Announcement about the Zappa Plays Zappa Fall Tour

• Hand-picked intimate venues;
• Every attendee will be able to get a free MP3 concert download
within a week of performance;
• Hagstrom guitar giveaway at every show;
• Submit your song requests for each show.

Well, sounds good, if you ask me…

About Balint

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36 Responses to Announcement about the Zappa Plays Zappa Fall Tour

  1. Rob says:

    Tickets start around $125 each, so bring the whole family!!

  2. urbangraffito says:

    As if Frank Zappa’s music wasn’t enough to “cram them all in there, you know what I mean, Barry.” Now ZPZ and the TRUST are reduced to using “really cheap” gimmicks like guitars straight from Wal-Mart to you, and even more highly priced tickets “under the guise of smaller venues”. I suppose they feel free to be cheap now that Ed Palermo will no longer be advertising his shows as “tributes to Frank Zappa” any longer. Gail and Dweezil: Eat this!

  3. Hoopla says:

    I wrote about this a few days ago… it makes me so angry I could spit Telefunken U47s. The original ZPZ price was fairly steep, but this is ridiculous.

    The Zappa Family Trust has now truly become L. Ron Hoover.

    50 bucks please…

  4. Paul Sempschi says:

    Does humour belong in ZPZ?

  5. SOFA - Philostopher/Chef says:

    I was going to check out the Ann Arbor show – but not at 125 bucks a pop!!!
    I’d be hard pressed to shell out 125 bucks for the real thing, returned from the smells funny…
    So, I gather “introducing FZ’s music to a new audience” actually means introducing FZ’s music to a new, upscale audience – or better, introducing FZ’s music to a whole new generation of Republicans?

  6. Bowiethius says:

    Dude, this ain’t worth it with no Napoleon!

  7. P-Rip says:

    Is it just me, or do you find that, when Dweezil tries to act like Frank, it just comes of lame, forced and awkward. I enjoy ZPZ, and Dweez does have talent and a bit of low-key charm. But when Dweezil tries to be Frank (conducting the band, word-for-word FZ dialog, etc, ) I feel embarrassed for him. I give ZFT credit for trying different marketing techniques, but I’ve seen them two years on, and with today’s prices, it would be hard to justify a show of thsi type. They are a very good tribute bad – that’s all. I wonder what other tribute bands have similar ticket prices?

  8. xorg says:

    Dweez does say it is ‘optional entertainment’. And I’m not interested, so there’s no harm done.

  9. gnarly artly says:

    I better win that guitar!!

  10. jane23 says:

    i saw an early version of the mothers in 1969
    cost: $3.50
    my how times have changed.

  11. jane23 says:

    you can buy a hagstrom swede at walmart???

  12. mike says:

    The Birchmere in Alexandria Va (outside DC) is hardly any more intimate than the Ram’s Head in Baltimore where I saw them last year. Frankly (no pun) I left that concert early, It was OK for a while, but didn’t have staying power. I’m going to pass at the Birchmere (even though its about 3 miles from my house) given it’s a monday night, and $115…

  13. metafunj says:

    Maybe when my royalty check comes in.

  14. Plooker says:

    I’m only going if Andre does!

  15. xorg says:

    Pedant’s Corner.

    I don’t recall ever seeing or hearing FZ play a Hagstrom guitar although I do remember the cruddy advertisements which Frank used to publicise himself and the Mothers as much as Hagstrom guitars. Crafty!

    In any case, I don’t think there’s any particular connection between FZ and the Hagstrom Swede that Dweez is ‘giving away’ on tour. The advertisements show the Hagstrom Viking, which is kind of a bastardised version of the Gibson ES335; a 12-string from the F series which is mostly a Gibson SG rip-off with Stratocaster influences; and a ‘Bjarton’ 12-string acoustic which looks pretty much to be modelled on a Gibson J45. The Swede is basically a Gibson Les Paul design.

    A friend of mine had a Hagstrom guitar way back when (1960 something) which I tried out a couple of times, but I wasn’t all that impressed, preferring the real thing. That’s not to say that today’s production models aren’t any good. It will be interesting to see if Dweez actually uses a Hagstrom on tour or whether he sticks with the SG and/or stratocaster.

    Hagstrom, of course, started out making piano accordions. Anyone ever notice an accordion in FZ’s output?

  16. accordingly says:

    Lady of Spain, I adore you
    Right from the night I first saw you
    My heart has been yearning for you
    What else could any heart do?
    Lady of Spain, I’m appealing
    Why should my lips be concealing
    All that my eyes are revealing?
    Lady of Spain, I love you

    Night in Madrid, blue and tender
    Spanish moon makes silver splendor
    Music throbbing, plaintive sobbing notes of a guitar
    While ardent caballeros serenade:

    Lady of Spain, I adore you
    Right from the night I first saw you
    My heart has been yearning for you
    What else could any heart do?
    Lady of Spain, I’m appealing
    Why should my lips be concealing
    All that my eyes are revealing?
    Lady of Spain, I love you

  17. Plooker says:

    I just got two tickets 9th row at the Michigan theatre in Ann Arbor for $113 total. Why did it say 115/ticket yesterday?

  18. Bob Again says:

    maybe you got the “dream date with andre” discount?

  19. Sharleena says:


    ** Please note that shows marked with a double asterisk (**) are in larger venues and not part of the “You Can’t Fit On Stage Anymore” tour, and do not feature the guitar giveaway or concert download. To read more about the “You Can’t Fit On Stage Anymore” tour, click here.


  20. SOFA - Philostopher/Chef says:

    Just to “adjust” Dr Sharl’s thinking a bit – the ** shows are in SMALLER venues, so no give aways (the ‘take’ will be much smaller).
    However, 9th row MI Theater is pretty sweet! If I make it there, I’ll find you, Plook.
    (A freakin Monday night; damn… But, who knows? I’ve done stuff more irresponsible.)

  21. Matt says:

    Nope, the ** shows are in larger venues. The smaller shows have the larger price to make up for less tickets being sold.

  22. urbangraffito says:

    [quote comment=”1969″]LOL!

    ** Please note that shows marked with a double asterisk (**) are in larger venues and not part of the “You Can’t Fit On Stage Anymore” tour, and do not feature the guitar giveaway or concert download. To read more about the “You Can’t Fit On Stage Anymore” tour, click here.

    NO HAGSTROM FOR YOU!!! :-)[/quote]

    Very astute of you, Sharleena! I’m surprised the zft didn’t make the small print even smaller. I mean, why announce a guitar giveaway and concert download, name your tour upon it, then book shows that have nothing to do with it? One answer: money grubbers. Kind of makes one wonder how many other larger venue shows Dweezil intends to book? I hear that some Wal-Mart stores have pretty damn good acoustics. God-damn, they really are in it just for the money!

  23. Sharleena says:

    [quote comment=”1971″]Nope, the ** shows are in larger venues. The smaller shows have the larger price to make up for less tickets being sold.[/quote]

    The bigger venues have the ** shows with the much smaller give away.
    The smaller prices make up for larger venues and much smaller ‘take’.
    The pellet with the poison’s in the vessel with the pestle; the chalice from the palace has the brew that is true!


  24. Plooker says:

    Sharleena, my macular degeneration got the best of me, thanks. I am taking my older son Eldon, unlike my wife he likes tiny little notes!

  25. Balint says:

    Uh-uh.. oh yes, I did nor realize the ticket prices… The main drawback to me now (not counting that I’m not at all in the USA) that according to the “wish list” the audience can only choose tunes that been heavily played in the last years or can be heard on DVD. I definitely would give some extra money for an intimate-type of show with a setlist containing pieces like Moggio, Sinister Footwear, Alien Orifice, Big Swifty… But nooo more album-version Peaches please – and if it depends on the audience, I think they’ll get a show full of Camarilli Brillos. This way (and if the played versions remain the same, year after year) I’m not really interested in the mp3 versions, too.

  26. urbangraffito says:


  27. joe ntj says:

    ROXY – 10 dec 08 – video release party?

  28. dwiva says:

    ROXY – 10 dec 08 – potholder final markdown sale!

  29. hipbone says:

    [quote comment=”1986″]ROXY – 10 dec 08 – video release party?[/quote]

    I got word of the next release from ZPZ, and its not Roxy. BUT, you will all love it! I would be hunted down and shot by the ZFT if I told you what it was before they do, but let’s just say its a live concert from a stellar lineup that hasn’t had a proper full-length recording released yet.

    ’09 will be a great year for Zappa fans who want new music.

  30. the holy grail says:

    [quote comment=”2191″][quote comment=”1986″]ROXY – 10 dec 08 – video release party?[/quote]

    ’09 will be a great year for Zappa fans who want new music.[/quote]

    your czech is in the mail!

  31. Bob Again says:

    The hipbone’s connected to the z-bone. So what? Seems I’ve heard this stuff before…

  32. hipbone says:

    [quote comment=”2205″]The hipbone’s connected to the z-bone. So what? Seems I’ve heard this stuff before…[/quote]

    “So what?” Czech is in the mail?? fuck you very much! that’s what I get for giving some fellow zappa freaks a taste of what’s to come huh?

    For the record, I’m not affiliated in any way with ZFT but know someone who is…I don’t make a dime from them, and even if I did, who says me posting a little tease on KUR regarding inside information would get me a nickel? If you think me posting a little blurb or a rumor on KUR is “advertising” you are giving more credit to KUR than it deserves. I’ve been a fan of this site for a couple of years now and have always enjoyed it – but now I feel sort of unwelcome. wow. What happened to the “zappa community” vibe. Did Gail really fuck it up forever? I don’t agree with a lot she’s done, but in the end – music is the best, and the FZ fans are what matters (especially when they try to look out for one another)

    I just heard something through the grapevine and thought I’d kindly pass it on because I’ve seen all the negative zft stuff on here and thought I’d try mellow everyone out a bit by saying good things were coming. I know a lot more about what’s coming up – but fuck it, you’ll all lap it up and buy it regardless. And I won’t make a red cent.

    when I heard what was coming out next, and believe me it will melt all your icy fucking hearts, I had two choices: keep it to myself, or, let you guys in on it (true, I didn’t give it away 100%, but at least you know something is coming soon, its gonna be great – according to a life long FZ fan, and it’s from an unreleased lineup – which if you are a true fan would narrow it down to only a handful of choices).

    what ever happened to all the fun in the world?

  33. Matt says:

    Lighten up, Francis.

  34. Bob Again says:

    [quote comment=”2210″]what ever happened to all the fun in the world?[/quote]

    I’ve been asking the same question for awhile, myself.

    [quote comment=”2213″]Lighten up, Francis.[/quote]

  35. Bob Again says:

    As for the czech…if you don’t want her, I’ll take her.

  36. Rob says:

    When was the last time a Zappa release announcement included a complete track listing in plain English with relevant details such as band members, dates, etc.? The closest thing I can recall is when I’d find a new LP (remember them?) in the bin and read it for myself.

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