10 thoughts on “The Music Nerd Test”

  1. LOL! The scary thing is: you’re probably right… (by the way, well esteemed readers: Welcome to Barry and Sharleena’s Corner On The Web, where they use the comment feature to discuss private stuff for everyone to see! :o)

  2. 52.89855% – Super Music Nerd
    Hmmmm. Thought I would have scored higher…
    Proud to be a music nerd

  3. Well, I got bored and didn’t finish the test. Does that make me ADD? Does anyone care? Most of the answers I checked related to Frank Zappa and/or Don van Vliet? Does that count for anything? Where does Heart fit into all this? Who are the brain police?

  4. Only a mere 38.4058% – if only I’d baked that cake for Britney’s birthday whilst wearing my red plastic Devo hat and watched more American TV I’m sure I would’ve scored higher.

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