I was going through my Zappa collection the other day, and I noticed I had quite a few versions of Pygmy Twylyte. The first four are covers by Tribute/Cover Bands, and the fifth is one of my favorite proto-versions from 1973, Texas:
Ed Palermo Big Band (Sonar, Baltimore, MD, 21 Sep 2006)
Quintette Gaucher (Quintette Gaucher Plays the Music of Frank Zappa)
Project/Object (Visualite Theatre, Charlotte, NC, 5 Jan 2002)
Great Googly Moogly (Fasching, Stockholm, 15 Mar 2007)
Frank Zappa (Armadillo World Headquarters, Austin, TX, 26 Oct 1973)
How do you think these later versions match up to the earlier version performed by FZ’s own band?