Frank Whips It Out

Another jem found at Frank Zappa at the Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings, way back in ’86. This man truly died a decade too soon. I would’ve loved to see him trash the current Bush administration.

(YouTube link)

Update! Scott Reinard sent me this mp3 of Zappa on Howard Stern back in ’84. Scott says:

I shaved down yesterday’s Friday Show on Howard 100 (Sirius Radio) to this 6.81 MB file. In it, the show’s moderators replay a Stern show from 1984 where Frank came in and talked about some important stuff. I don’t know if you can post it or not…I hope so. Excuse the quality.

Scott, you’re excused. Thanks!

3 thoughts on “Frank Whips It Out”

  1. 2nd time this week you guys made my day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Howard and Frank!!!!
    what can I say!!!! I haven’t taken the plunge and bought Sirius, but if Frank thought radio was bad then, he should hear it now– in the US, it’s over, unless you are a down syndrome casualty or suffer from some other type of severe brain damage—can only listen to online radio, maybe I’ll get satellite one day. At any rate, this site just gets better, cheers guys, Gabriel.

  2. Yikes. Seeing this is both camp @ heck, & chilling @ all our nightmares …. helps explain what’s gone on in Ermerika in de darkling yearz since – @ does de choice ub witness immediately after FZ, @ heard on FZvs.theMOP, well gorm me if it isn’t John bloody Denver – – – ol’ Jello Biafra tells de anecdote o’ a het-up Waschingtum dame exclaiming “Ohh, he’s not the OLD John Denver anymore you know dear! Have you seen his latest video? He has his SHIRT OFF!!!” Or @ Jethro put it, even Mr. Denver was literally TOO HARSH for their delectation. It wasn’t really his prurient country-boy he-ninnies that got John-Boy in Dutch w/ de PMRC-kult, natch; they quickly came 2 loathe him 4 speaking out against Mitteleuropa-nukes & de Pentagonzo’s … so he got his bucolic face/name put right in there w/ Twisted Sister, 2LiveCrew, Da Ahtist Formerly Known – & some sciencey-spoutin’ guy w/ a moustache & big schnozz.He was another of the few that took the time & effort 2 have a real life showdown w/ these “concerned” help-the-kiddies genome-challenged neo-atavist Gits … they’re still out there … i can smell um.

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