6 thoughts on “Ban Fahrenheit 451!”

  1. …maybe so, but if she was a Congressional Page, little doubt exists that her ass’d be SO tapped…

    * – i screen-captured this story as an abject lesson in human ignorance

    * – somewhere ray bradbury is larfing his ectoplasmic ass off

    * – the Fire Brigade is on its way…

  2. Is this nightmare almost over?
    Can we get back to being Americans again?

    I’m only partially hopeful.

  3. “If they can’t find a book that uses clean words, they shouldn’t have a book at all.”

    WOW. Can anyone spell the word I-R-O-N-Y in Texas?

    The Holy Bible has more “dirty words” “sex” and “violence” in it than Fahrenheit 451 and is just as misread and misquoted.

    Frank said it once, and he would no doubt say it again to these two:


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