In Pictures: Zappa At The Roundhouse

Our pal Magic Fingers had the good fortune (and a sufficient amount of Pound Sterling) to visit last weekend’s Roundhouse event. Pictural evidence was transferred over to KUR’s head office for your perusal:

For a closer, annotated version, be sure to visit the Flickr set.
Mucho Thx Sir Magic!

Update: Some more pictures, taken by Theydon Bois:

Flickr set over here.

Need A Bath?

Our pal Magic Fingers writes in to say:

You might like to tell the boys and girls at KUL about this page of my second favourite website.

FZ at Bath, 1970

… and then tell them to check out the rest of the site.

Consider it done, good Sir! Aside: when do you reckon The Big Note will be back on the airwaves in full force?