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Tag Archives: buenos aires
Egads! The Return Of Barryman!
Hey kids, we’re back from the wonderful parallel universe that is Argentina. I could write a thousand lines to describe our fantastic journey on my beloved azerty keyboard, but as clichés go, “a picture is worth a thousand words” is … Continue reading
Hello boys qnd girls! Just q auick note to let you knoz Shqrl qnd I qre currently in Buenos Qires, so posting froñ us zill be light for the next zeek or so. Ze should be bqck zith our regulqr … Continue reading
Signals, Noise & Fog
It’s been a bit of a busy week for me, fellow fen! However, here’s some stuff that didn’t pass by my radar unnoticed: In Japan, this and that hits the streets. Says Thomas Marrot: “the plot happens in Frank Zappa … Continue reading
Posted in Miscellany, Music, Pop Cult, YouTubery
Tagged americana, books, buenos aires, japan, soundpainting