Until I get a sample taste, I will not be able to give you an expert review — but here it is: Kill Ugly Radio Beer.
Via Crush All Boxes. Check Lagunitas Brewing Company for more info.
Kill Ugly Radio | Frank Zappa & Elsewhere
Frank Zappa news, weird links, lumpy gravy. Wanna bun?
Until I get a sample taste, I will not be able to give you an expert review — but here it is: Kill Ugly Radio Beer.
Via Crush All Boxes. Check Lagunitas Brewing Company for more info.
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Slightly puzzling.
The ultimate proof of FZ & KUR as – in modern times- an icon. Compare it with good beers such as Charles V, Forbidden Fruit, etc.
Take care. Icons happen to be people who died way back in the old days. Dead people.
I kindly invite Gail Z. to investigate.
Now we should be both future oriented & forward looking again.
FO beer = Mofo’s release
Kill Ugly Radio Beer = MOAF (?)
Hmmm. Marketing…
I buy CDs/go to concerts and so forth because of the music on offer. Likewise I buy beer because of the beer inside the bottle/can not the picture on the front. So this is lost on me, Gail!
Since I live in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
(read: I-Crapistan) it is almost impossible for me to
try anything other than STATE APPROVED ALCOHOLIC
BEVERAGES. It wasn’t long ago (in PA) that it was
prohibited to buy toothpaste on Sunday. WIKI:BLUE LAWS
I don’t have a problem with the ZFT giving approval
for these ales, as long as they are QUALITY products
and not the equivalent of a Big Mac in a glass.
If it’s good ale, they could call it “Fuck me you ugly
sonofabitch” and I’d drink it.
Oh Shit!!!
The distributor in PA, listed on the Lagunitas website is
A.M. Lutheran Distributing.
Get it, honey?
Get it?
I will guarantee this beer will be absolutey fabulous…
Get the small print at the bottom of the label: I can understand the ZFT trademarking the words Zappa, FZ, and The Mothers — but ‘Kill Ugly Radio’ too? Thanks going a bit too far in my opinion. The next thing we’ll know poor Barry will find a cease and desist order in his inbox for naming this website ‘Kill Ugly Radio’. Fucking insanity…
winos don’t march
“The next thing we’ll know poor Barry will find a cease and desist order…blah, blah, blah.”
Dear Barry,
I am curious. Have you any indication that the ZFT does not approve of this website?
None whatsoever.
kill ugly radio beer?
Stout, man, stout. You can just about live on that stuff! How about a special brew called “Barry’s Imaginary Stout” — a strong dark beer that promises not to leave you hung over in the morning…
fuck ’em
Yeah, stout’s the shit !
( I like Guiness)