Debbie Does Demography

You stick it to them Native ‘mericans, Debbie!

… But the study also found that “Native” Americans have dry ear wax and body odor similar to Asians, proving they migrated here from Asia. So whom did THEY steal the land from? Somebody else, obviously. Yet, no “Dances With Wolves” and “Into the West” from Hollywood about that.

Good grief.

Via the oft-entertaining

2 thoughts on “Debbie Does Demography”

  1. Debbie Schlussel is a frightening tool of fascism. I suppose she exists so stupid blondes have some representation on the
    Repuglican plantation.

    She is, as all “conservative” bloviators are,
    completely full of shit and obviously makes her bullshit up as she goes along.

  2. Best thing to do with the self-publicists like Schlussel is to ignore ’em. She makes her living by being objectionable, just like the snotty kid who gets attention by being horrid.

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