Odds & Ends

Let’s skip the witty opener and get right to the bulleted list, shall we?

49 thoughts on “Odds & Ends”

  1. That video of the visit to Bige József is just wonderful. Frank seems to be really delighted by the sound (and, how can you not smile, especially when he plays the second time). Thanks Balint.

  2. I would like to point out that the documentary at CBC is NOT “Frank Zappa: American Composer” – this is a brand new one and I think it’s better than FZ:AC

  3. [quote comment=”3794″]I would like to point out that the documentary at CBC is NOT “Frank Zappa: American Composer” – this is a brand new one and I think it’s better than FZ:AC[/quote]

    Quite right, Disciple of “Bob”. Btw, while you are at CBC Radio 2, check out the many concerts on demand. In particular, the Wafer Thin Mints at The Black Dog Freehouse (my very own watering hole here in Edmonton):


  4. Hey, this CBC Documentary is fantastic. One would think that these biographical stuff are boring (after already having listenned a few), but this one seems to be different: most of the time that talk is about the MUSIC.

    And: most of the time the one who is talking is the ever-wonderful Ruth Underwood. It’s just beautiful how you can feel her enthusiasm, but the parts I’ve enjoyed the most are the parts where she shows musical parts and talks about it’s evolution.

    Great! Already had only time for the first part – when will the 3rd part be available?

  5. (eh.. I happen to have it… If you listen to to the program till the end, the computer has it for a while in a temporary directory. If part 3 becomes available, I might make a download, but if you make a search on your machine (don’t forget to extend the search to the hidden directories as well!), then you’ll have it. Search for the file “inside3themusic_20090121_11079[1]”; its 25 mb, only 64 kbps, unfortunately.)

  6. You are so right, Bálint. Listening to Ruth’s excitement is just endearing as hell.

    Did I hear Joe Travers correctly in minute 41 – a Helsinki master tape Frank mixed for vinyl?

  7. @ Bálint:

    “I am all day and night: The Music of Frank Zappa Part 3
    [Saturday, January 31 on Radio Two at 12 noon in Ontario, Quebec, Central, Mountain and Pacific; 1 p.m. in Maritimes; 1:30 p.m. in Nfld. And Sunday, February 1 on Radio 1 at 8 p.m. in Ontario, Quebec, Central, Mountain and Pacific; 9 p.m. in Maritimes; 9:30 p.m. in Nfld.]

    I’d expect it to be posted to the website shortly thereafter.

  8. [quote comment=”3812″]@ Bálint:

    “I am all day and night: The Music of Frank Zappa Part 3
    [Saturday, January 31 on Radio Two at 12 noon in Ontario, Quebec, Central, Mountain and Pacific; 1 p.m. in Maritimes; 1:30 p.m. in Nfld. And Sunday, February 1 on Radio 1 at 8 p.m. in Ontario, Quebec, Central, Mountain and Pacific; 9 p.m. in Maritimes; 9:30 p.m. in Nfld.]

    I’d expect it to be posted to the website shortly thereafter.[/quote]

    Looking forward to the next installment. That’s the truth Ruth.

    Ruth says: “Sofa is so beautiful”. I agree!
    Ruth says: “Sofa could be played in a church”. If they played Frank’s music at church I might go. Praise the lord!
    Hey . . . Maybe when I kick it, I’ll have my family play Sofa at the wake.
    They better start rehearsing soon though . . . 🙂

  9. This cbc show is super excellent. Several observations:

    1. gotta love Ruth.

    2. listening to Joe (the real Joe) here and in similar interviews merely confirms my impression the ZFT and ass-o-ciates are simply overwhelmed. Frank left a treasure trove, certainly, but it is beyond the capabilities of any mere mortal to do much more with it than stand drooling and awestruck. Anything they put together can only fall short of the expectations they have built up.

    3. Listening to Gail talk, I now completely understand why Frank spent so much time in the basement. Wouldn’t you? Headin’ for the big divorce – California style.

    Bob sends his best. Keep sending those cards, letters and pudding cups.

  10. [quote comment=”3846″]Thanks much! Hope they do the same for 3![/quote]

    The streaming show will be online, it’s a matter of viewing the page source and finding the file that’s actually streaming.

  11. Also, if you use the Firefox browser, install the extension called “DownloadHelper” and you can easily grab the MP3 file from the stream.

    Of course I love Ruth’s enthusiasm and her musical demonstrations, but I also enjoyed hearing from Arthur Barrow – I never seem to hear much about him. I liked that he talked specifically about “Tink Walks Amok”. “The Man From Utopia” was my first exposure to FZ (at age 12), and still retains a special place in my heart – “Tink” and “Moggio” especially.

    And you can almost FEEL the regret in Warren’s voice. “I don’t know how I got in his band. I’m 51 now; THREE YEARS ago, I was ready.” Damn. He shoulda been diggin’ it [more] while it was happening, cause it turned out to be a one-shot deal.

  12. [quote post=”972″]3. Listening to Gail talk, I now completely understand why Frank spent so much time in the basement. Wouldn’t you? Headin’ for the big divorce – California style.[/quote]
    Yes, you are so very ready to hate someone. Very professional! I wouldn’t like to be near your relationship with the person you love, if you ever had one.

  13. I always record such things with WireTapPro while streaming, saving it as .aifc, then opening it with Peak and convert it into MP3. But downloading from somewhere is better, I admit.

  14. [quote comment=”3906″][quote post=”972″]Yes, you are so very ready to hate someone. Very professional! I wouldn’t like to be near your relationship with the person you love, if you ever had one.[/quote]

    On behalf of Bob…aw forget it.

  15. [quote comment=”3872″]
    3. Listening to Gail talk, I now completely understand why Frank spent so much time in the basement. Wouldn’t you? Headin’ for the big divorce – California style.
    bob’s nurse

    This made me almost spray my root beer all over my monitor!! Good work Bob, damn funny comment!!

  16. [quote comment=”3801″]Hey, this CBC Documentary is fantastic. One would think that these biographical stuff are boring (after already having listenned a few), but this one seems to be different: most of the time that talk is about the MUSIC.

    And: most of the time the one who is talking is the ever-wonderful Ruth Underwood. It’s just beautiful how you can feel her enthusiasm, but the parts I’ve enjoyed the most are the parts where she shows musical parts and talks about it’s evolution.

    Great! Already had only time for the first part – when will the 3rd part be available?[/quote]

    Can’t agree with you more, Balint. Just listened to both parts, and by far, hearing Ruth Underwood describe working with Frank is a high point. It’s also a real treat to hear FZ’s music so well described by Arthur Barrow and Warren Cuccurullo (unlike Gail’s descriptions which, unfortunately, were akin to a bricklayer describing Picasso).

  17. Okay.. its simply beautiful. Musicians about MUSIC, in detail. Really nice how the conversations are accompained by the music itself. The whole program is just wonderful – I tend to listen to it as a piece of music, in a way (and I will, again and again, I’m sure). The MOST beautiful part is when Steve Vais plays Baltomore and Zoot Allures on acoustic giutar (hey! Would you believe I was practicing those two tunes some 20 minutes before??? On my level, of course..:-) ). Above the music he speaks about his feelings and thoughts – very similar to Drooling Midrange Accountants On Easter Hay. Nice – it’s music. I’ll cut those songs out to myself and listen to them separately.

    The whole thing is quite heart-lifting (if there is a phrase like this). Moving. Thanks, CBC.
    The last few words (before FZ) is from Ruth. Beautiful.

  18. [quote comment=”3936″][quote comment=”3933″]The 3rd part is up![/quote]

    Indeed it is.

    [quote comment=”3937″]And here’s the url to grab pt. 3:

    [quote comment=”3939″][quote comment=”3823″][quote comment=”3804″]Any way to turn these into MP3’s? (The radio doc. that is)[/quote]

    Part 1 – http://podcast.cbc.ca/mp3/inside3themusic_20090121_11079.mp3

    Part 2 – http://podcast.cbc.ca/mp3/inside3themusic_20090124_11175.mp3%5B/quote%5D

    anyway to get part 3 in MP3?[/quote]

    yes, but what about part 3???

  19. [quote post=”972″]vince says:
    February 4th, 2009 at 3:36 pm » Quote

    It’s on the Zappa forum![/quote]

    Vince (or another knowledge-keeper), in what section of the zappa forum might one find the MP3 of Part 3? Thanks!

  20. Hey, guys, are you joking? I can’t believe you cannot find the link HERE ABOVE…. but hey, I’m sure you all must be just kidding – right?

  21. [quote post=”972″]Hey, guys, are you joking?[/quote]

    OK. Wow. So, I was not joking. I could lie and say I was, but then you’d all say “That’s a lousy joke, Jake. Where’s the punchline, the turn, the witty observation, the satirical twist…”

    I will blame it on the browser (deflecting my own culpability), and then post it again here for all to download. Remember to ‘Right-Click’ kids!


    Thanks for setting me straight Balint!

  22. [quote comment=”3950″]I just want to tell everyone that Part Three can be downloaded here.[/quote]


  23. Review of “In The Sixties”: Just to be honest: I can’t understand what might be so very dirty that Frank’s own music was the only one he was interested in! And when the late JCB whimpers that is was unfair that Zappa broke up the Mothers and they were the best Band in the world then, what might have hindered him to regroup the rest of the Mothers and play on? As much as they surely are nice guys and able musicians of high portenial, the altogether not-so-glorious releases of the most ex-Mothers for me clearly show who the head Mother was and who was creating values. I didn’t see one of the Mothers writing his head off composing and conceptual-continuing and pushing envelopes. Sorry.

  24. [quote comment=”4156″]Review of “In The Sixties”: Just to be honest: I can’t understand what might be so very dirty that Frank’s own music was the only one he was interested in! And when the late JCB whimpers that is was unfair that Zappa broke up the Mothers and they were the best Band in the world then, what might have hindered him to regroup the rest of the Mothers and play on?[/quote]
    What an icy cold comment, this. The MOI were crucial in materializing FZ’s early compositions. It’s the MOI that allowed FZ to propel into his post-MOI music. With that in mind, I’d say they deserve at least a bit of respect and sympathy. And credit.

  25. [quote post=”972″]And when the late JCB whimpers that is was unfair that Zappa broke up the Mothers and they were the best Band in the world then, what might have hindered him to regroup the rest of the Mothers and play on?[/quote]

    He, uh, did…

  26. [quote comment=”3922″] (unlike Gail’s descriptions which, unfortunately, were akin to a bricklayer describing Picasso).[/quote]

    There he goes again people…….Quality comments from your favorite bitter resident zappa expert.

    Your a moron, go away……….your opinion means nothing. It’s obvious what your intentions are. Fuck you

  27. [quote post=”972″]An excellent series. I wish it was on video![/quote]
    I saw part of the BBC interview on tv, some 15 years back. Namely the fantastic R Underwood recapturing some licks, radiating the same splendor as in the audio. I must have that on tape somewhere. Let alone the BBC, I hope.

    Yes, uh, he did [JCB to “carry on”]. But mostly with Zappas material and the rest, who cares, really, what impact does this have musically? Yes, he grew a FZ moustache in the last years, but that in my book doesnt put him in the same category. That was childish and ridiculous. My god!

    Sorry for writing “icy cold”. I know. Matteroffact, I would never prohibit Zappas material. The MOI were crucial and they propelled. But to find them acoustically, socio-political-commentarywise, interviewed by magazines, TV-stations in a way that you could hear them in retarded Austria like FZ every half year when something struck the world, one would have to look under some stone or unlock dusted cabinets.

    Sorry, but thats the cold facts.

    Listening to FZs music was like having a very, very good teacher. First you hear the facts and you go huh? Then slowly each time recapturing the content slowly the content develops and sinks into your mind and it grows in you. And since FZs death not a single person stood up to replace him. Not musically, not speaking, not commenting, not whatevering. Thats the value of FZ.

  28. [quote comment=”4172″][quote comment=”3922″] (unlike Gail’s descriptions which, unfortunately, were akin to a bricklayer describing Picasso).[/quote]

    There he goes again people…….Quality comments from your favorite bitter resident zappa expert.

    Your a moron, go away……….your opinion means nothing. It’s obvious what your intentions are. Fuck you[/quote]

    You’ve certainly got your hate on. I’m glad you are learning how to use the quote function, so you can quote me out of context. Have a nice day.

  29. Actually, Prop-kuh, I was not disagreeing with your view…
    I agree that the players for Frank didn’t ever come close to “matching” him in compositional ability, social commentary/relevance, envelope pushing, etc… Frank was the Head Mother, no doubt about it.
    And I didn’t necessarily find your opinion cold – on the contrary, I found it most relevant.
    I guess what my pathetic attempt at quoting was intended to do was to say that I don’t find Frank’s Alumni irrelevant – post Frank. Not the same relevance (for me anyway), but not irrelevant. Even “Missing Persons” (who I just couldn’t groove on) had some relevance/value post Frank.
    In the case of those who played for Frank: “They’re pretty good Musicians”…

  30. [quote post=”972″]Not the same relevance (for me anyway), but not irrelevant.[/quote]
    You’re right. I think that not a single person is irrelevant. I wouldn’t like to see the efforts of anyone blanked out. I only want to keep the proportions right.

  31. yeah, i really enjoyed “in the 1960’s” dvd too! really nice for the fan of the band of that time. the music: nice samples from the albums but i think i noticed a little “in the 1980’s” when they got to ruben & the jets! gee, couldn’t somebody come up with a scratchy old album? i mean, there was film footage of vinyl records spinning w/ needles and they could’ve synched… sorry, i got nowhere else to talk about this stuff! oh yeah, & the music that plays over the closing credits, i never heard before. credits say additional music: down by the cyclone fence written & performed by kim fowley. anybody verify that this’s what’s playing? probably his asking fee for appearing. cheers, y’all!

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