Download: Dweezil Zappa On Rockline 26/10/07

Ah the joys of Audio Hijack! Dweezil on Rockline is now available for download right over here. The file is about 101Mb, so please download directly to your hard disc (right-click, save as) instead of listening online. Bandwidth is a costly commodity…

Update: Our pal Balint has split the above monolithic track into consumable segments. Download here.

18 thoughts on “Download: Dweezil Zappa On Rockline 26/10/07”

  1. …and here it is: the show – song by song! (Sorry,, rapidshare…) I’ve edited it a bit, and here are the songs:

    Peaches (Dweezil, 2006) – 4:22
    Pygmy Twylyte – 7:35
    Dupree’s Paradise – 14:58
    City Of Tiny Lites – 8:01
    Willie The Pimp – 4:43
    Dog/Meat – 4:46
    G-Spot Tornado – 3:28

    47 minutes altogehter, fine, nice music. Thanks, Barry, for recording it for us!!!

  2. Moi le petit Français, Breton parmi les bretons , dans ma Bretagne Française, je jubile à l’écoute de cet flamboyant Hommage .

    Merci pour ce cadeau , encore une fois , à tout les artistes , à la Famille Zappa, à tout les Zappaïens de le Terre et de l’univers.

    Nous avons tous respiré un jours le même air que Frank, voilà notre véritable lien en plus de sa musique.

  3. It seems to me that not all the track has the same volume – if you get what I mean, wah, in this language. But when I write a CD from it, I’ll equalize it.
    My dear Barry’s Imaginary Publisher, I see that Audio Hyjack is for Mac only. Is there a fine tool for us, PC useres to convert streaming stuff to mp3? Anybody?
    I’d try in on Wolfgang’s Vault – with that Flo & Eddie show. That would be great.

  4. Balint Says:
    October 27th, 2007 at 5:19 pm

    Is there a fine tool for us, PC useres to convert streaming stuff to mp3? Anybody?
    I’d try in on Wolfgang’s Vault – with that Flo & Eddie show. That would be great.

    Balint, isn’t that bordering on the illegal, since Wolfgang’s Vault obviously has rights to the shows that they sell and stream? Whereas the Rockline Replay was a stream of radio broadcast? Or am I splitting hairs here?

  5. They can play ! Is that enough for you ?
    c’mon … this is pathetic … no life, no danger, they play like midi files.
    Sounds like a band full off Alan Zavod if you can picture this.

  6. In principle a musician should not bother about editing.
    An editor should.

    Someone who has some experince with editing ( amongst others) FZ music is Chris Cutler , . He was the drummer of Henry Cow. Just talk with him.

    He’ll be performing in Brussels this week ( free admittance):

    – October 2007

    30 & 31. Concert acousmatique (30) Espace Demeer, Brussels, Belgium.
    Concert for soloists and electroacoustic sources (31), with Iancu Dumitrescu, Ana Maria Avram, HYPERION Ensemble, Tim Hodgkinson, Mirel Iancovici, Tim Hodgkinson, Jean-Philippe Collard-Neven, Janet Pape, Kornelia Bruggmann, Gustavo Aguilar, Robert Reigle, Monica Timofticiuc.
    5, Henri Demeer street 1100

    – November 2007

    1. Maison du Spectacle la Bellone Brussels,Belgium.
    Concert for soloists and electroacoustic sources (31), with Iancu Dumitrescu, Ana Maria Avram, HYPERION Ensemble, Tim Hodgkinson, Mirel Iancovici, Tim Hodgkinson, Jean-Philippe Collard-Neven, Janet Pape, Kornelia Bruggmann, Gustavo Aguilar, Robert Reigle, Monica Timofticiuc. In collaboration withTranscultures.
    46 Flandre Str.

  7. Duncan says:

    Surely you should be using WireTap – Scroll down to the Recording Gallery images

    I have tried and tested out WireTap but it has proven unreliable, at least for me. By contrast, Audio Hijack does the job immaculately… at least for me :)

  8. WHAT A FANTASTIC BAND! This is getting very close to the REAL thang! Joe Travers is a killer drummer! Right man for the job! Listen to Pygmy Twilite…what a MONSTER version..very good!

    Thank you thank you thank you!

    The Yooper Duprees Paradise version is special for Mokum & Yooper…check them out:

  9. By the way: here are two ZPZ shows (rapidshare again – this time not my fault :-) ). One is from this year, (unfortunately without Zoot Allures); the other one is from last year, the program is really close the the one on the DVD.

    About the ZPZ shows ant the radio-recording above: well, I also have some problems with them sometimes, but the way they executed Dog Meat and G Spot Tornado, is just AMAZING. Dweezil did not merely play these, but had to re-orchestate them – and what a good work, with real musicianship and understanding! The Yellow Shark version (G-Spot) was never my favorite, but now with this recording I can say finally: THIS is the way it sould be played! Hey! I always jump up and down the room while listenning to it.
    If this band had these 2 songs ONLY, they’ve really made something (fortunately they’ve made more things…)
    So: thanks, Dweez!

  10. Thanks Balint! I attended the Show at Thomas Wolfe’ and it was most excellent! There is a pretty large FZ fanbase here in the Asheville area and the audiance for this show was alomst rabid. You could tell Dweez was not expecting the crowd response they got here.

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