The eden project seems like a piece of the future made real. The venus project just seems surreal. But then i’d probably understand it more if i read the book.
Author: Bertanya
They all abide
…in a saffron bathyscape. Really.
Winokur at kur…
So what’s with a hobo ‘n kur. Some words in fact, with fz no less (dya feel ya eyebrows move, or maybe an unexpected smile). Yep, some fz thought’s and views, as elucidated and documented by john winokur. An interesting interviewette, with typical traits of quotable content, my favourite being, ‘People wish that the good old days of the eighties would come back.When there was still something to steal.’
As monty python understood, finland is a fascinating country. It has language roots separate from the rest of europe (shared with estonia and hungary, the rest of europe, basque notwithstanding, are indo-european languages), and doesn’t go much for international disputes. So, as YCDTOSA II is an entirely finnish production, might not an fz fan reasonably wonder, what did fz think of finland…
The meteors
Any psychobilly fans out there will already know of the meteors. But with their tour not starting till 9/11 (that’s psychobilly for ya), the easiest way to see the meteors tonight, is to look for some clear skies.
When alice met frank
That alice cooper had his first record deal with fz is well known, but i didn’t know he had released an album called freak out songs, how he had first met fz, or that he was currently on tour in south dakota.
The party starts at…
Genus yellow shark
Despite the discovery of new species related to the yellow shark, the sharks, like most sea creatures, are feeling the effects of planet sharing. For more related species, see here.
Q-What ?
Whilst reminding us not to distract any nearby dolphins – ‘Dolphins don’t automatically breath, they have to tell themselves to’, this page of facts also volunteers that – ‘Frank Zappa’s mother, Evelyn, invented the Q-Tip’. Well that dolphin fact is correct, but my researchs cannot determine the correctness of the fz fact, or even what a Q-Tip is. Any ideas ?
Flesh No More
Pass the time checking out these death euphemisms. The chef’s euphemisms are my favorites. Or for something more bizarre there is always this story on amputee wannabes.
Let’s move to cleveland
And why not, so here i am, on holiday, in cleveland, er, uk. The name of this song seems to be mutable, and have had an interesting evolution. Much the same as the original cleveland, which, (for at least this hamlet) was originally part of the north riding of yorkshire, before switching to teesside, then arriving at cleveland, and now settling for redcar and cleveland. Well that’s progress for you…
Cover story
I’d always imagined this was taken in holland. Don’t know why – was completely wrong though.
Bodily functions aren’t just for boys
A Day in the Modern Life
Fancy a sprint through history, in xena-fan, short story format ?
Oh, the drama!
German Chancellor Schroeder apparently has canceled his Italian summer vacation. According to German Interior Minister Otto Schily,”Those who kick you in the shins and spit at you must not be surprised that that is not good publicity for their country.” Perhaps a good dose of appreciation for the behavioral differences of Italians and other Europeans would be helpful. (update: all links working now)