Dublin Bound

Dr Sharl and I will be leaving for a week long trip to Ireland starting next Friday — save a two day wedding attendance with our friends MagicFingers and Indra in the greater London area. We’re to arrive at Dublin Airport at around 8pm local time next Sunday. We have two days to spend there before we fly over to Galway. Do any Dubliners reading this have any suggestions as to which places we should visit (comic shops, music shops, curiosity shops)? If so, do let us know, either in the comments or by direct email. Thanks!

3 thoughts on “Dublin Bound”

  1. The Irish (just after the Scots; sorry) make some of the finest sipping whiskey in the world. I’d visit a Distillery.
    But that is, of course, something I would enjoy on almost any trip, anywhere…
    Be safe, and have fun!
    And please give my most warm regards to MF & Indra!

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