We Dub Thee: Swedish KUR

Damn it’s cold over here.


Behold the new, snowy white 1024x768px-compliant lay-out for KUR, dubbed “Fronk Zippo version 1.0”. It’s still very much a work in progress, and you won’t be seeing it at the discography or the Gig List for the time being — we’re working on that. There will be more features available soon. Oh and by the way, we didn’t move our stuff to Sweden, though we are sure it’s a wonderfully liberal country! :)

As we’re still hunting down browser bugs, please do let us know if anything looks whacky. Thanks!

70 thoughts on “We Dub Thee: Swedish KUR”

  1. At first sight I must say I think I’m gonna like here in Sweden. It’s looking really good, Barry, and from a Firefox p.o.v. no problems so far.
    Congratulations, I can’t wait to see how it develops.

  2. It’s a bit wide. Half the screen for blog posts, while the other half has links and tags. Looks kinda messy on the links side, and I miss the red :(

    As you can tell, I fear change.

  3. KUR looks magnificent, I’m sure Fronk Zippo (zaat allores, how I like this name) would appreciate

    thank you – thank you – thank you and thank you

  4. Hey its a Great New Welcome Here, what a surprise. The future is unwritten and we will be a part of it. Thanks KUR!

  5. I like!

    Nice use of Helvetica for the title (I saw the ‘Helvetica’ documentry recently and have become acutley aware of it uses). My only critisims is that the three colums make the top of the page seems a bit noisy, The search box seems lost in the middle of it all.

  6. helvetica fan here too – like the white although i always appreciated the design aspect of the previous one… thanks for using more real estate too, i didn’t chime in on that post but this works nice. ok well kind regards…

  7. Great site, but no yellow snow?

    PS My 14 year old son, who has been taking drum and percussion lessons of his own free will for about four years now, stated today that he thinks “Civilisation Phase III” is great. How do you think I feel now, being his father? Great news for Gail and the ZFT I guess.

  8. Rob Elbers says:
    December 19th, 2007 at 12:20 am

    My 14 year old son, who has been taking drum and percussion lessons of his own free will for about four years now, stated today that he thinks “Civilisation Phase III” is great. How do you think I feel now, being his father? Great news for Gail and the ZFT I guess.

    That’s great. The world hardly has enough freaks in it.

    Re: Great news for Gail and the ZFT… It’s their business to sell FZ’s music. That’s where it begins and ends. What the fans do, as long as it doesn’t interfere with them selling their product, should be of no consequence to them whatsoever…

  9. i like ur attitude
    bozos come on all threatening & patronizing & fascistic
    saying my way or the highway
    ur telling’em
    like they wrote or recorded the music, geez…
    goodbye bozos hello downloading
    not everything in the world is money
    & not everything in the world is the way you say it is

  10. It’s a Helvetica site, Barry! A change is as good as a rest. And like bozos says: not everything in the world is about “money” and not everything in the world is the way “they” say it is. KUR is an open forum for open minds.

  11. I really like the new KUR logo on top.
    Nice start.
    Barry, I wondering what horrible propaganda is on the flip side of your mouse pad?

  12. Re-post!

    Thanks for the comments everyone! You all seem to be enchanted by the “Helvetica header”, well credit where credit is due: Dr Sharleena is the one who designed that graphic. The rest of the site’s layout pretty much followed from there. Those little drawings are mine though! All mine! Copyrighted! Just so you know.

  13. Barry, I wondering what horrible propaganda is on the flip side of your mouse pad?

    Don’t worry about that, worry about what microscopic little creatures live and eat off of that mouse pad. I’ve had that thing since the last century!

  14. Congrats, Barry! Your new hut is sensibly cozy, fellow Zippers appreciate winding ways to freedom. About the subject transcendency, I myself know many youngsters who looove Fronk’s music and snake hips. Wish you all the best in the new home!

  15. Ooh, nice & bright.
    Wow … I’m always delighted when things mutate!
    It’s not frosty, it’s creamy!

    Sweden: best rated country overall, I’ve heard.
    Don’t tell the Americans – they’ll find oil there, & we all know what happens after THAT.

  16. One question: will not the old designs will be shown somewhere – maybe just as screenshots? (I hardly remember the first one I saw… There was a lot of guys on a big tabloid picture, maybe?…) Just as a bit of nostalgia for the old folks. Oh yes: and for educational reasons! :-)

  17. On tiny idea – just something to talk about. Someone mentioned that the three columns are almost identical, one can miss them at first site. What if the main column remained whit, while the other two (what do you mean the other two?) would get a very light grey tone?
    Just an idea – hm?
    Another thing: helvetica was created in 1957 – so its exactly 50 years old!

  18. UniMuta: thanks! You have to marvel at the disclaimer though!


    What if the main column remained whit, while the other two (snip) would get a very light grey tone?

    How about this? (Refresh browser) I sorta met you halfway: middle column light grey…

  19. Good to see this new APPAZ KNARF site, like mentioned before…more colors please. Makes it cosier

  20. KUR renaît des ses cendres, la mutation est en cours, la métamorphose sublimera le névrose Zappaïenne.. Ce qui me blesse me rend plus fort. Cela était certainement nécessaire . Dommage que ce soit toujours dans la douleur

    KUR reappears as of its ashes, the change is in hand, the metamorphosis will sublimate the Zappaïenne. neurosis. What wounds to me returns to me more extremely. That was certainly necessary. It’s a pity that it is always in pain

  21. Je voulais m’excuser pour mes posts. Je ne pratique que votre langue grâce à un traducteur. Dois je pour autant me taire et à cause de la barrière de la langue qui nous sépare garder mes sentiments. Mes impressions ne sont peu être pas celle que je voudrais vous communiquer. Cette lacune nous la subissons car le français est une belle langue soit, mais ne la parler seulement est un sérieux handicap . je pense apprendre au fur et à mesure des traduction un peu et j’espère par la suite beaucoup de la vision des fans autre que Français sur l’idée qu’ils se font sur Frank Z. Milles excuse pour mes propos qui sont souvent dévier du sens profonds de vos interventions. Je laisse toujours un texte original pour vous permettre de mieux le traduire s’ils vous intéressent. Longue vie à KUR

    I wanted to excuse me for my posts. I practise only your language thanks to a translator. I for keep silent themselves as much and because of the barrier of the language must which separates us to keep my feelings. My impressions are not little to be not that which I would like to communicate to you. This gap let us undergo we it because French is a beautiful language is, but to only speak it is a serious handicap. I think of learning progressively with the translation a little and I hope for thereafter much the vision of the fans other than French on the idea that they are made on Frank Z Milles excuses for my remarks which are often to deviate of the major directions of your interventions. I always leave an original text to allow you to better translate it if they interest you. Long life with KUR

  22. moijeil: entant que Belge “frontalier”, je tiens à te dire que non seulement je comprends ce que tu nous écris, mais qu’en plus je l’apprécie beaucoup. Merci pour tes contributions — il y en a qui comprennent, croyez-moi.

  23. J’ai fait la redécouverte d’une émission grâce à KUR ,interview de Edouard Varèse. Celle ci je l’avait écouter un soir quand je rentrais du boulot. Un peu comme un déclic ce fut encore une fois ma réconciliation avec Frank Z. la disposition et l’analyse musicale, le génie de Varèse m’as émerveiller. Ce que j’avais encore du mal à comprendre dans l’attitude novatrice de Frank Z. je ne veux pas paraître pour un illuminé, ni pour un prétentieux mais pas mal de chose devenais logique à ce modeste musicien amateur que je suis. A savoir si Frank Z. en avait vider la synthèse de sa substance, est ce que le mariage de la dodécaphonie et du dadaïsme se consumais à ce moment , Frank laissait la base d’une musique dite binaire pour développer son style et le calquer sur les embruns de la vie moderne. Il y à une chose qui rapproche ses deux génies, l’acte novateur.

    I made the rediscovery of an emission thanks to KUR, interview of Edouard Varèse. That Ci I had it to listen to one evening when I returned of the job. A little as a catch it was once again my reconciliation with Frank Z the provision and the musical analysis, the genius of Varèse have to fill with wonder me. What I had still of the evil to include/understand in the innovative attitude of Frank Z I do not want to appear for one illuminated, nor for pretentious but not badly of thing became logical with this modest musician amateur who I am. Namely if Frank Z had some to empty the synthesis of his substance, is what the marriage of the dodécaphonie and dadaism were consumed at this time, Frank let the base of a music known as binary to develop his style and to copy it on the spray of the modern life. It there with a thing which brings closer its two geniuses, the innovative act.

  24. Nice graphics Dr. Sharleena.( Where she dun went?) Very nice drawings, Barry. Be careful, that second character has a Jay Leno chin. Gotta go! My mouse pad just moved by itself.

  25. For those who bemoaned the lack of cozy colours, I have news: the page now has a dark blue background, similar to the previous layout. You’ll only notice that if you have a screen-res higher than 1024 wide though.

  26. What would be your choice of words, Hank?
    People never use the word joint in my area unless if they’re talking about drugs. It just seems a bit out of place on a website about a man who was very anti-drug. I can’t say I have a better suggestion though.

  27. Hank Peters says:
    December 19th, 2007 at 8:31 pm

    “Search The Joint”? Not exactly the choice of words I’d use.

    Barry’s Imaginary Publisher says:
    December 19th, 2007 at 8:33 pm

    What would be your choice of words, Hank?

    What’s so wrong with “Search The Joint”? Because the word “Joint” also has a meaning associated with marijuana use? How Nancy Reagan-ish. Well, it also has a meaning associated with parts of the human body. How ridiculous. What about Frnk Zpp’s favourite legal drugs like caffiene and nicotine? Didn’t he refer to them as vegetables?

    My alternate choice of words (though unnecessary) would be: “Call Any Vegetable.”

  28. Nice move guys. I have come to depend on your renegade activities.

    Not so sure Sweden – my home land – is as “liberal” as some think – make sure to check on the file sharing suit results from Pirate Bay.

    On the note of Gail, I think that technically, she has the right to do this.

    However, as someone brought up, Jonathan Code Monkey Man is on to something. And, I bet effzee would have been on the net with him.

    What all these sites, although renegade in nature, have nurtured and sustained – even expanded – the fan base. Thus I see your activities as loss leaders to the ZFT – free publicity if you will.

    I wonder if Bob Dylan, Lennon/McCartney – Yoko even, are as worried about all this?

    I have everything but the latest barkfo stuff bought and paid for, and 25G of Gilles Friday boots.

    While Bogus Pomp, Project Object, Ed Palermo, Paul Green School of Rock and all the other fine constellations were performing effzee’s music, where the hell was Dweezil & co for 13 years?

    So, in the end the ZFT is likely shooting itself in the proverbial foot by alienating the hard core fan base.

    No they don’t owe me anything even though I have put food on their tables since 1968.

  29. “As we’re still hunting down browser bugs, please do let us know if anything looks whacky.”

    Well Barry, your gloves for one thing……

  30. “Perfection is finally attained, not when there is no longer anything to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away.” — Antoine de Saint Exupéry

  31. Looooking good, Barry. You will be happy to know that the KUR situation has encouraged many people to speak up and respond to Gail’s usual blather in the KUR thread on Z forum. To the extent of getting banned from the forum. It’s down for Frank’s B-day now, we shall see if that thread or any of the posts survived tomorrow.

  32. DebK: always a joy to hear from you!

    I’ve been following the discussion at the Z forums obviously — including the occasional incomprehensible “gz” comment — until they shut it down earlier today (I wonder why). Prior to that, it appears certain comments had already been deleted; notably a comment by one Andre_C.

    Oh, and “down for Frank’s B-day” you say? Why would the ZFT shut down its FZ forum because it happens to be his birthday?

    Long live free speech, eh?

    Happy birthday Mr Zappa. Wish you were still among us.

  33. kidkeneally says:
    December 21st, 2007 at 5:22 pm e
    Check out the wallpapers !!! I just noticed . Cool

    Awww…somebody noticed. As I am the one who designed the wallpapers, I feel flattered :oops:

    Got chicken or smelled the glove?

  34. DebK says:
    December 21st, 2007 at 4:24 pm

    Looooking good, Barry. You will be happy to know that the KUR situation has encouraged many people to speak up and respond to Gail’s usual blather in the KUR thread on Z forum. To the extent of getting banned from the forum. It’s down for Frank’s B-day now, we shall see if that thread or any of the posts survived tomorrow

    Barry’s Imaginary Publisher says:
    December 21st, 2007 at 5:29 pm

    I’ve been following the discussion at the Z forums obviously — including the occasional incomprehensible “gz” comment — until they shut it down earlier today (I wonder why). Prior to that, it appears certain comments had already been deleted; notably a comment by one Andre_C.

    Oh, and “down for Frank’s B-day” you say? Why would the ZFT shut down its FZ forum because it happens to be his birthday?

    Long live free speech, eh?

    Ain’t that just typical passive/aggressive behavior? Don’t like where the discussion is going so “they” just “ban” it or “delete” it altogether. No wonder KUR is such a threat to them. The whole idea of “free speech” is to fight tooth and nail for a person’s right to speak, especially when you disagree vehemently with what that person is saying. In all the time I have frequented KUR, I have never known of a single instance when someone was ever “banned” or their comments “deleted.” What does this say about our Z forum counterpart? I already know what it says about Barry and KUR and what they stand for.

  35. Dr Sharleena says:
    December 21st, 2007 at 5:45 pm

    kidkeneally says:
    December 21st, 2007 at 5:22 pm e
    Check out the wallpapers !!! I just noticed . Cool

    Awww…somebody noticed. As I am the one who designed the wallpapers, I feel flattered :oops:

    Got chicken or smelled the glove?

    Great wallpapers, Dr Sharleena! One suggestion for us older freaks, though: how about something with lots of vegetables in it, huh? They are our friends, after all… muffins, pumpkins, wax paper…there really for ya!

  36. [quote]Barry’s Imaginary Publisher says:

    DebK: always a joy to hear from you!

    I’ve been following the discussion at the Z forums obviously — including the occasional incomprehensible “gz” comment — until they shut it down earlier today (I wonder why). Prior to that, it appears certain comments had already been deleted; notably a comment by one Andre_C.

    Oh, and “down for Frank’s B-day” you say? Why would the ZFT shut down its FZ forum because it happens to be his birthday?

    Long live free speech, eh?

    Thank you for your kindness (curtsey). Hope you and Gaby are well and happy

    The thing is that what has been said cannot be unsaid, whether or not the original posts have been erased from the Z forum. In little forums and fan sites across the net Andre C’s posts and other relevant information have been copied and shared amongst the participants. There are discussions and decisions as to how to interpret what has happened since the c&d letter was sent. Free speech is still with us no matter what Gail or anyone says or does to repress it. And I really wish Frank was still here, too.

Comments are closed.