30 thoughts on “The Black Page: Teenage Drummer Version”

  1. The fact that he’s only using a starter kit with a few extra cymbals is what makes the video remarkable for me. And he’s sixteen, which helps.

  2. The fact that he is aware of, and is attempting to play, The Black Page is what makes it remarkable for me. I hope ZPZ checks him out before five years is up. He’s got more idea about nuance than that heavy handed Joe Travers.

  3. Yep, a 16 year-old kid giving his all at some hard Zappa!

    And Frank said he didn’t care if he was remembered.
    How could it be otherwise?

  4. The real thing? The Black Page? Yeah, that was what was playing in the background (The Easy Teenage New York Version aka Black Page #2), but what Michael Campo was playing was really beyond me. I mean, playing along to a Zappa composition can make any beginning musician look good. Perhaps when Michael Campo can perform The Black Page without audio accompaniment as well, he’ll have achieved the song’s “statistical density in it’s basic form.”

  5. I would like to see urbangraffito play this song if he thinks he’s so good. Sounds like this guy is jealous and doesn’t know talent when he sees it. Great job Mike.

  6. Audio lesson one: distinguish between what you are hearing, and what is actually being played. I have nothing to be jealous about here. I have heard and seen The Black Page performed enough times to know when it is being played. I suggest you watch the video again.

  7. urbangraffito has absolutely no clue what the hell he is talking about. He simply can not handle the fact that a sixteen year old can kick his ass is a drum off.

  8. hmmm, he appears to pretty much be playing the terry bozzio era version of the black page. his timing is excellent and his playing is fluid and relaxed. what is it that will be revealed after repeated viewings???

  9. First of all, a modicum of ability does not equate talent, just as information is not knowledge. What I am suggesting is that there is too much MIMICRY going on on YouTube. If this drummer really wanted to show off his supposed “chops” he would have played the piece solo. I mean, wasn’t it exactly this sort of thing that Zappa really hated: everyone attempting to do everything and doing it badly. And since when did KUR become akin to American Idol where if someone cannot form an intelligent response — they simply resort to personal attacks? Are we not bigger than this?

  10. Urban: here’s a 16 year old kid doing a pretty good job playing the drum part of The Black Page #2 — on a drumkit that consists of little more than a snare, a couple of toms, a single bass drum and some cymbals.
    Now first of all, I’m going to have to disagree with your proposition that he’s “playing whatever” (swiftly replaced by the “mimicry” anthem?). My ears, battered as they may be, heard a pretty astounding Black Page #2interpretation.
    Second, and with all due respect, I’m going to have to disagree with your (lack of) appreciation of “mimicry”. As a beginning musician, you learn by imitation. And the beauty of it is that you will find your own voice in doing so, simply because it is impossible to copy the original.
    Lastly: how many kids even attempt to play FZ’s music these days? When they do, when they have the balls to put it out there for all the world to see, who the fuck are we to cast judgement?

  11. yea, not bad stuff at all, very good.

    Now Eric Slick was 18 when i first saw him playing with Project/Object a year or so ago…Eric Stole THE SHOW- hands down, one of the best drummers I’ve seen in a long time.

    He’s been doing stuff w/ Harford, and Ween and keeping busy w/ them North easterners.

    I can’t find any great clips of him, but this is an interesting version of Magic Fingers where he’s playing the drums- doesn’t really display his talents, but nonetheless


  12. If ya wanna really understand what you’re seeing here: picture yourself in a boat on a river … uh-oh, let’s just try that again!

    Picture yourself playing “Watermelon In Easter Hay” — on a freakin’ UKELELE … or better yet a balalaika … live on MTV!

    Are you crying yet?

    Dude, if he could play THAT piece dead-on with a starter kit, we’d have just cause t’be calling up the Vatican … it’s just not possible.

    As someone who HAS drummed in numerous atrocities masquerading as Rawk Bands, I can tell ya: this is some hot little motherfucker – he’ll be dropping many a jaw by 20 at the rate he’s goin’ … look out!

  13. I don’t think I once made a judgement on Michael Campo’s drumming ability. That he is 16 is really beside the point. That he is talented is also beside the point.

    What is the point?

    Is he as cute as Tiny Terry Ted Bozzio?

    Can he sing “Punky’s Whips” too?

    Does he have a blonde girlfriend named Dale?

    What brand of drumsticks does he use?

    Is there a Michael Campo fan club in the works?

    Let’s all upload video’s of ourselves playing along to favourite Zappa tune: I’ll go second with my atrocious cover of “Who Are The Brain Police?” on Tenor Sax (I just have to find my camcorder).

    Shall we take ourselves so seriously?

  14. Barry — I think you missed the point I was making. I think it’s great that Michael Campo is playing Zappa’s work. The type of so-called “mimicry” I’m speaking about is when less than talented musicians record themselves playing to music (like Zappa’s, for example) for the sole purpose of posting it on the internet. This has nothing to do with learning to play one’s instrument, and everything to do with selfless self promotion. It is also quite fraudulent, don’t you agree. Is this what Michael Campo is doing? That is not for me to say. I’m just pleased that someone of his generation is interested in FZ.

  15. “It is also quite fraudulent…”


    It’s nice to know that someone on KUR is willling to discourage
    young people from playing FZs music with mindless nitpicking.



  16. Hey what about that vid of the fat guy playing Bohemian Rhapsody by making farting noises with his hands, what a fraud!!!
    More selfless self-promotion. I like to hear him play it without the Queen tape playing in the background.
    Is there a fat guy on the sofa fan club in the works?

    p.s. (zappa was a master of selfless self promotion)

  17. Fair enough, Barry, fair enough… Some chilled Freak Out Ale would go down pretty fine right about now @ Barry’s Kill Ugly Radio Pub & Grill (Somebody pump up the volume on them Friday boots!).

  18. Here a video of an 11 year old girl playing Black page #2.


    While it’s certainly flawed, giver her a break! She’s only 11 years old. Plus, she’s reading the music and not just playing along (something that has been talked about in other comments on this thread).

    How many 11 year-olds even know or like FZ’s music?

    An “A” for effort I’d say…

  19. Hmm… watching that 11 year old certainly makes me more sympathetic to urbangraffito’s view point .

    Now excuse me while I go and dub Black Page on some footage of a pre-natal scan.

  20. And the little children shall lead us…

    What’s the name of their FZ tribute band?

    The Grandchildren?

    Rock on, kids, rock on!

    (If she were my daughter, I’d…)

  21. I see some of you are clapping on the first beat. Some of you are clapping on the second and fourth beat. Some of you are clapping on the end of one. And the third beat of a quintuplet that begins on the fourth beat of the bar. Now just get the groove going. Ain’t it funky now!

  22. Not bad for a 16 year old. Starts off a little shaky, but then comes together towards the middle. Hasn’t got the Bozzio frenzy ‘tho.

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