This Note’s For Neil

Warning: Neil Young Fan Entry Dead Ahead!

Spent all morning listening to the stream of Neil Young’s Living With War. What a motherfucker of an album. This is classic Neil. Imagine the joyously roaring guitars on Ragged Glory, add the grungy lyricism of Zuma, Sleeps With Angels, Mirror Ball and Greendale, throw in some lusciously direct lyrics, and you’ll get the idea. The whole album could well be the soundtrack to an imaginary protest march on the White House. Album of the year, as far as I’m concerned.

Update: downloadable mp3’s available here, until the album hits the shops.

6 thoughts on “This Note’s For Neil”

  1. It happens to be an artist from my generation.
    He survives, he keeps inventing. And he keeps delivering.
    This CD is really good.

    What about the new generation?

    Don’t copy the masters: re – invent it all.

  2. wow, this may just be the angriest thing that Neil Young has or will ever put out – & makes me glad he’s still ready willing & able 2 rip the lid off the worm-can …
    very highly recommended

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    Ist das nicht unheimlich?

  4. This is angry stuff.

    What does this mean?
    What’s the meaning of this?
    Poor Harry, I guess

    I’m reminded a lot lately of that blank look I would get from my father when I would proclaim at the dinner table forty or more years ago, “There’s corruption on the highest floor!”

    I thought he was lame, didn’t get it, oblivious.

    That wasn’t it, at all. I know that now – sadly. It was the same feeling I now have each time I pick up a newspaper, or hear the news, and might as well be reading a newspaper from forty years (even forty years before that) ago.

    I’m glad Neil can still get mad. Too many of us are just tired.

    And what of our children? They are living in the world we gave them. Will they change it? Can anyone?

    Are we really doomed to endless repetition? Are we really doomed to endless repetition…

  5. neil has the real musical spirit, 3 weeks in the studio to get the songs down, what was wrong with that take? ah fuck it we’ll fix it in the mix….next! when you get the flow of inspiration then nothing frizzles it more than letting the songs get stale…..i have my musical favourites after 30 years in the bizness and neil is right up there with them.

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