On the internet, this

On the internet, this is old news but – did anyone catch this thread off of affz ? It appears Patrick Neve, eminent Grand Wazoo of the Upper Echelon affz crowd (they fuck you if you don’t like their hat, and they like to play PRANKS during the initiation), will no longer be maintaining Splat’s Pages. Arf dot ru, Naurin and Cornelius have offered to take over the pages. They are and have always been a great point of reference, so I hope they remain online in some way or another.

Actually: how’s bout if

Actually: how’s bout if I explain a bit what it is I’m trying to achieve here? But of course.
News-sections in sites are a proverbial bitch to maintain. You find an interesting link, you hear this or that, and you figure: I’ll add this to the news-section once I got enough stuff to fill it up with. And by the time you actually get to put it on the page – opening the page in the html-editor of your choice, looking up the link, spending hours to retrieve it, working it inthere, uploading the page – the friggin news is doggone outdated.
That’s why I have a thing for this blogger thingie. It’s a nifty tuf ‘n bitchin piece of technology that allows me to post stuff here whenever I feel like it. In fact, I’m using this format in a way that most “blogs” don’t. Most of them use it in order to have the world be up to date with their excruciatingly dismal lives (for lack of a better topic). There are however some really enjoyable personal blogs. My personal favorite is Zeldman Presents. This is his motto on the ALA-site: “The Independent Content Producer Refuses To Die”! I rest my case…
So there ya have it. This is, in effect, Phase One of HotPoop. Its progression shall be in bits and pieces with a couple of other people joining in to contribute possibly.
That is all. Don’ forget to visit our good friends at The Big Note!

In Holland there’s a

In Holland there’s a radio-station that devoted an entire year (if not more) to broadcasting FZ-tunes. It’s to be found right here. The site seems interesting enough – has articles relating to Va and Bozzio and such – but the real treat is the “Enter the Zappa Archive” button. When you click this, it asks you for a password and, god darnit, I ain’t got one… Hello? Anyone know the pass for this?