Egads! The Return Of Barryman!

Hey kids, we’re back from the wonderful parallel universe that is Argentina.
I could write a thousand lines to describe our fantastic journey on my beloved azerty keyboard, but as clichés go, “a picture is worth a thousand words” is right up there with the best of ’em.

So here, in a nutshell, I present to you a concise pictorial of our stay in Kirchnerismo Central:

Sharl & Lucas


Argentine Steak

Whoa. That went fast, didn’t it.

22 thoughts on “Egads! The Return Of Barryman!”

  1. Welcome home, you three globetrotters from Barry Towers. After a month a fine food, fine wine, fine pablum, it must feel good to be home!

  2. cute cute cute! Also: wow, does that beef look wonderful. there is nothing like Argentinian feral beef!

  3. [quote comment=”7893″]It’s better to say that the Atlantic Ocean is a river from Buenos Aires perspective…[/quote]
    Lol, how true! That picture was taken in Mar Del Plata though so I figure I’m safe calling the ocean “the ocean” 😉
    [quote comment=”7895″]cute cute cute! Also: wow, does that beef look wonderful. there is nothing like Argentinian feral beef![/quote]
    Indeed! Argentinian steak is delicious — so much so that it is considered heresy to eat it with anything else but some salt and pepper, and (optionally!) the tiniest bit of salad.

  4. …and, speaking of rivers, I believe that is actually the Cayahoga River in the foreground. Now, that’s eerie!

  5. [quote post=”2630″]Indeed! Argentinian steak is delicious — so much so that it is considered heresy to eat it with anything else but some salt and pepper, and (optionally!) the tiniest bit of salad.[/quote]

    Yes, I know! Tenemos otra cosa en común, Barry: me esposa es una portena. I have been to the parallel universe and have tasted the amazing beef. It doesn’t *need* anything other than basic seasoning!

  6. Por qué al referirse a Argentina, you speak about parallel universe???
    Never seen a more parallel universe than the U.S.before ?

  7. [quote comment=”7908″]Por qué al referirse a Argentina, you speak about parallel universe??? Never seen a more parallel universe than the U.S.before ?[/quote]
    Roberto, if you would be so kind as to refer back to my original post, I speak, in fact, of “the wonderful parallel universe that is Argentina”.

    Traveling from fall to spring, from cold to warm, from a Nordic language to Castellano, from European culture and politics to South American culture and politics, from one flavor of daily-life chaos to another, equally confusing type of chaos: do you not agree that this means entering a parallel universe? And more importantly: why would this be a bad thing — as you seem to assert — would it not instead be an enriching experience, as it turns out to be for me time after time?

  8. So you men parallel for wonderful, and wondeful for what? No te enojes flaco! Es de locos ese país!

  9. Welcome back to the entire “Barryman” family! Glad to hear you all arrived home safely. I see from the second photo above that you’re dependable side-kick Lucas (the baby-boy wonder) is growing up quite quickly! Is this one of his super powers!? Or is it just the massive intake of raw meat (a fine looking cut btw . . . drooooool)?

    [quote comment=”7890″]Is that Lake Erie in the background?[/quote]
    Bob, maybe you need some red meat in your diet . . . egads! I think I uncovered Bob’s not so secret alter-ego, “SUPER-INAPPROPRIATE-POST MAN! 🙂

  10. [quote comment=”7916″]So you men parallel for wonderful, and wondeful for what? No te enojes flaco! Es de locos ese país![/quote]

    Roberto, el que parecia estar enojado en el primer comentario eras vos, pero a lo mejor te malentendimos. A qué pais te referis cuando decis “es de locos”? Si relees el texto, cuando Barry usa “wonderful” y “parallel”, los esta usando como adjetivos de “universe”, no esta implicando que uno significa lo mismo que otro.
    Por ultimo, Barry nunca visito los US, asi que no veo por qué incluir ese tema en esta conversacion…

  11. [quote comment=”7920″][quote comment=”7890″]Is that Lake Erie in the background?[/quote]
    Bob, maybe you need some red meat in your diet . . . egads![/quote]

    Wanna do dinner?

  12. [quote comment=”7936″]Wanna do dinner?[/quote]
    Oh, Oh . . .
    Wait, haven’t we done this before?
    Bob, I would glady dine with you, my fellow New Yorker Alex, or any of my KUR comrades. As long as you don’t show up wearing a shirt from the Robert Martin Collection of Fine Nipple Exposure, while ranting about your new love for red meat (hey, I stayed on topic with that last one :))!

  13. [quote comment=”7944″]Speedos?[/quote]

    …best left to the youngsters, I’m afraid. Besides, I’ve retired mine for the winter.

  14. [quote comment=”7944″]Would Speedos be allowed then?[/quote]
    Sharleena, I see your mind is still on the beaches of Mar Del Plata.

    Would Speedos be allowed for dining out in NYC, you ask?
    Only if they were designed & issued by KUR.

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