Mothers Night: A Ten Hour Marathon

Rich of another Ugly Radio writes:

We are doing a ten hour marathon of The Mothers on Portland OR station KBOO this Friday night starting at 8pm (PST). That’s right, it’s time once again to remember our Mothers. Of course we mean The Mothers of Invention. Frank Zappa’s seminal band of renegade freaks and musical experimentalists. Bizarre and hilarious indigenous “folk” music, borne of the denizens of the streets of 1960s Los Angeles and El Monte.

Join us FRIDAY, MAY 8TH from 8:00 pm until 6:00 am. Featuring rare live performances, “incidents”, interviews, and special Mothers gifts for those who decide to become a MEMBER of Community Radio KBOO during the broadcast.

Folks around the world can listen in on the web at
Some highlights from last year.