13 thoughts on “Melbourne ’76”

  1. Ditto!

    Perhaps a kind soul can help Barry name those songs without a name?
    Yes, It’s Barry’s Birthday Name That Song Contest, everybody!
    Sing with me!

  2. The name of the songs are : Barry # 1, Barry # 2, etc.
    And the last song is called: Birdy Happyday.

    By the way, B., I have a little theory about the feeling that time is running faster the more you get older. Remember the extremely long summer holidays when you were at primary school? That ( = 2 months) seemed extremely long. Why? Because each and every day there was someting new to discover. The older you grow, the less there is to discover, there’s much more – called it – routine. That’s the reason why it gives the impression to go faster.

    So : just break the routine. Or discover unexplored territory.

  3. OK, as a punishment ( as you refuse to stay young, thus overlooking things ” across the edge”): other ways of playing electric guitar, FF ( yes)
    – With Camel Zekri :
    – With Otomo Yoshihide
    – Or listen to The Electric Guitar Quartet.

    Anoteger musical adventure : just listen to Conlon Nancarrow’s music. I think you’ll like it. FZ predecessor. Just for one instrument : piano. Extremely complex rythm combinations ( every now and then 12 witihn the range of 3 scores). No human being was able to play that music. He thus composed for player piano, i e piano rolls. elative simple technology, far ahead of the times.
    Quote : ” ….using up to twelve different tempos at the same time. Yet despite its complexity, Nancarrow’s music drew its early influence from the jazz pianism of Art Tatum and Earl Hines and from the rhythms of Indian music; Nancarrow’s whirlwinds of notes are joyously physical in their energy. Composed in almost complete isolation from 1940, this music has achieved international fame only in the last few years…”. He died in 1997.

  4. yes, you nailed it bernard, it seems longer because it’s the 1st time around, and afterwards routine sets in so things just whizz by.
    like when you go on holiday and 2 days can seem to last about a week.

  5. If memory serves, this is one of the more exciting Napoleon/Andre/Roy sets out there – superior solos on the Chunga/Zoot sequence and Frank fluent in Australian in his intro to the IEB. (“Stick it up your bum…I have the clipping from the police gazette to prove it”)

  6. A Very Happy Birthday & van harte gefeliciteerd.
    Please keep up the good work.
    Love your site and downloads. Maybe one day we’ll meet at a (ZpZ) concert or maybe we already have met?

    Greetings from Rob in Rotterdam (living only a 20 minutes walk from the Ahoy’, where the Man himself did some great shows)

  7. …about the Melbourne show: it seems as if it was made from 2 shows (22-23) or some other mystery. It is the january 22 show, but Dinah Moe Humm was only played on january 23; it’s in two different qualities – and some tunes strat 2 or 3 times. It would be interesting to collect the songs belonging to one show.

  8. Comment vous dire, insolite et jovial à cet écoute d’un des concert de Frank, avec tout le plaisir et comme toujours au mieux de sa forme .
    Il y met toute les formes et le puissance magique et magistral de l’énergie ainsi déployée nous plonge dans cette dimension à jamais inégalée.

    Merci à vous pour cette portion de bonheur et pour ce partage musical.

  9. Alas, ZpZ Antwerp was not the place we met. I only attended the shows in 013 and the Melkweg. I witnessed the birth and glory of “F*** the Swedes” from up close.

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