11 thoughts on “Amsterdam Pics”

  1. Who is on the drum kit? Is that Terry Bozzio?
    It kinda looks like him…and kinda not.

    I must confess, my brain is spinning.

  2. Oh yes, just bought the tickets today!

    I have a kind of “nice” feeling about all this, if you know what I mean. Father-son, old-new, bringing things to life, togetherness, quality, music… The whole thing is much more filled with emotions as I feel now, which sounds strange if we think of Zappa.

    Might be because Dweezil seems to be more fragile (?), more… I don’t know.

    Okay, I might be wrong, I’ve never ever been to a Zappa-show… Oh yes, but I remember him being here in ’91 for a few solos. Well, that was fun, too… :-)

    Unfortunately the gig here will be at an open venue – hope it won’t rain that day!

  3. One more thing: I just made a contact today to the organizers here, they promised a possibility of an interview with DZ. Okay, IF he agrees. Hoping for the best!! :-)

  4. Balint: smart move, contacting the organizers instead of making your request directly to the ZFT (which is what I did — hubris and all that jazz).
    My sentiments toward this tour are similar to what you describe. It seems to me that there are two camps looking at ZPZ: there’s those that have had the fortune of viewing FZ live, then there’s those that didn’t get that chance. Many of the former camp see ZPZ as ersatz, second-hand Zappa. All of the latter view this as a unique chance to enjoy FZ’s music. The Dweez has brass balls to be taking this on, and I for one am grateful for that. (not dead yet though!)

  5. incessant naysayer here…I must say it is nice to see them pull this off and to see all the enthusiasm building around it – seriously. I even have to hand it to the ZFT for putting up a tour blog written by someone genuinely interested in being a part of it all and not some snot-nosed jerk trying to make with the phoney Frank-speak just to try and impress the boss.

    Nothing fishy about it – enjoy the shows!

  6. Tomorrow! Tomorrow! Tomorrow! Tomorrow! Tomorrow! Tomorrow! Tomorrow! Tomorrow!
    We finally made contact to a guy from the TV – we will not be able to be there in person, but I just copiled a set of questions for him for an interview (“WHAT ABOUT TRANCE-FUSION???? :-) ). We’ll see.

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