Three FZ Alumni Interviews

During the same week in April, 1996, while in Los Angeles, California, Juha Rompannen recorded several private interviews with Frank Zappa alumni.

On April 20th, Rompannen conducted his interview with Tommy Mars (first clip). Mars talks about his musical schooling, his time with Frank, synthesizer and keyboard technology and current projects. Mars is a keyboard player who played piano, organ and synthesizers in Frank Zappa’s touring and recording band between 1977 and 1982.

Remaining parts of interview: 2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9

On April 17th, Rompannen conducted his interview with Robert “Bobby” Martin (second clip). Martin talks about his musical development, early music career, his time with Frank and composer jobs. Martin is a vocalist and multi instrumentalist who sang and played keyboards, saxophone and french horn in Frank Zappa’s band during the tours of 1981, 1982, 1984 and 1988.

Remaining parts of interview: 2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12

On April 14th, Rompannen conducted his interview with Bruce Fowler (third clip). Fowler talks about his time with Frank, the movie business, the music scene, and his musical schooling among other things. Fowler is a trombone player that played in Frank Zappa’s touring and recording band during 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975 and also during Franks last tour in 1988.

Remaining parts of interview: 2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13

All three alumni are members of The Band From Utopia. Partly known under that name, The Mar Vista Philharmonic: No Forest Fire, released this year (2009) also features Tommy Mars and Bruce Fowler (Walt Fowler, Larry Klimas, Kurt McGettrick, Arthur Barrow and Vinnie Colaiuta).

I have No Forest Fire on order, as well as Strange News From Mars (Jon Larsen/Tommy Mars/Bruce Fowler) and The Jimmy Carl Black Story (Jon Larsen/Jimmy Carl Black) from Zonic Entertainment which I’ll review in future posts as they arrive in my mailbox.

Thanks to ‘YourArf’ for posting these interviews.

Pygmy Twylyte – Five Versions

I was going through my Zappa collection the other day, and I noticed I had quite a few versions of Pygmy Twylyte. The first four are covers by Tribute/Cover Bands, and the fifth is one of my favorite proto-versions from 1973, Texas:

Ed Palermo Big Band (Sonar, Baltimore, MD, 21 Sep 2006)

Quintette Gaucher (Quintette Gaucher Plays the Music of Frank Zappa)

Project/Object (Visualite Theatre, Charlotte, NC, 5 Jan 2002)

Great Googly Moogly (Fasching, Stockholm, 15 Mar 2007)

Frank Zappa (Armadillo World Headquarters, Austin, TX, 26 Oct 1973)

How do you think these later versions match up to the earlier version performed by FZ’s own band?

Monday Mix: Mothers of the Blues

All right, Summer is officially gone, and Fall is now into full swing. It’s Monday, and there’s probably not very much to celebrate. So, what better time to post another KUR Mixtape to start your week off with a bang, Monday Mix: Mothers of the Blues. I dove into my extensive collection of Mothers music over the weekend and picked out thirty tracks which I thought best exemplified their talent performing the blues (since the Mothers were basically a blues band when they they first formed). My choices weren’t limited to just the early Mothers, either, but also included tracks from solo work by various Mothers alumni, too. So, sit back, relax, and for goodness sakes, “Cheer up, things can’t be that bad…we’ve still got the music…and music is the best!”

Click here to listen to the mixtape.

Note: If anyone feels we are infringing their copyright, contact us and we will remove the item in question.

FZ Alumni Muxtape

After spending the good part of the last two weeks packing all my beloved FZ albums, tapes, CDs, (as well as everything else I own) into more boxes than I care to count in preparation for the big move downtown — I decided that the last thing I ought to do before tearing down and packing up the G5 is upload a muxtape of some of my favourite FZ alumni tracks. Click here to check them out. They’ll all be left up until next Friday. See you after the move!