8 thoughts on “Erh what’s this?”

  1. Yes, Barry, I am reading this.

    As a matter of fact, I already have my team of lawyers sueing the asses off these creeps who dare infringe the copyrights of my family trust. I feel it is my duty. Please buy more Barfko-Swill product so I can afford to pay my legal fees!

    Music is the best.

  2. I looked up the domain name. It’s registered to a russian email address. I better prepare for three big guys named Igor to come knocking on my door…

  3. Yow! Action! I had no idea that Gail, or any Zappas for that matter, watch what’s going on here (or any other website except for Zappa.com). Go get ’em GZ!

    I agree. Music IS the best.

  4. I have to add: Music IS the best, but give credit where credit is due. Igor, you’ve been a naughty, naughty boy. Didn’t you learn anything from the Napster escapaes? Shame on you.

  5. Oh my…! Gail is reading KUR, Barry!
    Thanks for comunicating, Gail. Gotta love the internet…
    Oh, and, Barry, don’t worry about the Igors; we have the Dot Mil guys on our side, don’t forget! :-)

  6. Anyone know about the legal stuff going on where the Zappa trust is barring people from playing his music live unless they pay additional ASCAP fees? I went to see Project Object here in Portland, Oregon last night and Gail’s lawyers pulled the plug. Hell, Project Object was playing whilst Frank was still alive for christ sake.

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