FZ Gig List Now With Playlists

If you head over to the FZ Gig List (at least, my version of it), you’ll note that I’ve now cross-matched it with Jon Naurin’s FZ Shows. When available, the play-list for any given concert will now be listed underneath the city/venue/country. This cross-match is not perfect though, as both txt-files were formatted in very different ways so I’ve had to jump through quite a few hoops to make them hook up. From brief testing, I’d say the match is about 99% accurate. Have a look and tell me what you think…

4 thoughts on “FZ Gig List Now With Playlists”

  1. I will gladly eat my copy of Roxy & Elsewhere before I do such a thing dear Doctor. I can however check how many times “Sharleena” was played throughout the years :-)

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