
I’ve noticed how some visitors to this site have attempted to download tracks from the MyPlay account of the little band I play in. However, MyPlay seriously sucks these days, so I thought I’d provide you with a direct link to one of our tracks: Taxi. Our band is called Moonbug, and we’d be much obliged to play just about anywhere in Belgium/Holland!

5 thoughts on “Taxi”

  1. Great Beat! Easy To Drink To! Actually, while listening
    I honestly thought I was IN a Taxi and almost spilled my
    Heineken TWICE. Twice I tell you, TWICE! It was so good
    that I listened to the song Twice. Am I hung up on Twice
    tonight? Think I’ll have my Third Heineken and leave you
    alone now. But Seriously Folks, I Like The Song. I
    Think I’ll listen to it for a Third time………ARF!

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