Cease & Desist: YouTube Edition

This just in via The Idiot Bastard: guy posts little clips taken at a live ZPZ show on YouTube, receives The ZFT Treatment â„¢ we’ve all come to know so well:

(…) come on, my vids of the show were far from professional and none of them were even full songs… I was just excited to share another great Zappa experience with other music-lovers. Gail Z taught me a lesson and I will be sure to never to help promote another Zappa Plays Zappa tour again! You win, Gail.

Isn’t it good to know GZ’s crusade against the well-intentioned fan outthere continues undaunted, while those who sell bootlegs or put up official releases for download, remain untouched.

Better get used to it: it’s a way of life…

61 thoughts on “Cease & Desist: YouTube Edition”

  1. I went to the toilet to comb my hair, and while I was there I shook it more than three times, and you know what?

    I received a cease and desist order from Gail Zappa.

    Can’t a fan take a simple piss in peace?

  2. Watch out! It won’t be long till the ZFT claims that the term ‘The Idiot Bastard’ is their copyright…

  3. In the past I always gave them the benefit of the doubt (with regard to the quality of the ZFT releases). Dweez seems like a real nice guy who I think really does care about Franks music, but the ZFTs current plan of attack is too much. I kindest I can say about them now is that they’re misguided and short sighted and as a result are having a depremental affect on Franks legacy.

    The ZFT has really put me off listening to Zappa.

  4. I think gz’s been living in the kilo fog of Laurel Canyon for too long (or consuming too much of her own strange brew). She’s got litigation crazy. What’s next? Poodles named Evelyn? What gets me is how quickly Youtube did her bidding. You see, folks, it’s not their job (Youtube’s) to uphold the individual’s right of “fair use” only to make make money off the shmucks who go to their site (sound like any TRUST we know?).

    The ZFT will never put me off listening to Zappa. All the succeed in doing is put me off buying the product from them.

  5. GZ seems to be of the opinion that we need her more than she needs us…I am of a different opinion.

  6. “The ZFT has really put me off listening to Zappa” I agree with you,
    i will never buy a product from them again, glad to see F. in 88 live,
    so i don’t need them anymore. BTW: z.wazoo sounds like shit, 30Euros for this shit, the composer never released, it’s a not good one, listen to the second half, they played bored. If you want it, go to ebay, you will get it because no one seems to want it since 8 weeks. Sorry for my worst english. The composer is dead, we accept no bullshit.

  7. Even the casual listener of “The Poodle Lecture” will agree that that is one modified dog…

  8. So. Ga*l Zopper or one of her minions is spending all day surfing the net looking for easy targets to pick on for alleged copyright infringement. What a sad existence. If the protection or furtherance of the Frink Zipper ‘legacy’ is the aim then their time would be better spent trawling through the so-called ‘Vault’ looking for worthwhile material to release (through normal outlets like shops or even Amazon).

    Or maybe there is a problem with ‘the Vault’? We can only speculate because G*il and the ZFT hardly tell us anything and when they do it is unintelligible!

  9. xorg: “bernard” recently posted the story of a man, who was killed by his own vault falling on top of him. Nice metaphore!

  10. there once was a woman named g*il

    who carried her brain in a pail.

    she said with a grin, as she wiped drool from her chin,

    I can kill my dead hubby again with c&d mail!

    (or something like that)

  11. Is it allowed to make one suggestion?
    Starting point is: people ( with poor financial means) are attacked by let’s say ” others”. This could relate to a social problem. In this case it’s about multileveled music lovers.
    What can be done? I’ve learned something from my earlier experiences in other fields.
    – Do not spend money on lawyers. That’s too expensive.
    – Quite a lot of people who – while young- got inspiration from FZ, are now in key positions in professional life. Industry, Universities, you name it.
    Indeed one way or another their own FZ experience was helpful for them to achieve that.
    – You can easily get advice for free. How? Just suggest people at universities to organise a seminar, to foresee a paper, etc. on – for instance – music copyrights. Professors anyway have to foresee seminars & discussions. Students anyway have to write papers. Invite them to concentrate on this subject.
    – Just contact the people at universities you know, minimum one out of four will be ready to get in touch with their collegue, responsible for legal studies.
    – Result will not be :” being killed by the vault falling on top of you”. It will be : both (1) free consultancy, thus good advice and (2) an upswing of attention for FZ.
    Win – win all over the place.

    Do not think this is a crazy idea. I’ve taken similar initiatives in the past (in other , social fields).
    With success& results.

  12. Question:

    While they (you know who they are, don’t’cha) go on and on and on endlessly about *his* legacy, of all the Vaulternative/Zappa Record releases, which ones were consistently entertaining from start to finish like one came to expect, for the most part, while *he* was alive?


    Buffalo (because it was an entire show)

  13. While I agree that a poodle is a heavily modified dog, i don’t recall that the poodle in the poodle lecture was ever referred to as evelyn.
    I had always concluded from the song Evelyn that the modified dog in question was of a breed other than poodle. My theory about the modification was that this either meant that the dog had been spade or neutered or that the modification was a result of some mind altering substance having been introduced such as was the case in apostrophe where Fido becomes able to speak after inhaling the aroma of the stinkfoot slippers, much like schullers rotten apples.
    (Where is my Ben Watson Book hiding?)
    To support this theory here are lyrics from Token of My Extreme:
    If you been
    It’s an illusion,
    an yer in between.
    this suggests that modification is actually a euphemism to getting high.

  14. Since when did lawyers need proof to begin their litigation, jane23? It’s just their hope of setting a precedent. If *they* can find a poodle named Evelyn, and if that dog’s owner is indeed a Zappa fan, then it’s my august conclusion that said *fan* will soon join the ranks of that ever growing club of dignified persons, musicians, and such who have received these toxic missives (a token of their extreme).

  15. G@il – go eat some yellow snow.

    I’m on the boycott bandwagon too now. If I go see Dweezil that money will go towards the band and their overhead, so I can feel good about that.

    But, g@il is f*cked. This is just evil and self defeating behavior. Totally unhinged and unhelpful to piss off fr@nk’s fanbase after they enthuse about his music??? Wtf??

    Time to throw on a boot that I traded for but paid no money for (and which I’d buy if it were released officially, although only 2nd hand, not from the zulu freaking ft), since it’ll make me feel good to hear some EFF f*cking Zee and celebrate his art and thumb my nose at this insane and moronic behavior.

  16. Please, you must understand! Every fan who isn’t sending me their money and instead wastes it on producing fn sites, internet connections to upload small video clips, etc., is taking Jack-In-The-Box and Krispy Kremes outta my enormous mouth!

    Please show me some respect and send me burgers, quickly, before I cruise again!

  17. Something about all this C&D hoopla REALLY makes me queasy.
    Check THIS out … but be warned, kids – it ain’t nice:

    I need somebody to explain this: why is it I keep hearing over & over again about a bunch of websites openly SELLING original Zappa material &/or concert boots … sometimes for YEARS … without any legal repercussions descending on the pointy heads of said BootPimps whatsoever, on so much as ONE occaision? Can somebody – anybody – PLEASE give me a contrary example (no, really, I’m not being smarmy – this is deadly serious – I’d dearly love to know where & when I’m wrong on this one)? GZ has made a reference in public to “using dollars to chase nickels” so why is she WASTING(?) dollars to chase THIN AIR instead of using them to chase EUROS (or Yen or Rubles or etc.)? At this point, given GZ’s alleged fanatical zeal in “protecting” their business & FZ’s music, that’s not merely myopic or schizoid – it’s downright fishy.

    I can only come up with 2 reasonable options to explain the apparent total immunity of FZ profiteers on the Interwebs: either they’re just magically empowered with the skill of ultra-elusive Cyber-Ninjas, keeping them safely hidden beyond the long arm of the law … or … by virtue of a little “Royalty Cheese” wafting its way to a certain house in California, these folks have the UNofficial blessing of the ZFT to keep right on doing it (to US), in perpetuity.

    Option 1 is looking a mite improbable, given that we already know GZ can quickly find out about a measly tribute concert in some small-town bar & contact them in person, or locate & legally threaten a fan with a couple of homemade ZPZ videos on his YouTube channel. Option 2, despite its putrid reek, has a few highly salient benefits for the recipient/s of said “Royalty Cheese” in that it would maintain the health & continuity of the same evil boogeyman the ZFT needs to justify its regime of “Our Way – Or Else” … as well as being a nice little sub rosa source of tax-free payola for people with few other sources of income & rather bourgeois lifestyles. It also explains why FREE Zappa emissions would be the beneficiaries of a big dose of extreme pummeling via the ZFT jackboot: they’re jinxing the racket by creating competition.

    It really turns my stomach to think the ZFT would ever dare to stoop to a DIY version of the same slimy Payola that wound up keeping nearly every song Zappa ever wrote off the radio for his entire career. I SO want this to be wrong … but the ongoing stench of this bizarre double-standard that’s being applied to well-meaning Zappa fans might just be masking something else even uglier.


  18. … & yes, I know about certain countries being less cooperative than others when it comes to International law … but there are still websites in W. Europe & even the US doing this … & I’ve yet to hear of ONE of them going down for their nefarious biz … EVER …

  19. …and whilst Gail’s attorneys flail and froth cappriciously
    all of FRANK ZAPPA’s music is available on Deezer dot com.


  20. as conspiratorial and shady as it sounds, jim, i believe your theory re: gail’s relentless pursuit of free sites rings true.

    i believe gail was first a military man’s daughter, then a cocktail waitress and groupie, then a stay-at-home mom and loyal wife of a famous and wealthy rock star. no wonder she’s got her head up her ass. she never had anything to do with the creation of the music (the most important part of zappa’s legacy, historically speaking). and without her husband’s rigorous quality control to keep her in check, she has released one pile of shit after another whilst sitting on the one true cash cow in her possession (ROXY DVD, ANYONE?).

    dweezil has never had a moment of original musical inspiration in his cush life, at least not as far as his commercial output is concerned. the man is a privileged automaton (though i can tolerate the theme to the ben stiller show).

    ahmet is obviously an insufferable douchebag – ten seconds of interview footage and first-hand reports from nearly everyone who has ever worked with or around him reveal the truth.

    i’ve had it with these assholes. it’s ebay and amazon or bust from here on out.

  21. mcnastie says:

    January 5th, 2008 at 9:13 am

    “Dweezil has never had a moment of original musical inspiration in his cush life, at least not as far as his commercial output is concerned. the man is a privileged automaton (though i can tolerate the theme to the ben stiller show).”

    I strongly disagree, Dweezil is one of the most underarted guitarists ever. He melds parts of FZ’s style with ’80s Hard Rock and Metal influences. He also seems to be a genuinely nice guy concerned with keeping Frank’s legacy alive.

  22. I think xorg pointed out why the ZFT is hitting these soft targets… its because they are the ones they can find. Do a seach in google and the main zappa fan sites come up. On United Mutations there are lists of the covers bands so they are easy to find. Do a search through Youtube for Zappa and its easy to find heaps. Finding and working out about torrent sites to download full albums, or other dodgy places requires more net savvy.

    These lawyers I doubt spend their time doing that.. would be expensive so I would assume it is gail and co…. and looking at their internet awareness with respect to marketing FZ stuff they appear very ignorant of how the internet all works. I don’t imagine she is very different from my mum with this stuff…. so hence the easy targets.

  23. jamez – it’s your right to enjoy dweezil. it’s my right to see him for the charlatan that i feel he is. i don’t care who he’s amalgamating in his approach to guitar wankery. it leaves me cold. i’ll take the worst ‘guitar’-era reggae exploration over dweezil’s finest moment any day. as a working musicain in a moderately-sized american city, i can say that i’ve worked with local guitarists who could clean the floor with dweezil in terms of musicianship and concept, and at least match him in terms of van halen-style tappistry. the only reason we’re not talking about them is that they didn’t have the good fortune to be born a ‘zappa’.

    there you go, that’s my two bits – whatever that’s worth.

  24. Is it allowed to reiterate one remark? FZ’s legacy now in a certain way seems to be similar to Wagners. In case you would be interested, one of the best 2007 books is about the Wagner Family Trust ( link : see one of my earler posts). His grand – grand , etc children are now disputing his legacy and the youngest won in 2007. “Wagner ” , Bayreuth Festspiele ( compare it with ZPZ) is basically about money, partly about preserving a legacy. The difference is that Cosima ( Wagners wife) wasn’t interested in creating that sort of Bayreuth madness.

    Back to basics. Music / Art. You happen to be a Musician when your shadowis long throughout the years.The major question is: who will take FZ further in a creative / innovative way? Yes, indeed, many musicians are actually doing it.

  25. The closest that Dweezil got to true originality, in my opinion, were on select cuts on Automatic. Since then, nada. It’s just be a reiteration of his father’s work. I wonder when will he step out from his father’s long and impressive shadow and become his *own* man, musically, and stop imitating the likes of Eddie Van Halen, et al? Perhaps the biggest difficulty he has is being raised in privilege, and thus, doesn’t have the raw hunger that the youthful Frank had. The name Zappa can only take you so far. The rest of the journey takes eyebrows and tenacity.

  26. As a Disc Jockey who does a weekly “Zappa Boot of the Week” on my radio show, I can see both sides of the argument. On the one hand, there is an inherent wrong feeling about attaining bootlegs because of their potentially shady backgrounds (ie: audience tapings, may have been bought and sold, etc.), and the perceived idea that any and every copy of a bootleg WILL (not possibly, but arbitrarily WILL) be sold so that the ‘legger can profit and ultimately deny the original composer of the “air structures” his royalties and other dues. The inherent problem with the bootleg-banning concept is that for all the fans of Zappa music (or any other musician), is that although some boots will ultimately be sold for profit and deprive an artist of that profit, many true bootleg fans will acknowledge there is a marked difference in quality (usually) between a person-supplied bootleg and a soundboard (ie: ZFT copy) or the finished release.

    On the same token that bootlegs are not always the best resource, they do provide a purpose. For those who have many, or all of the releases by a certain artist, bootlegs provide an outlet to perhaps see where a raw take / track (Remember, zappa was a big fan of xenochrony, or mixing tracks by different bandmembers on different dates) originated from. Until the ZFT began releasing concerts for our enjoyment on a VERY sporadic basis, the only way for those of us to enjoy even some of the elements of a live zappa concert was to find and listen to these bootlegs, or be lucky enough to be Joe Travers.

    Gail oversees that FZ’s music is used properly, and thus why it’s so rare to hear FZ music in a movie soundtrack (The only example I can think of where she gave her permission was “Watermelon in Easter Hay” for “Y Tu Mama Tambien). Although she has done her job in that respect, she has failed miserably in the appeasing of zappaphiles wishing to hear Frank’s works. Gail, beyond a doubt, should release “Dance Me This”, “Varese: The Rage and the Fury” and whatever other works FZ completed or worked on before his death, however the release of the Joe’s XXXX-age combination seems to be a mere half-assed attempt at covering these lost / obscure eras.

    The reason bootleggers exist is because they provide a service for listeners to enjoy these concerts, as I said earlier. I have heard for at least the past 6 or 7 years that Gail has been planning a subscription service to enable Frank’s fans to download his concerts legally, yet have not seen the idea come to fruition. Other bands, such as King Crimson and the DGM archives, allow fans to buy digital downloads of tapes at reasonable costs ($3 for MP3 and $7 for FLAC) that enable the fan to recollect on concerts gone by in a completely legal manner. This enables the musician to not have to put out C & D orders to bootleggers and other fans who enjoy “the audience perspective”. Frank himself even put out a “Bootleg Series” and kept himself at arm’s length by disclaiming that he did not have any modification factor on the tapes and what you see is what you get. If Gail even provided THIS, bootleggers would be somewhat appeased.

    If the ZFT is failing its fans in such a big way that they must be vindictive towards what fans show they want, then the ZFT is failing to see what Frank’s initial purpose was as a musician. As much as Frank did not like bootleggers, he also was genuinely appreciative of his fans and did his best to make his followers satisfied. Gail may be a Zappa by name, but she isn’t Frank, and thus should not be looking at Frank’s concert material as if she was. Take the soundboard recordings, open up a virtual vault that we fans can pay say $5 per soundboard recording and LEGALLY download, and many of us will gladly pay to be able to enjoy memorable shows over and over and over whenever we want, without the fear of C & D orders from an overly vindictive witch.

    If you ask me, where’s Frank when you need him?


    If you want something just contact Gail I’m sure she will talk to you on what the requirements are to use ZAPPA Property. I read a neat article where she is actually giving permission as long as you ASK ***
    see link below.
    What troubles me is the response from what I read on this page—Zappa would read that if I my imagine so he would run and cry saying “this is listening to my records I have enough of that shit I take me of the market” Or he said boohoo I make a record of all that shit that is written here ! Thanks darling Gail J Think In Zappa terms and not what morals you have learned from your parents :)~
    Zappa told you all did you forget ? Lots of people eating the yellow snow around here !!!

    A few words to IKE WILLIS I don’t know if you read and post on this site “ I have listened to your record on the internet “THESE TUNES ROCK” I would play my own music.
    IF I MAY SAY SO J Sounds to me that in Project Object you are merely the horse that pulls the band with its name IKE WILLIS ! I don’t think you should be playing for a second hand wanna be Zappa




  28. “Juergen”, before you give good advice to others to “grow a brain”, why don´t you start yourself? Yours is an arrogant way of looking at other peoples opinions – no matter if they´re good or bad. It´s not free mind for everyone kinda perspective, you have! Was that the way your father talked to you, when you were young?

  29. [quote comment=”17238″]If you want something just contact Gail I’m sure she will talk to you on what the requirements are to use ZAPPA Property.[/quote]
    This entire website is the online equivalent of having some friends over for a party and telling them: “Hey, check out this guy called Frank Zappa! His music is amazing! BUY HIS STUFF, YOU’LL LOVE IT!”.

    I need permission to be of help in getting people to buy FZ’s music? That, my good man, is a steaming load of bollocks, and I hope one day GZ will come to realize it.

    She needs us more than we need her. As GZ goes around cease-and-desist-ing well-meant from-the-heart FZ tributes (be they websites, festivals or bands), she is de facto destroying her very own business and livelihood — no two ways about it.

    Chew on that for a bit, why don’t you.

  30. “The closest that Dweezil got to true originality, in my opinion, were on select cuts on Automatic. Since then, nada. It’s just be a reiteration of his father’s work.”

    How is he doing at that reiteration? Well enough to call it a “reiteration?”

    Pray tell, great oracle, how many FZ fans prefer Dweezil to the real thing? How many FZ fans see Dweezil as FZ 2.0?

    Dweezil plays him some great metal–so why the faux FZ 2.0 routine? Why doesn’t he put on the spandex, poof the hair and have at it?

  31. I was really hoping somebody would tell me what a royal flaming asshole I am for such a wild & gruesome idea … & then proceed to show me exactly why it is that I’m just blowing smoke up my own ass.

    Can’t I be wrong?

    ( & don’t for one minute think I’d advocate some kind of “Let’s All Fight Dumbass With Dumbass” approach to the ZFT by purchasing ANYTHING off of the CyberBootPimp sites, as I’ve already read of one that will happily sell you their hot FZ tunes – & then just as happily slip your computer a Spyware Mickey “at no extra cost”)

    “Welcome to …’WHAT DE FUCK GWINE ON HEAH?’ … a Celebratium o’ de Ermerikan way o’ Life!”

  32. [quote comment=”17260″]”The closest that Dweezil got to true originality, in my opinion, were on select cuts on Automatic. Since then, nada. It’s just be a reiteration of his father’s work.”

    How is he doing at that reiteration? Well enough to call it a “reiteration?”

    Pray tell, great oracle, how many FZ fans prefer Dweezil to the real thing? How many FZ fans see Dweezil as FZ 2.0?

    Dweezil plays him some great metal–so why the faux FZ 2.0 routine? Why doesn’t he put on the spandex, poof the hair and have at it?[/quote]

    Let me check my crystal ball and I’ll get back to ya….

  33. [quote comment=”17262″]I was really hoping somebody would tell me what a royal flaming asshole I am for such a wild & gruesome idea … & then proceed to show me exactly why it is that I’m just blowing smoke up my own ass.

    Can’t I be wrong?

    ( & don’t for one minute think I’d advocate some kind of “Let’s All Fight Dumbass With Dumbass” approach to the ZFT by purchasing ANYTHING off of the CyberBootPimp sites, as I’ve already read of one that will happily sell you their hot FZ tunes – & then just as happily slip your computer a Spyware Mickey “at no extra cost”)

    “Welcome to …’WHAT DE FUCK GWINE ON HEAH?’ … a Celebratium o’ de Ermerikan way o’ Life!”[/quote]

    Yes, jim, you are ABSOLUTELY wrong, a royal flaming asshole, and you’re blowing smoke up your own ass…

    And yes, jim, there really is a Santa, a Tooth fairy, and an Easter Bunny…

    And Gail Zappa is a really, really, really, really nice person that doesn’t want to hurt anyone — just protect her poor, starving, hurtin’ kids and long departed (though financially still endearing) hubnik from the likes of *us* pesky profiteering poofters…

    Do you feel better now, jim?

  34. [quote comment=”17193″]I
    These lawyers I doubt spend their time doing that.. would be expensive so I would assume it is gail and co…. and looking at their internet awareness with respect to marketing FZ stuff they appear very ignorant of how the internet all works. I don’t imagine she is very different from my mum with this stuff…. so hence the easy targets.[/quote]

    If my blog’s site tracker is any indication, there was someone at Inter Continential Absurditites on a Sunday, a few weeks before this latest round of Briefcase Boogie, doing just that.

    Who is so devoted to the ZFT cause that they would come in to work on a Sunday?

    It’s hard to imagine anyone at that job getting overtime, Zappas being what they are about money.

    You’d think her brother would have explained to her about site trackers.

    We shouldn’t be so hard on Gail the Whale, it’s an election year after all, her handlers must be really be putting the squeeze on her.

    Maybe it’s part of a secret governement plot to create more internet control?…..

  35. [quote comment=”17243″]
    She needs us more than we need her. As GZ goes around cease-and-desist-ing well-meant from-the-heart FZ tributes (be they websites, festivals or bands), she is de facto destroying her very own business and livelihood — no two ways about it.

    Quoted for TRUTH!

    Frank didn’t have the sack to divorce Gail in life, preferring to keep her like a brood hen/sex slave in the ever-expanding upstairs while he “entertained” in his basement lair.
    Very Mediterranean. Most capos have the class to keep their comares off-site, but FZ had a few social deficits, like many on the high functioning end of Asperger’s syndrome.

    He also had a father who had struggled with the catholic stigma of divorce. He also had a catholic mother who insisted he marry Gail in the first place. He’d already been divorced once. I doubt it was a process he was prepared to face, despite their mutual litigation fetish.

    Now the Toast Queen sues his “lovers” over and over as punishment. Her actions create the same negativity she lived with when he was alive, which in a way, might be comforting to her. That kind of abuse is addictive.

    It’s heart-breaking there is no-one in her life who can help her through this, but wealth and mental illnes are an isolating combination.

    Certainly her high powered attorneys at 11848 Vose Street (exactly where is that anyway?) aren’t going to refuse her money if she wants to acquire their services.

    On the upside this could be the kind of petit-fascism that breaks the 100th Monkey’s back, inspiring the Zappurian Candidates globally to relcaim the world for the United Mutations of Harmony.

    Or we’re all going to jail for listening to music. Frank *was* psychic, we all know that.

    Adelaide, get help, for your children, for your grandchildren.


    Assumption, 1000 People trying to figure out all about the ZAPPAS relying on second hand information GREAT keep it stirred I’m glad the shit smells only on this site, you guys would make a great BILD

  37. [quote comment=”17308″]SHORT AND SWEET !!!

    Assumption, 1000 People trying to figure out all about the ZAPPAS relying on second hand information GREAT keep it stirred I’m glad the shit smells only on this site, you guys would make a great BILD
    Dear gadoodledee, you come across as quite incoherent and offensive (the term “brown lipstick” comes to mind). Yet I’ve approved your comment which, as you knew upon hitting the post button, was going to be in the moderation queue because of the “Bild” link. I suggest you try something similar at the züppi dot côm forums.

    Yes, indeed, the shit, as you so eloquently put forth, does smell on this site — so glad you noticed. This is because (and I’m stooping down to your level of intelligence here, hope you don’t mind), there is in fact smelly shit, and that smell needs to be picked up.

    You sir, are a dunce — and I’ll die before I censor your clueless, poorly worded, misguided opinions.

    Keep at it! You’re actually doing us a service.

    Kind Regards,


  38. “gadoodledee” is my friend “Juergen” again, the pile of shit who – through consumption of meat – is able to use a computer with keyboard. You must have had a hard childhood, Juergen. Did your father hit you very often, so that you have to hit others? You´re a poor little creature, I´m so sorry for you … Really!

  39. gadoodledee, how/why so sure it’s “second hand” information?

    Do you know (first hand) the difference between first and second hand information?

    So you’re all cool with how the ZFT rolls?

    I’m just asking.

  40. To gadoodledee, gaildoodledee & her lawyers at züppi dot côm:

    “There where it smells of shit
    it smells of being.
    Man could just as well not have shat,
    not have opened the anal pouch,
    but he chose to shit
    as he would have chosen to live
    instead of consenting to live dead.”

    – Antonin Artaud

    It may stink of shit at this site — but it smells like freedom to me, Barry!

  41. Better check out my youtube account while you can, i’m well overdue for one of those notices myself. YouTube/WesBroadway

    i think a couple of my videos have been talked about here, but good still nonetheless, for those who missed it -p guitar work from a philly soundcheck, 1988; petite wazoo action from 73 in stockholm sweden. good stuff, check em out and long live frank.

  42. If I receive a letter telling me take down the “Make Me Laugh” clip I’ll frame it and hang it in the lavatory.

  43. [quote comment=”17353″]Better check out my youtube account while you can, i’m well overdue for one of those notices myself. YouTube/WesBroadway

    Indeed, I tried to check out the FZ Dick Cavett interview (listed as one of your favourites) only to discover that the user that posted it in the first place had pulled it. This self-censorship is extremely disquieting. Is the remainder of the web community just going to roll over and let their rights be trampled upon (The Dick Cavett Show was a public television broadcast, and as such, not the property of FZ’s heirs).

  44. Thanks for the link, jane23. I can’t believe I’ve never heard of this group before now. They are really quite excellent…

  45. I heard of Magma before but never heard their music. I saw a review in a Brit music mag saying that they had elements of Zappa in their music. That clip sounds like Yoko Ono and Roy Estrada being tortured while the late 60’s MOI plays in the background!

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