FZ Alumni Muxtape

After spending the good part of the last two weeks packing all my beloved FZ albums, tapes, CDs, (as well as everything else I own) into more boxes than I care to count in preparation for the big move downtown — I decided that the last thing I ought to do before tearing down and packing up the G5 is upload a muxtape of some of my favourite FZ alumni tracks. Click here to check them out. They’ll all be left up until next Friday. See you after the move!

Mux Delixe

Though I haven’t had time to play around with it, Muxtape looks to be loads of fun. I’ll just let the tag line do the talking. Muxtape is:

a simple way to create and share mp3 mixtapes

Have any of you created muxtapes you wish to share? If so feel free to put a link in the comments — after you’re done gazing in awe at my incredibly clever title for this post, of course.