Note To My Neighbour

Note to my neighbour: your boomcar sporting soon-to-be son in law, who has everything it takes to feature in the next “Saturday Night Fever” remake except for looks, hair and a chin, was recently spotted by me while taking a leak against a front door just a couple of houses away. In broad daylight. Should he attempt this endeavour upon my property in the near future, please be informed that he will be greeted by a pair of professionally sharped scissors and a bucket full of fresh, homegrown urine.

2 thoughts on “Note To My Neighbour”

  1. “… was recently spotted by me while taking a leak against a front door just a couple of houses away …”

    Uhh, what were you doing peeing on that front door? In broad daylight, I might add?

    This is the grammar police. Zip up your trousers and step away from the keyboard…

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