, that is a rude and untrue thing to say. In the contrary: the downloads (they are not here any more) were only unofficial AUD recordings.

    The message of this site always were (as I saw it): “Lets talk about it!” “Let’s listen to it!” “Lets give information to the readers here!” Etc. So this page always couraged peolpe to BUY the things, so you cannot hold it against KUR.

    Unfortunately that is a constant misunderstanding.

  15. This petition is exactly what I had in mind when it first went down with KUR. Well-written, polite, and to the point. Will it make a difference? Who knows?…but let’s just let it grow – I want to see thousands of names on there. And please people: if you do not want to use your own name, don’t write “Dweezil”, “Moon Unit”, etc. it just cheapens the effect of this being real people who care. Use your initials at least. Heck, I PROUDLY have my actual name on the petition. Thanks everyone!

  16. yes, someone is fooling around – what a shame:
    357. CHARLIES
    356. BIG LEG EMMA
    355. BABY SNAKES
    352. AUNT JEMIMA

  17. Balint,

    oh yes, I agree with you, please do not mistake my point on CD piracy and theft, to what you guys are doing, which isn’t hurting sales, au contraire.

    I am simply trying to say that artists and labels, are a bit confused, because sometimes, what “seems” like piracy is actually helping sales, exposure etc. It’s a confusing decade we are in, i think.

    I support what you guys do here, spreading the word on the music of FZ, i really believe it helps the ZFT as a matter of fact. It only hurts the bootleggers!

  18. aggressive is right – they claimed infringement on one of my youtube video posts. well the word is that if you haven’t seem them already, well then you oughta:

    Zappa Vids at my YouTube

    There’s a sweet show3 from Sweden 1973 & then soundcheck from Philly ’88. as for the topic itself, it sort of makes my brain bend a bit,sure they’ve got rights to the stuff, but i don’t see trey anastasio begging for cheese-paper behind hardee’s, and they’ve allowed a reasonable level of freedom in regards to others spreading the vibe, as it were. cheers for now, get it while you can. wanna buy some pencils, man?

  19. LRonHoover,

    certainly you understand that some of these were professionally filmed, and that there are people who own the rights to these videos, right?

    I am not saying YOU shouldn’t put it there, it is as if you were “sharing” them with your family+friends, and you are not profiting financially from them, so I don’t see anything wrong so far. But who is profiting from all this then? In this case, YOUTUBE certainly is. A lot.

    How come these sites aren’t targeted?

  20. Nice job on the wording. Of course I signed that little sucker.
    Let’s hope the message gets across.

  21. Let’s be serious. Besides the long promised, but never delivered Roxy DVD/CD/Whatever, what has the zft released that even remotely compares to the jewels that Frank himself chose to release in his lifetime? Joe’s Corsage? Domage? FZ:OZ? MOFO? I’m beginning to think that all the vault really consists of are alternative tracks, individual shows, and the like (which is like candy to a long-time FZ freak like me). But is it really worth the risk of alienating your base over? I think not. The zft are truly deluding themselves if they think they can continue operating a viable business without the likes of the very folks they are presently sending their cease and desist notices to…

  22. I have signed the petition – with my proper name – but I am skeptical about whether Gai*l will take any notice. Let’s hope so. The point we want to make to her and her lawyers is that they need to be more selective in who they target. KUR is not the enemy and neither are the tribute bands!

  23. [quote comment=”17422″]aggressive is right – they claimed infringement on one of my youtube video posts. [/quote]

    How dare you, LRonHoover, posting FZ videos without asking any prior permission, or without filling out all the proper paperwork? What were you thinking?

  24. Ga*l is an old-fashioned capitalist and is apparently seeking to monopolise the market in Frink Zepper material. She is making the assumption that the consumer will buy whatever she has to sell, regardless of price or quality. This is a mistake – most of us have a limited budget and other financial commitments and most of us are not completists. There is plenty of other music around and I already have loads of Frenk Zupper stuff so before I spend money I want to know what’s on offer. Maybe the Jeff Beck official bootleg available on his website is better value for money than Joe’s Domage, for example?

    Likewise, a concert by the London Symphony Orchestra of Mahler’s Ist Symphony (1 ticket left for tonight: 19 GBP including booking fee) might be better value than a ZPZ concert (45 GBP plus booking fee plus transaction fee as I recall).

    No need for boycotts; it’s a free market, Ga*l.

  25. I’ll sign it, but my REAL reason for not buying any new product is, well, I’M UNEMPLOYED!

  26. [quote comment=”17434″]Ga*l is an old-fashioned capitalist and is apparently seeking to monopolise the market in Frink Zepper material. She is making the assumption that the consumer will buy whatever she has to sell, regardless of price or quality.[/quote]

    Quite frankly (pun intended), if Ga*l were to appear on an episode of Celebrity Apprentice, she’d be the first one to be fired. All of her business ventures since her husband’s passing (who was a bonafide capitalist all of his life — by that, I mean he actually *worked* for his living — created a product, rehearsed that product and took it on the road, night after night, paid his employees, his taxes, and balanced the books: all the while creating a fantastic catalogue of music) have been efforts at taking monetary advantage of his brilliance for her own benefit (then having the gall to say it’s all being done in the name of his so-called *legacy*).

    Let’s make us a list:

    Frink Zepper beer
    Frink Zepper t-shirts
    Frink Zepper jigsaw puzzles
    Frink Zepper posters
    Frink Zepper MOI action figures

    Ga*l is hardly an old-fashioned capitalist. An old-fashioned grifter is far more appropriate. She will fleece, fleece, fleece until all the money that can be made from Frink Zepper has been made, then like all grifters she’ll just bugger off with all her booty.

    I’ve fully woken up to the reality that Ga*l and the rest of her troop don’t give a damn about *the music* or *the fans* — it’s only the money, and the lifestyle it brings, that is at the centre of their universe.

    Indeed, the puddle of piddle which used to be little has risen so high around them no one can tell the difference anymore between them and the fascists next door.

  27. [quote comment=”17415″]How about posting a manual of sorts, outlining how and where to buy Züppü albums legally, while at the same time bypassing the ZFT cash machine? I’d certainly give it a go![/quote]

    El Mudshark, buying Zuppu albums legally, while at the same time bypassing the zft cash machine, just takes a little information. Most of the back catalogue is sold by Ryko (and subsequently Warner Bros) who have already paid the zft for the privilege to do so, so your money is going to Ryko, not the zft. As for *new* releases, wait for a while and buy them second hand from used or independent music stores that purchase and trade new and used CDs (while the zft may have been paid for the product initially, the money from any subsequent sale bypasses them altogether). Good luck and happy listening buddy…

  28. >>>>>>As for *new* releases, wait for a while and buy them second hand from used or independent music stores

    Word up. This is what I do since the cds are too expensive when new. I bought Civ Phase 3 direct from the “trust”, years ago, but that’ll likely be the last time I do that.

    Used cds can also be had via Amazon’s website, from the “auth. resellers” program. They often have new cds at used prices since the FZulu catalog just doesn’t seem to move units as much as it did before (certainly not the obscure titles like Perfect Stranger).

    The Zappa beer seems to me to be a more likely thing to be banned by the zuluft, rather than long running tribute bands which I’m sure all pay their ASCAP royalties and whatever. Hell, I got back into FZulu after seeing Phish play Peaches live! There is nothing like hearing the music played well, live, to get someone interested in it. This is the business model of jam bands, derived from the Grateful Dead. Who, by the way, were second only to Michael Jackson in popularity and concert draw by the 90s.

    Damned hippies, making money sharing their music to bring more fans to sell more tickets…what were they thinking!!

  29. Here are some (corrected) lyrics which suit in a way:

    There’s an ugly little weasel ’bout three-foot nine
    Face puffed up from cryin’ ‘n lyin’
    ‘Cause her sweet little hubby’s
    Suckin’ prong part time
    (In the name of The ZFT)

    Get a clue, little shrew
    Oh yeah, oh yeah
    Us thinks you’re a jerk
    Would he really choose The Widow to do His Work? Unh-unh

  30. [quote comment=”17464″]>>>>>>As for *new* releases, wait for a while and buy them second hand from used or independent music stores

    Word up. This is what I do since the cds are too expensive when new. I bought Civ Phase 3 direct from the “trust”, years ago, but that’ll likely be the last time I do that.

    Used cds can also be had via Amazon’s website, from the “auth. resellers” program. They often have new cds at used prices since the FZulu catalog just doesn’t seem to move units as much as it did before (certainly not the obscure titles like Perfect Stranger).[/quote]

    First thing I do when in search of my FZ fix is head straight to my friendly neighborhood independent new and used music store (which I’ve been doing for years, now). Not only is the quality of the CDs/DVDs top notch, but as you mentioned they are also relatively cheaper, and in the spirit of *keeping things local* I’m happy to support a local business than keeps my dollars in the community where it is needed, not in the coffers of the U.S. Democratic Party or Goil Zupra’s lawyers: Fleece, Fear, and Foible.

  31. [quote comment=”17444″]This petition list is growing fast, 200+ people signed after me in less than 24 hours :-o[/quote]

    Is that still with all the ‘JOKE NAMES’ on it?

  32. [quote comment=”17474″][quote comment=”17444″]This petition list is growing fast, 200+ people signed after me in less than 24 hours :-o[/quote]

    Is that still with all the ‘JOKE NAMES’ on it?[/quote]

    All those ‘JOKE NAMES’ have been justly voided. This is serious bizniz…

  33. D’OHHHHH!

    I somehow signed twice … but I’ve already asked the petition’s author to have one of them removed, so stop looking at me like that!

  34. The petition is toothless. A boycott would be better, but a legal defense fund for the defendants would be best. I will not buy any more products from the widow. I would just as soon send money to Pat Robertson after this legal bullying bullshit. Does anyone have a list of all the defendants named in this lawsuit?

  35. [quote comment=”17522″]The petition is toothless. A boycott would be better[/quote]
    In terms of it actually pushing the ZFT into making a U-turn, I guess you’re right in saying the petition is toothless. It has however made 1000+ people aware of what is going on, and it has also given them an opportunity to express their view of things. That in itself is an accomplishment — one that gains weight as the number grows. A boycott cannot/should not be “organized” I think. To boycott or not to boycott is, and should remain, a personal decision.

    [quote comment=”17522″]Does anyone have a list of all the defendants named in this lawsuit?[/quote]
    There are multiple lawsuits issued — most of them Cease & Desist letters. The most serious one is GZ vs Zappanale (the German Zappa tribute festival). For a list of current lawsuits, have a look here.

  36. I signed it. After ranting and raving in beet-red faced anger for weeks now on this wonderful site, I’m just spent and tired now.

    Frank is so certainly dead. And by “dead”, I mean the entire point of his life’s work and art. Don’t get me wrong, the spirit is alive in all the fans his music has touched, but Frank has truly died into the commodity that Gail and the FZT need him to be in every way.

    In the tone of the society that we now live in, filled with shit-loads of self-conciously “hip” post-modernists who ALL have their “hip list” just hanging off of their sleeve and constantly reinforced in their oh-so-precious You Tube site, this “commodity” Frank fits perfectly: devoid of the true, simple point of MUSIC IS THE BEST, his new form is an “image-corpse”, sucked clean of all the life, inspiration and communicativity that the REAL Frank always poured out of himself by the minute.

    He’s a POSTER now, a VAULT RELEASE, an i-Tune. He’s a mustache, a one-dimensional symbol who’s very own style of speaking (“Zappanese”) is even a source of potential income, dare anyone even TRY to share or enjoy what flowed naturally from the man’s heart and mind for 53 beautiful years on this earth.

    I shouted it before and I’ll shout it again: Gail Zappa is a painfully angry, bitter and resentful widow. If SHE never got the Frank that she wanted in terms of companionship and interaction (much less fidelity), then NO ONE GETS HIM.

    Sorry I’m coming off so damned depressive and doom & gloom. It’s just that everything Frank did and created was about making CONNECTIONS and breaking down BARRIERS. Even before his death, the mechanations were already in place (FZT) to set up more barriers and dig more moats than an entity could conceive of.

    The only “teeth” that would have any effect would be the ones that forces Gail Zappa to realize that Frank and his work was meant for a much bigger world than cuddling in the living room instead of going down to the studio to work……

    Why is the state of things so unbelievably pathetic?

    I a

  37. A mon avis c’est peu être la puissance qui se dégage de KUR qui fait peur à la Famille Zappa . Ce site qui met en danger l’ attitude obsolète de la Famille Zappa, un peu comme ce vieux continent Français qui se croit en bon droit et à l’abri du renouveau . L’aveuglement et l’immobilisme ne sont que les symptôme de cette maladie qui ronge cette famille et les gesticulations et ces menaces ne sont que le reflet de leur impuissance à contrôler le flux migratoire de l’œuvre de Frank Zappa. Ils savent bien que celle ci ne leur appartient que grâce à quelques documents signé et que le l’essence même de sa musique est imprégné dans les recoins les plus profond de notre cerveau, iront ils les chercher là, finiront ils par nous trépaner , pour nous obliger de déposer encore quelques billets vert sur la mémoire de Frank. Le monde devient de plus en plus sordide. Bonne chance à tous. Je tient à laisser un hommage par la même occasion, une pensée pour François Béranger un artiste Français, chanteur à textes qui ne mâchais pas ses mots , A Frank et François.

    With my opinion is little to be the power which emerges from KUR which frightens the Zappa Family. This site which endangers the obsolete attitude of the Zappa Family, a little as this old French continent which is believed in right good and in the shelter of the revival. The blindness and the immobilism are only the symptom of this disease which corrodes this family and the gesticulations and these threats are only the reflection of their impotence to control the migratory flow of the work of Frank Zappa. They know well that that Ci belongs to them only thanks to some documents signed and that the gasoline even of its music is impregnated in the recesses deepest of our brain, they will seek them there, will finish they by us trépaner, to oblige us to still deposit some tickets green on the memory of Frank. The world becomes increasingly sordid. Good luck with all. I makes a point of leaving a homage by the same occasion, a thought for François Béranger a French artist, singer with texts which did not chew its words, A Frank and François.

  38. Oh, I feel a 8it of existentialism coming on…oh too late.shot all over me pants!
    One day, when that hippie repu8lican/democrat (fill in the 8lanks) wife of FZ is gone, we may see a true representation of his work. The world will 8e starving for it. Everyone wants the real thing nowadays, 8ut the real things are old or dead. 8ut thats where the currency is, or will 8e.
    Dwez sold his dads guitar aout 20 years too soon.

  39. You so called “FANS” should be ashamed of yourselves. You are a disgrace to everything Frank and Gail stand for.

  40. Does MarcoJ realise just how offensive and pathetic his remarks are? REAL FZ fans do not behave this way. So there is only one thing to say to all of you:


  41. [quote comment=”17526″]
    Frank is so certainly dead.

    And by “dead”, I mean the entire point of his life’s work and art. Don’t get me wrong, the spirit is alive in all the fans his music has touched, but Frank has truly died into the commodity that Gail and the FZT need him to be in every way.

    In the tone of the society that we now live in, filled with shit-loads of self-conciously “hip” post-modernists who ALL have their “hip list” just hanging off of their sleeve and constantly reinforced in their oh-so-precious You Tube site, this “commodity” Frank fits perfectly: devoid of the true, simple point of MUSIC IS THE BEST, his new form is an “image-corpse”, sucked clean of all the life, inspiration and communicativity that the REAL Frank always poured out of himself by the minute.

    He’s a POSTER now, a VAULT RELEASE, an i-Tune. He’s a mustache, a one-dimensional symbol who’s very own style of speaking (“Zappanese”) is even a source of potential income, dare anyone even TRY to share or enjoy what flowed naturally from the man’s heart and mind for 53 beautiful years on this earth.[/quote]

    I don’t think anyone could have put the current situation any better, MarcoJ. You’ve described essentially what the ZFT has created since December 1993: a Frank Zappa puppet with GZ pulling the strings (and that’s why any other incarnation of FZ is such a threat — be it weblogs, tribute bands, REAL FANS).

  42. [quote comment=”17981″]You so called “FANS” should be ashamed of yourselves. You are a disgrace to everything Frank and Gail stand for.[/quote]

    What exactly does Gail stand for (c’mon, let us in on the secret)?

  43. I love this Frank quote: “Jazz isn’t dead but it sure smells funny”
    well Zappa family yer lawsuit stinks. I saw Frank Zappa live 7 times, once I even delivered a sandwich to his hotel room while a busboy. I just don’t understand what motivates you! is it greed? Zappanale doesnn’t seem to be about abusing Franks’ legacy, more about celebrating it…
    so instead do something useful, release an offical version of Pigs and Repugnant so i can finally hear Frank & Don Cherry together.


  44. GZ has turned into Gail Ono.No wonder Frank went on the road so much.He railed agains greedy record companies because he sufferd at their hands early in his career.How ironic that after his death his wife has become the greediest and stupidest of them all,screwing the old musicians he underpaid by not letting them play the music that was at least alittle bit if their making.Her Karma requires that she be reincarnated as a lice on Wildman Fischers body.

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