Tunes, Treats & Torrents – Fattore Zeta

Italian band Fattore Zeta describes itself as a “jazz tribute to Frank Zappa” band. Their unique covers, interpretations, and arrangements of Zappa’s compositions – with their use of instruments in unexpected combinations – is really quite extraordinary (Listen to “Oh No” and “Blessed Relief” on their website). The band released their first album in 2006, entitled “(R)umori Jazz“. Their second, entitled “Dio Fa“, released in 2009, captured the band’s concert at Zappanale 19.

The following three videos capture them performing “Let’s Move To Cleveland”, “America Drinks & Goes Home”, and “King Kong” live at the Borderline in Pisa, Italy, on the 18th of January 2007:

The following tracks, taken from their June 11th, 2009 concert at Le Triton, Les Lilas, France, reveals their unique arrangements of Zappa compositions. Take a listen:

Sleep DirtFattore Zeta play Zappa
[audio:20100425_04 Sleep Dirt.mp3]

Son of Mr Green GenesFattore Zeta play Zappa
[audio:20100425_05 Son of Mr Green Genes.mp3]

SofaFattore Zeta play Zappa
[audio:20100425_08 Sofa.mp3]

The June 11th, 2009 show of Fattore Zeta at Le Triton, Les Lilas, France is available for torrent via Zappateers, here.

Author: urbangraffito

I am a writer, editor, publisher, philosopher, and foole (not necessarily in that order). Cultural activist and self-described anarchist.

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