3 thoughts on “Deviations”

  1. resolved & brutal !!!!

    This sure makes you understand why there’s still a bunch of people strenuously hankering after release of more of his live material even if it WAS created decades back: the sound quality is relatively wicked, & they’re going at it with eerie precision, the kind usually associated with boxes like the one you’re reading this out of right now.

    If Zappa taped as fanatically as lore attests, there’s probably a good 40 or MORE of these languishing in audio purgatory; I am grateful indeed for the options like Buffalo or Trance-Fusion & YET … given that Uncle Bino was known for never playing the same set twice – to put it mildly- I’d have much preferred other “NEW” live gems to what they did with FREAK OUT.

    But what the fuck do I know?

  2. Why complain?

    This Very musical ( it sounds like succesive exercises) , it’s just one of the best we got via Barry.

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