Frankfurt ’82

The Venue: Alte Oper, Frankfurt, Germany
The Date: 11th June 1982

There is one main reason to love this show (plenty of other reasons, of course, but one main one); The Black Page. I was listening to it just last week and experienced one of those “Jeez, this is good” moments (I then realized that Frank must have been pleased with it too, as you will find if you grab your copy of ‘Guitar‘ and give ‘Move It Or Park It‘ a listen).

Anyway, thinks I, the KUR aficionados have to hear this! So this week’s offering takes us back to June 11 1982, and the early evening show at the Alte Oper in Frankfurt…

And then I thought, hey, let’s give ’em the late show too!

Addendum: And because he really really likes all most of you, Barry has decided to let you hear the rest of the late show from Frankfurt (not that he forgot to upload it or anything like that…)

29 thoughts on “Frankfurt ’82”

  1. Hmm, I can’t even download the Black page #2. Seems like an url problem. Can you use # in urls?

  2. Just met a guy the other day who said he had been there & saw both shows!

    Judging from the usual rotation,
    isn’t it time again now for some fancy 1988 show next week?

  3. The shows are good, but the sound quality of the early show wll give me ear-cancer :-(

  4. Harmless Ted Says:
    November 9th, 2007 at 1:01 pm

    The shows are good, but the sound quality of the early show wll give me ear-cancer :-(

    The sound quality of the early show is not that bad. I’ve heard far worse, believe me. As for giving one ear cancer, I’d risk that listening to FZ any day.

  5. Very groovy stuff.

    Zliq – I was guessing before this was posted that it would be an ’88 show this week. I was able to watch the Barcelona ’88 video for the first time this past week and it’s pretty fantastic. Does anyone have any idea why this video isn’t available in the states? I have an educated guess. Has anyone else here seen it? Is it easily available in Europe?

  6. Broad programming in Alte Oper. The contrary of narrow minds.

    Just two quotes from their site:
    – Frankfurt feierte am 20. Oktober 1880 ein lang ersehntes Ereignis: die Einweihung eines eigenen Opernhauses.
    – Im Dezember 1978 waren mit der Feier des Richtfestes für den Wiederaufbau der neuen „Alten Oper“ die Rohbauarbeiten im wesentlichen abgeschlossen.

    End of the renovations of the faboulous building in 1979. They had the courage to invite FZ’s ” rock band” 4 years later. And a couple of years later FZ with Ensemble Modern.

    Did anything similar happen in other self proclamed forward looking countries / music halls?

  7. Barry has decided to let you hear the rest of the late show from Frankfurt (not that he forgot to upload it or anything like that…)

    LOL! Mea culpa. Hey: you mess around with hash marks (#), I forget to upload full shows — I take it we’re even? :)

  8. Hey, guys, thanks for these shows! (I love MF’s stories/intros’/whatever!)

    Btw Balint my friend, you’re my other hero.

  9. Thank you very much two shows this week!
    And up until now, I had neither.
    Very Happy Zappa Friday!

  10. Perhaps I was to hard with the ear-cancer remark. I was trying to be funny, not sarcastic. And I have heard worse sound quality boots too, but I just cannot seem to enjoy them much. I am not a fanatical Zappa fan, I just love the music. The 1981/82 band is my favourite, and while I have a few very good/excellent soundquality shows from 1981, I have yet to here one from 1982, other than YCDTOSAM 5.

    I very much appreciate the existence of KUR, and the friday boots are something to look forward for.

  11. Harmless Ted Says:
    November 10th, 2007 at 2:04 am

    Perhaps I was to hard with the ear-cancer remark. I was trying to be funny, not sarcastic. And I have heard worse sound quality boots too, but I just cannot seem to enjoy them much. I am not a fanatical Zappa fan, I just love the music.

    Hey, I know you were just kidding. Who can listen to FZ and the Mothers and not help but but be a little bit sarcastic/sardonic in their humour? A special breed we freaks, I say. Being a fanatical Zappa fan, myself, I do have my limits where I draw the line: shows with a C- rating or less. Personally, the one and only FZ song that has ever irritated my ears was/is “Valley Girl”. I really abhor that song. Is it any wonder FZ never performed it live?

  12. Another one? For fun.
    Valley Girl . Valley, I suppose it ‘s San Fernando Valley, just north of Mulholland Drive.
    A good place to raise your children?
    Why not? FZ loved his children ( most of all his daughter, as all dads do).

  13. About that Barcellona 88, once Mike Keneally said that the show in Madrid of the day before (or after) was also recorded by tv and that it was sensibly more good than the Barcellona one… we might ask spanish tv…

    Correct me if I’m wrong

  14. Anyone what tune FZ is playing during his solo in Truck Driver Divorce? I know I’ve heard it before but can’t remember what it is.

  15. Peu d’entre nous aurait le privilège d’apprécier la musique de Frank Zappa, sans pour cela se poser l’ultime question : qu’est ce qui nous rapproche au point d’avoir cette sensation de non satiété musicale du style Zappaïen.

    Pour qu’elle raison après ces années qui nous ont séparer de la présence de Frank Zappa en ce monde développant une dépendance pour sa musique .

    Nous devons quand même nous rendre à l’évidence et pour se dire que comblant ainsi l’immense perte de cet artiste hors normes est enfin réalisé par des concerts hors pistes qui nous était jusqu’à présent inconnu .

    Maintenant et grâce à des fans émérite , cet hommage est le plus précieux et le plus sincère que l’on puisse lui rendre par ce partage musical.

  16. “Johan Forssell Says:

    November 9th, 2007 at 11:25 am
    Hmm, I can’t even download the Black page #2”

    Neither can I!! Arrghh!!

  17. “bernard” wrote: FZ loved his children (most of all his daughter, as all dads do).

    And his love brought him as far as to write “Magdalena”, right?

  18. Actually, I think I read somewhere that the germ of the idea for ‘Magdalena’ was produced by something a young lady once told Flo and/or Eddie about her past.

  19. Sorry ’bout this, Ronald. I’m not Jesus Christ, not even for one moment. Self imposed suffering? No.
    I do not even believe in ” an interventionist God ” ( N. Cave). In case I would feel +:/ religious I would make a choice for buddhism.
    I’m just – extremely humbly – trying to discover Humanity. Music tells us a lot about this.

    This is why I always keep putting J S Bach on top of my list. Just 200% on top of all the others. Universal western music, far ahead of its time. It’s about ordinary arts & crafts.

  20. Honest to God: “bernard” belongs in a strait jacket. A true Zen saying: Nothing is what he wants. He should listen to J.S. Bach 24/7 like Malcolm McDowell had to watch films in “A Clockwork Orange” – that might serve him well.

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