Trent Reznor Has Some Advice

The point is this: music IS free whether you want to believe that or not. Every piece of music you can think of is available free right now a click away. This is a fact – it sucks as the musician BUT THAT’S THE WAY IT IS (for now). So… have the public get what they want FROM YOU instead of a torrent site and garner good will in the process (plus build your database).

Read the rest here

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20 Responses to Trent Reznor Has Some Advice

  1. Sharleena says:

    I agree! (submit)

  2. Paul Sempschi says:

    I agree with the conclusion but disagree with the availability of all music since I’ve been trying to download the “On the Corner Sessions” for three months but cannot find a working torrent!

  3. nikita coltrane says:

    You and me both, Paul! I’ve been trying to find the “On the Corner Sessions” box for at least a month. Let me know if you manage to find it. 😛 (I’m serious, I’ll provide you with an e-mail address if you want to let me know if and when you find the damn thing 😉 )

  4. James says:

    I have the 6 disc On The Corner sessions. I’ll post them if you’re interested

  5. James says:

    Have you noticed Gail Zappa has commented?

  6. Matt says:

    My God, it’s always about her, isn’t it? She may be the most self-absorbed rock widow ever. Give it a rest, Gail. The rights that were left to you will soon be worthless if you continue boneheaded moves such as $25 downloads.

  7. Matt says:

    Funny that GZ says that Trent’s post is “excellent advice” given that does all the stuff he says not to do: Flash intro, rarely updated, unrealistic pricing. Oh, the irony.

  8. DoctorJimmy says:

    [quote comment=”6732″]Funny that GZ says that Trent’s post is “excellent advice” given that does all the stuff he says not to do: Flash intro, rarely updated, unrealistic pricing. Oh, the irony.[/quote]
    Funny, I was thinking of exactly the same thing. Makes me wonder if it was the real GZ commenting.

  9. The Real GeeZ says:


  10. urbangraffito says:

    [quote comment=”6730″]Have you noticed Gail Zappa has commented?[/quote]
    [quote comment=”6735″][quote comment=”6732″]Funny that GZ says that Trent’s post is “excellent advice” given that does all the stuff he says not to do: Flash intro, rarely updated, unrealistic pricing. Oh, the irony.[/quote]
    Funny, I was thinking of exactly the same thing. Makes me wonder if it was the real GZ commenting.[/quote]

    Don’t be fooled, fellow KUR-Meisters. For one, I doubt the real GZ would comment here using her real name. Two, she is much more articulate than _ _ _ in drag (careful there, big guy, your hose is slipping…).

  11. [quote comment=”6735″]Don’t be fooled, fellow KUR-Meisters. For one, I doubt the real GZ would comment here using her real name. [snip].[/quote]

    She always does sign with “gz”. Also, GZ appears to have commented on the linked entry, not here, at KUR…

  12. Paul Sempschi says:

    [quote comment=”6721″]I have the 6 disc On The Corner sessions. I’ll post them if you’re interested[/quote]

    So what site are you posting them at?

  13. urbangraffito says:

    [quote comment=”6743″][quote comment=”6735″]Don’t be fooled, fellow KUR-Meisters. For one, I doubt the real GZ would comment here using her real name. [snip].[/quote]

    She always does sign with “gz”. Also, GZ appears to have commented on the linked entry, not here, at KUR…[/quote]

    Kudos, Barry for correcting my obvious error re: the real GZ signing her name gz. Given that some have attempted to misrepresent her position my usurping her nom de plume, it’s difficult to pick the real from the virtual. Like anyone, gz has the right to her position, and I find it in very bad taste for someone to attempt to start a “bash gail” thread in this manner, don’t you?

  14. James says:

    Do you mean me? I didn’t attempt to start anything, people can make their own conclusions (you may agree or disagree) abut the gz comment. I thought it was of note to mention she (if it is her) commented, as people might not have seen it or have read it before it appeared. The comments are so ironic, it does make me wonder if Doctor Jimmy is right.
    Toodle pip

  15. urbangraffito says:

    No, James, I didn’t mean you. I was speaking of those who would attempt to put words into her mouth which are not her own. As for the gz comment, itself, yes, it is indeed ironic (and Matt, Doctor Jimmy, and yourself, have valid points).

  16. Grafitti on The Wall says:

    [quote comment=”6732″]Funny that GZ says that Trent’s post is “excellent advice” given that does all the stuff he says not to do: Flash intro, rarely updated, unrealistic pricing. Oh, the irony.[/quote]

    The irony is that you fail to give credence to the context
    of her message.

    Excellent advice from Trent. Given that almost everyone is stealing almost everything (for now), I ‘d like to recommend one thing further: don’t be dead. If you can’t not be dead let’s do more than hope that those who truly love your music will respect the rights of those to whom you left it. As FZ said, “Music is the Best!”


  17. Grafitti on The Wall says:

    [quote comment=”6732″]Funny that GZ says that Trent’s post is “excellent advice” given that does all the stuff he says not to do: Flash intro, rarely updated, unrealistic pricing. Oh, the irony.[/quote]

    The irony is that you fail to give credence to the context
    of her message………………………

    “Excellent advice from Trent. Given that almost everyone is stealing almost everything (for now), I ‘d like to recommend one thing further: don’t be dead. If you can’t not be dead let’s do more than hope that those who truly love your music will respect the rights of those to whom you left it. As FZ said, “Music is the Best!” ”


  18. voice on the wall says:

    gail is right,you spend money and then you can download it from somewhere on the net …………. why produce ! they the village people
    for 9.95 …….. i salute you gail !

  19. The Real GeeZ says:

    not dead yet!!!

  20. Matt says:

    Trendy, are you saying that gz’s “excellent advice” remark is only in reference to Trent’s comments on consumer theft? If so, then her comment is merely further self-absorption, and she has missed the opportunity to learn how to improve her website and business.

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