24 thoughts on “Brest ’79”

  1. Well thank you again, Mr. Gilles, for posting another great show! Good band (Vinnie!), good show (humor!), good sound quality (SBD A-!).

    On guitar: Harmles Ted!

  2. You know me: a strange footnote.

    I do not envy musicians making tours. Take this example. Brest ( very remote in France) in 1979. How did they managed to get there? To get there in due time and start playing their music? In 1979 here was a minor airport ( for small planes) in Brest. Mistery.
    Now I’ll tease our French friends. Brest is an Atlantic French port in Brittany. The French never happened throughout history to have the world capital in their beloved country, unlike – from 16th century till now- Bruges, Genua, London, New York and Los Angeles. Why? Because they never considered developing a major port. For figures about the current state of play of French ports: see J. Attali” Une Brève Histoire de l’ Avenir”, Fayard, p. 396. Very smart book, written by a French Jew.

  3. definitely a fave band. thanks much for this one! this was the same tour as “any way the wind blows” bootleg i think also, eh? really cool guitar on these sessions, he reaches pretty far into the bag for some of those riffs, making for some of the more exciting zappa to listen to. thanks again!

  4. Dear Lron etc.

    Ok, Monata is a remote place. That’s not a shame. US West coast seems to be much more innovating.
    However.Let’s think further.

    Did you notice that the other side of the Pacific is developing very fast?
    I e that this broad area will soon ( within +/- 15 years) become the cultural & economic Capital of the world?

    No hard feelings, Lron.
    The capital of the (upcoming) world will be far away from EU & US.

  5. Gee bernard, I would LOVE to know how your comment AT ALL relates to this Friday Boot entry. You’ve proven yourself to be using this comment area for nothing much more than your own obscure little soap box, and frankly: I’m getting tired of it. Get yer own weblog, why dontcha. This weblog is about Frank Zappa — take yer Zorn, yer BE/EU/Magyar, yer Fred Frith, yer condescending emails, yer unrequested carbon copies, yer overall pontification, yer delusions of grandure, and ram it… up yer snout.

    Voilà. En misschien keer in therapie gaan is ook geen slecht gedacht.

  6. brest & beer ! … i’ll get my coat …
    thanks for another magnificent piece of musical history.

  7. Barry’s Imaginary Publisher Says:
    November 2nd, 2007 at 6:05 pm

    This weblog is about Frank Zappa — take yer Zorn, yer BE/EU/Magyar, yer Fred Frith, yer condescending emails, yer unrequested carbon copies, yer overall pontification, yer delusions of grandure, and ram it… up yer snout.

    Voilà. En misschien keer in therapie gaan is ook geen slecht gedacht.

    Well said.

  8. En tant que Français, l’on ne peu être plus fier que d’avoir accueilli lors de divers concert Frank Zappa sur le vieux continent.

    Je ne sais s’il appréciait la France , malgré les divers problèmes rencontré à cette période pour promouvoir son passage et de cet attitude récalcitrante des élus dans les villes où se poserais ses concerts.

    Frank Zappa était déjà l’icône musicale hors norme, le leader de la musique moderne inclassable, et le bras d’honneur à toute les attitudes archaïques de cette société bureaucratique et intellectuellement obsolète.

    Cela fait chaud au cœur , merci pour ses moments inoubliables.

  9. I compared this version of the Brest concert to the one I downloaded from Zappateers last year, and the sound of this recording seems somewhat fast. Does anyone else concur?

  10. Hey, this is a fun show to listen! Thanks! The good quality of the recording helps a lot (t seems to be even stereo to me). I’ve never thought I’d love a show of this lineup – and here I am, listennig to it with real joy. FZ’s solos are strong, they (and I) laugh a lot, Colaiuta is beter then I remember he used to be in this tour – so: thanks again for this one!

  11. one more thing: the solo nr. 18 seems to be (at least to me) an opening solo of something, judging from the initial taped noises.
    and: your Gig List says there is no tracklist information of this show. There IS! :-)

  12. I don’t get it, am I missing something? I would call the sound quality of this D, not A-… Way too much distortion and saturation… I even switched headphones thinking it must be me.

  13. Phew! My laptop has been in repair all week but I just got it back in time to get this show. What stunning guitar solos! I’m sure I can hear Frank quoting a classical piece in the opening solo? I’ll need to listen closer. Very funny secret word as well.



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