2 thoughts on “House votes to allow guns in cockpit”

  1. I don’t know who said it, but “with all the effort spent to keep guns off planes (with only marginal success) does it really make sense now to let a pilot carry a gun?” Shit down you nashty looking A-Rab or I’ll shpill your shtinking gutsh all over the shky!

  2. OOoooh well.

    What about all those sad, depressed and melancholic pilots who just broke up with their girlfriends?

    i can see the headlines: “stewardess forced to practise oral sex on pilot while flying to new mexico”.

    which legislation is in power if an american plane is flying over france?

    if mr. terrorist holds a carpet knife to the throat of a three year old passenger, what is the armed pilot gonna do? shoot both?

    good morning america, how are you?

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