6 thoughts on “Joe’s Domage: A Rip-Off?”

  1. I don’t have anything bad to say about Domage. If this is, as a few have put it, truly a release For Hardcore Maniac Type Persons Only, so be it, I’m one of them, and I found myself enlightened and fascinated in new ways by this material in rehearsal form.

  2. I completely agree with Milhouse. It’s certainly not for everybody, but if you’re a Frank nutcase, it’s definitely worth having. It gives an interesting insight into FZ’s creative process, and the rehearsals show how much hard work went into the tunes we all know and love. I can understand why some people might be pissed off at Gail for not warning them of the contents, but frankly, I don’t give a shit ‘cuz I love it. To quote jimmie d at zappa.com, “If Frank Zappa cut a fart and mixed it to stereo, I’d buy it!!!”

  3. Errm. It’s not exactly a great revelation to learn that a lot of hard work went into the rehearsals! Of course it is of historical interest to FZ fans, but will you be listening to it again and again like you do with FZ’s other albums? I doubt it. I’ve been buying FZ albums since 1966 and whilst I like some better than others, this is the first one I have felt is a rip off. It is sub-standard; it was not intended for public consumption; it cost the ZFT almost nothing to produce and yet they are charging real money for it as a regular release. It’s proper place would have been as a ‘bonus disc’ with another more substantial release. The ZFT have simply screwed another few thousand bucks out of FZ’s loyal fanbase.

  4. I just wish I knew how bad it was before I bought it. I’m all for the conceptual continuity, but I expect a little higher quality than this. Like someone else said, if this is what is to be expected of future releases then you can count me out.

    I’ll gladly spend lots of money on Quality FZ releases, or perhaps let us sample/preview these works, a la iTMS, but we know that will never happen, at least not while the ZFT continues on its quest to squeeze as much money as possible from the dwindling FZ fan base. Don’t lose us, Gail!

  5. xorg wrote…it cost the ZFT almost nothing to produce and yet they are charging real money for it as a regular release. It’s proper place would have been as a ‘bonus disc’ with another more substantial release. The ZFT have simply screwed another few thousand bucks out of FZ’s loyal fanbase…. am up for supporting anything that the ZFT puts out for us hardcore fans to consume but I must agree with XORG on this one…Come on Dweezil and Joe we all know you can dig deeper as there is more shit to choose from than you will ever find time in your life span to get out there for us true fans…

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