Homme Petit d’Homme

I’ve been scratching my chin for ten minutes now, trying to decipher this poem:

Homme petit d’homme petit, s’attend, n’avale
Homme petit d’homme petit, à degrés de bègues folles
Anal deux qui noeuds ours, anal deux qui noeuds s’y mènent
Coup d’un poux tome petit tout guetteur à gaine

“Do you recognize this passage? No? Try reading it aloud. Cognitive scientists use it to illustrate the complexity of human communications.”

Nope. Still don’t get it. Maybe I should try reading it aloud with an English accent…

14 thoughts on “Homme Petit d’Homme”

  1. It looks like it should be some Winnie the Poo rhyme, with a Hompedee Dompedee start.
    I on’t get it, but it reminds me of a Dutch sentence done in the same fake French style:

    D’ou velle ainsi ni d’homme.

    It came to me with the (fake?) story that it was the motto of king Louis Napoleon who reigned over The Netherlands (and Belgium I presume, being the Dutch chauvinist pig I am) after we were beaten by the French. He was very benevolent with the Dutch and had this ‘French’ sentence made so he could pronounce his motto in Dutch.

    I won’t post the Dutch sentence yet, so you you have two brain wrecking puzzels for your thursday amusement.


  2. It’s
    Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
    Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;
    All the King’s horses and all the King’s men,
    Couldn’t put Humpty together again.

  3. Speaking of languages – a version:

    “Hamti Damti ült a falon,
    kényelmesen ült ő nagyon
    De a nagy baj megesett
    Hamti Damti leesett

    Hiába a király lova
    Hiába a sok katona
    Hamti Damtit nem tudták ok összerakni
    Soha, soha, soha!”


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