44 thoughts on “Lumpy Money Pre-Order: 10% Discount”

  1. $50 for 3 CDs. The discount is a nice gesture, but doesn’t even cover the shipping. 😛
    I still ordered it, but come on…

  2. Attempted several times to include this $5 discount in the total… I surrendered and finally ordered it anyway. A few minutes later I discovered there was actually a second “PROCEED TO CHECKOUT” button at the very bottom of the page. Whatever this is likely too late now. Maybe I will publish my promotional code here if I reach the fifth stage of the KĂŒbler-Ross model.

  3. [quote comment=”3529″]Attempted several times to include this $5 discount in the total… I surrendered and finally ordered it anyway. A few minutes later I discovered there was actually a second “PROCEED TO CHECKOUT” button at the very bottom of the page. quote]

    I had this same problem, but I did end up figuring out the solution. DO NOT copy and paste the code into the discount field. Instead physically type it in yourself

  4. [quote comment=”3531″]I had this same problem, but I did end up figuring out the solution. DO NOT copy and paste the code into the discount field. Instead physically type it in yourself[/quote]

    Yeah, I didn’t have a problem copying and pasting it.

  5. I got a bad feeling about this one, Barry…(though I do salute you brave souls above for jumping through all those hoops for a release that is, of yet, untested in audio terms – I wait with bated breath for the reviews).

  6. [quote comment=”3533″]I got a bad feeling about this one, Barry…[/quote]
    I haven’t pre-ordered — not because I’m not interested in Lumpy Money, but because I’ve just spent waaay too much money on other stuff! Oh and before anyone asks: I already gave my code to a friend 🙂

  7. [quote comment=”3534″][quote comment=”3533″]I got a bad feeling about this one, Barry…[/quote]
    I haven’t pre-ordered — not because I’m not interested in Lumpy Money, but because I’ve just spent waaay too much money on other stuff! Oh and before anyone asks: I already gave my code to a friend :)[/quote]

    MOFO (4 disc edition) was the last release I ordered sight unseen (and unheard) from the Trust, Barry. Personally, I find the discount hardly worth it at all (as far as incentives go), and pre-paying to have one’s name appear in the credits (or on some webpage) is far too gimmicky for my taste. At least with the MOFO release, I can say that I was not dissatisfied (which can be said about some of the other posthumous releases) with my purchase. Now I tend to take a wait and see (and hear) attitude before I order anything from them.

    There is always hope, Barry, that the simple motto, “Give the people what they want…” will one day sink in at zap dot com

  8. Nice Mofo-style packaging again, it seems. I hope they were using regular CD trays this time, though

  9. [quote comment=”3539″]$50 bucks!? GZ are you kidding?[/quote]

    had you never been to the barko-swill site?

    i’m not saying $50 is a steal but it’s right in line with the pricing of everything else on that site. it’s a little late in the game to be crying about the prices.

    i ordered mine. yeah, i could have waited and looked around for a deal elsewhere but f- it. if i’m lucky a portion of my sale will go towards the litigation of some guy playing a couple zappa songs in a bar in ypsilanti, michigan.

  10. i googled it & got a few pages with this same article:


    & here’s a quote:

    “Travers says that Zappa did make the original stereo mix of Money available on CD, which is what Ryko offers. The ’84 remix has been out of print, but, Travers says, it will also be included in the forthcoming anniversary reissue. “You’ll have the mono — which is actually a DiscReet [Records] mono mix (which is different) — the ’84 mix of Money, and the unreleased ’84 remix of Lumpy Gravy that no one has ever heard.”

    i already ordered mine, even though after i broke disc #4 from “mofo” & i couldn’t get any of the b@$+@rds!! to replace it, i swore i wouldn’t do business with them again (turns out i was able to get a copy from someone right here, thanks again!)

    who did i think i was kidding? i’ll buy any of the 60’s zappa/mothers stuff! i mean i’m droolin’ right now thinking of an original ruben & the jets reissue, all they gotta do is make a copy of a scratchy vinyl album! umrk can’t do that?

  11. $ 50 for a 3-disc set is not a SALES price. But is it really all that expensive?? I really don’t think so.

    First of all don’t forget that these releases are not produced in millions of copies, like the rubbish that is in the charts. Fairly low numbers of copies means higher bit-prices. Three discs for 50 is not even 17 bucks for one, that’s not too crazy for a set such as this.
    If you are anywhere nearly interested in Zappa’s music I really can’t believe you won’t jump at a chance like this to get some wonderful material for an affordable price without nagging about it.

    I have seen prices people pay for bootlegs (or even home-copied stuff) at conventions and ebay, and they seem to do that without any complaints. Why then is it such a crime for those who hold the legacy of the original material and make a release with knowledge of and love for the artist and his work to ask a fair (not rediculous, as with bad quality bootleg material) price??

    If you believe MOFO was not worth the money, then by all means don’t buy this one. Just go out and drink a few beers with mates and see if you can stay under these fiftly bucks.
    I know I will expand the price of the set with a bouquet of floewers for my handsome postwoman to give the moment she rings the doorbell and delivers Lumpy Money. And I know I will have a lot of fine hours enjoying great music. Just as I did with all previous ZFT releases.

    Concider the fact that they don’t HAVE to release anything. And even if they would be only in this record-releasing business for the money I personally wouldn’t care as long as they keep delivering.

  12. i have just read the LA Weekly article and am completely confused as to what Lumpy Money will consist of. A mono version; the original stereo master; the 84 version; dialog outtakes???
    Is there going to be anything that anyone has not heard yet aside from the shimmering 12 string tracks?

  13. I agree with Ton. We buy everything the ZFT throws our way, and show them appreciation, and we are bound to see more and more releases as times go on. We are like wailing little babies to Gail and what incentive does she have to reward us?

  14. [quote comment=”3538″]Nice Mofo-style packaging again, it seems. I hope they were using regular CD trays this time, though[/quote]
    What, the beachball design didn’t float your boat?

    Me, neither.

    Ok, ZFT lap-dancers, we get it. They don’t need to be releasing anything…but you know that? They ARE. We received quality products from Frank while he was alive, and Ryko did a damn good job in the immediate years after his death, so yeah…call us jaded, but we sort of expect this whole quality product thing to keep with anything officially released with the Zappa name.

    And why would they be so stupid to assume that the mix of WOIIFTM that the fans hate, hate, HATED so much is something to proud of re-releasing?

    You’d think after the almighty “meh” of ‘One-Shot Deal’ or the underwhelming surprises of ‘Joe’s Menage’ and another AAAFNRAA bundle (a surprise rendered more impotent by the delay of ‘Lumpy Money’) that extra care would have gone into making this worth every cent. Any word on the WOIIFTM acetates being on this? Great work, ZFT, your chance to redeem yourself, but in the words of The Big Lebowski: “You fucked it up, Walter! YOU FUCKED IT UP!”

    Unforgivable. I will be stealing this album off of a torrent or burning a copy from a friend. They shan’t be receiving any more nickels and dimes from me…or in this case, fifty dollar bills.

    How’s that for a New Year’s resolution?

  15. [quote comment=”3559″] Great work, ZFT, your chance to redeem yourself, but in the words of The Big Lebowski: “You fucked it up, Walter! YOU FUCKED IT UP!”

    “I’m calmer than you are.”

  16. Is Gail’s first language something other than English? Because the album descriptions on the Official Website appear to have been run through one of those online translators.

    Would it kill them to put together a simple description of the contents therein?

  17. [quote comment=”3593″]Is Gail’s first language something other than English? Because the album descriptions on the Official Website appear to have been run through one of those online translators.

    Would it kill them to put together a simple description of the contents therein?[/quote]

    i agree. that stuff is very annoying. trying waaaay to hard to ape frank’s sense of humor. sorry zft, frank’s gone and those stupid blurbs flat out suck.

  18. The funny thing about this is that Frank occasionally used verbosity for humorous effect, but more often he was painfully direct and to-the-point. I doubt a Frank-run web site would be written anything like the ZFT site.

    Oddly enough, I first found KUR when I was casting around for a site that explain what the various ZFT releases actually contain. Who in their right mind would buy Lumpy Money based on Gail’s description? And, like jane23, I’m still a little fuzzy on exactly what’s there. Four or five separate mixes of two albums–in a three-cd set? That doesn’t leave much room for extras…

  19. [quote comment=”3596″] Who in their right mind would buy Lumpy Money based on Gail’s description?[/quote]

    you’ve got that right. i’m certainly not in my right mind. i’m just praying that i enjoy it as much as the 4 disc mofo set.

  20. There seem to be fewer pissy whiners on KUR
    lately. Buy the record, don’t buy the record.
    Who gives a fuck?

  21. [quote post=”857″]Ok, ZFT lap-dancers, we get it. They don’t need to be releasing anything
but you know that? They ARE. [/quote]

    So! That makes me a happy person.
    They could set fire to the entire vault, it’s theirs to do with what they want. I am grateful that I get some enjoyment out of it.

    [quote post=”857″]and Ryko did a damn good job in the immediate years after his death, so yeah[/quote]

    And who do you think was responsible for the production of those products??

    Hey, come on here.
    Why is anybody who actually enjoys the releases the FZT makes a ZFT lapdancer, or kissing ass (what I was accused of in another topic here)? If you don’t want to be happy that is your choice, but that does not make anybody who has a different opinion a lower person.

    Some people here act and talk as if they OWN Frank Zappa, as if they are on the brink of taking him over from his family. That’s sick.
    Having lost my wife myself I can understand how his family must feel with all this going on. I would have closed the shop a long time ago if I was them.

  22. How difficult is it to re-issue early versions of these classic albums just as they were produced by Frank Zappa himself? Why all the added garnish and embellishment? Just the straight goods. From FZ’s nimble editing razor to my ears. Simple as that. These multi-disc releases are only going to further limit the attraction of new listeners, while selling to an ever shrinking fan base (sorry, Mothers fans aren’t getting any younger, though they are all young at heart methinks). Is it just me, or is the ZFT business practices slowly pushing FZ (and his legacy) into obscurity?

  23. i don’t have any beef with the zft releases. frank couldn’t even be trusted not to ruin his material in his own lifetime.

  24. [quote post=”857″]How difficult is it to re-issue early versions of these classic albums just as they were produced by Frank Zappa himself? Why all the added garnish and embellishment? Just the straight goods. From FZ’s nimble editing razor to my ears. Simple as that. [/quote]

    That is quite difficult, because the rights to those masters were sold to Ryko by Frank, and the ZFT is not even allowed to sell these Ryko-releases on their own website as long as Ryko has the rights to them.
    But there is no need to re-issue the albums, as all of them are easily available, just the way FZ made them.

    [quote post=”857″] These multi-disc releases are only going to further limit the attraction of new listeners, while selling to an ever shrinking fan base (sorry, Mothers fans aren’t getting any younger, though they are all young at heart methinks).[/quote]

    These multi-disc releases full of wonderment that might not be interesting to possible new listeners (who can easily get the albums without anything else) are indeed for a fairly limited audience: those who already have the material in their earlier released form, as FZ edited it, but have a hunger for MORE because they know it is there. FZ made different versions of various works, and I want to hear as many as possible, to get an insight in how he worked.
    Also I would LOVE to have the original LUMPY GRAVY orchestral version straight from FZ’s razor that desperately needs release, but won’t have an enormous wide audience.
    THAT is why these sets are made available. And that is also why they are a bit more expensive than CD’s bought in ye olde record store: THEIR NUMBERS ARE RATHER LIMITED.

    Two 2CD-sets of two of Penderecki’s opera’s (without any extra’s apart from a booklet with hardly anything in it but the text in 387 languages) were priced a lot higher than any of these ZFT sets, while they were simply live recordings of events that would have been held anyways, so the production didn’t cost all that much. It has all to do with the amount of copies that are made. As with the ZFT releases I was happy to pay it for Penderecki’s works as well.

    If you are not interested in the extra material, by all means, don’t buy the multi-disc sets, but I don’t see the point in whining about them in the loathfull language I see here on this site all too often either as long as there are quite some people very interested in getting them.

    The Project/Object sets are NOT REISSUES, they are releases that give the interested listener more background on how the masterworks were created.

    Also – if the ZFT would not release any material that is not on the original albums people here would complain about that as well. Now we have BOTH the original albums available for anyone who wants only that PLUS loads of other material for those who want more.
    In the fucked up world we live in It is a great thing that at least something arrives in the mailbox every few months that makes me happy.

    [quote post=”857″]Mothers fans aren’t getting any younger, though they are all young at heart methinks). Is it just me, or is the ZFT business practices slowly pushing FZ (and his legacy) into obscurity?[/quote]

    No, they aren’t.
    DZ even devoted a few years of his life to learning to play the guitar well enough to make it possible for younger audiences to experience Frank’s music as a live event, playing large, small and festival shows to reach as many different audiences as possible. But even here people are complaining that he plays festivals – even though that is the best possible way to reach audiences who would otherwise probably not go to such a concert to get acquainted with Frank’s music.

    I know – I’m a lapdancer and an asskisser to them in some people’s eyes. So be it – at least I enjoy a lot of new stuff that others only seem to want to get angry about for some reason.

  25. LUMPY MONEY Tracklist! Finally….from copying and pasting teeny tiny weentzy little text from the Zappa.com newest Flash animation. This is long and may be poorly formatted as I am in the office right now and have to do this fast:

    LUMPY MONEY – Disc One
    Lumpy Gravy (Primordial) C & P 2008 ZFT
    FZ’s Original Orchestral Edit for Capitol Records.
    Original tracking sessions at Capitol Studios, Produced by Nick Venet
    Mono Version, 4-Track Master Tape Sequence
    Source: Œ” Analog – Master Tape T-2719 dated 19 May 1967.
    1. I Sink Trap 2:45
    2. II Gum Joy 3:44
    3. III Up & Down 1:52
    4. IV Local Butcher 2:36
    5. V Gypsy Airs 1:41
    6. VI Hunchy Punchy 2:06
    7. VII Foamy Soaky 2:34
    8. VIII Let’s Eat Out 1:49
    9. IX Teen-Age Grand Finale 3:30
    tt: 22:37
    We’re Only In It For The Money C & P 1968 ZFT
    1968 Original Mono Mix, Produced by Frank Zappa.
    This is NOT a fold-down mix from stereo to Mono. This is a separate discreet mono mix
    created by FZ with Dick Kunc in 1968.
    Source: Œ” Analog Master
    10. Are You Hung Up? 1:26
    11. Who Needs The Peace Corps? 2:32
    12. Concentration Moon 2:22
    13. Mom & Dad 2:16
    14. Telephone Conversation :49
    15. Bow Tie Daddy :33
    16. Harry, You’re A Beast 1:21
    17. What’s The Ugliest Part Of Your Body? 1:02
    18. Absolutely Free 3:26
    19. Flower Punk 3:03
    20. Hot Poop :26
    21. Nasal Retentive Calliope Music 2:03
    22. Let’s Make The Water Turn Black 1:58
    23. The Idiot Bastard Son 3:22
    24. Lonely Little Girl 1:10
    25. Take Your Clothes Off When You Dance 1:34
    26. What’s The Ugliest Part Of Your Body? (Reprise) :58
    27. Mother People 2:31
    28. The Chrome Plated Megaphone Of Destiny 6:23
    tt: 39:15
    This Disc: Mastering & Audio Restoration engineer – John Polito, 2008.
    TT: 61:52

    LUMPY MONEY – Disc Two
    Lumpy Gravy C 1968 P 2008 ZFT
    1984 UMRK Remix
    Although this version was never released, FZ did include a track entitled Lumpy Gravy (Excerpt)
    in a promotional disc for The Old Masters, Box One. All 3:01 of it is here. This promo disc
    was serviced to radio station program directors. Lucky them.
    Source: 1630 Digital Master
    1. Lumpy Gravy – Part One 15:57
    2. Lumpy Gravy – Part Two 17:15
    tt: 34:12
    We’re Only In It For The Money C 1968 P 1986 ZFT
    1984 UMRK Remix, originally released on CD, 1986
    Source: 3324 Digital Master
    3. Are You Hung Up? 1:30
    4. Who Needs The Peace Corps? 2:35
    5. Concentration Moon 2:17
    6. Mom & Dad 2:16
    7. Telephone Conversation :49
    8. Bow Tie Daddy :33
    9. Harry, You’re A Beast 1:22
    10. What’s The Ugliest Part Of Your Body? 1:03
    11. Absolutely Free 3:28
    12. Flower Punk 3:04
    13. Hot Poop :29
    14. Nasal Retentive Calliope Music 2:03
    15. Let’s Make The Water Turn Black 1:45
    16. The Idiot Bastard Son 3:17
    17. Lonely Little Girl 1:12
    18. Take Your Clothes Off When You Dance 1:35
    19. What’s The Ugliest Part Of Your Body? (Reprise) :57
    20. Mother People 2:31
    21. The Chrome Plated Megaphone Of Destiny 6:26
    tt 40:12
    Produced by Frank Zappa
    This Disc: Mastered by Bernie Grundman, 2008.
    TT: 74:24

    LUMPY MONEY – Disc Three
    All FZ recordings were transferred from original 2-Track analog tapes except tracks 4
    through 6 & 13. All titles C & P 2008 except as noted.
    1. How Did That Get In Here? 25:01
    Recorded on Sunday, 13 February 1967 at Capitol (Original multi-track masters are
    currently not in evidence.) This is an FZ construction. Small excerpts from this material
    appear in FZ’s Masterwork, Lumpy Gravy. Source: Œ” stereo mixdown.
    2. Lumpy Gravy “Shuffle” :30
    Recorded 21 February 1969 at The New School, NYC, during FZ Lecture/Q&A.
    3. Dense Slight 1:42
    Lumpy Gravy Building Block by FZ.
    4. Unit 3A, Take 3 2:24
    5. Unit 2, Take 9 1:10
    6. Section 8, Take 22 2:39
    Tracks 4-6 recorded for Lumpy Gravy 14 March 1967 at Capitol. Mixed from the original
    4-Tracks by Joe Travers, UMRK, 2008.
    7. “My Favorite Album” :59
    Interview excerpt, 22 October 1971, KBEY- FM, Kansas City.
    8. Unit 9 :41
    In Lumpy Gravy, this piece is VSO-controlled by FZ. Recorded at Capitol Records.
    9. N. Double A, AA :55
    Lumpy Gravy Building Block by FZ.
    10. Theme From Lumpy Gravy [© 1991] 1:56
    Note: In Lumpy Gravy this piece is VSO-controlled by FZ. Recorded & mixed by FZ
    at Studio Z, Cucamonga.
    11. “What The Fuck’s Wrong With Her?” 1:07
    West Village Apt. NYC, working on Lumpy Gravy, late 1967.
    12. Intelligent Design 1:11
    Alternate FZ building block of the Gary-Kellgren-whispering/JCB-dialog.
    Note: Includes the famously censored line infamously deleted by MGM from the
    Masterwork. Recorded at Mayfair.

    13. Lonely Little Girl (Original Composition – Take 24) 3:35
    From the original 8-Track Masters recorded at Mayfair. Mixed by Joe Travers at UMRK 2008.
    14. “That Problem With Absolutely Free” :30
    Interview, Mixed Media, Detroit, 13 November 1967.
    15. Absolutely Free (Instrumental) 3:59
    16. Harry, You’re A Beast (Instrumental) 1:16
    17. What’s The Ugliest Part of Your Body? (Reprise/Instrumental) 2:01
    18. Creationism 1:11
    Recorded during the “Money” sessions, Mayfair, 6 September 1967.
    19. Idiot Bastard Snoop :47
    Mayfair Studios 1967, Vocal Overdub session snippet as-is.
    20. The Idiot Bastard Son (Instrumental) 2:48
    21. “What’s Happening Of The Universe” 1:37
    Interview with David Silver, Boston, 1969.
    22. “The World Will Be A Far Happier Place” :21
    Recorded at Mayfair.
    23. Lonely Little Girl (Instrumental) 1:26
    24. Mom & Dad (Instrumental) 2:16
    25. Who Needs The Peace Corps? (Instrumental) 2:51
    26. “Really Little Voice” 2:28
    Recorded during the Money sessions, Mayfair Studios 1967.
    27. Take Your Clothes Off When You Dance (Instrumental) 1:24
    28. Lonely Little Girl – The Single [C P 1967] 2:45
    Released prior to the album in November, 1967. Curiously, FZ considered this thoroughly
    discrete construct (yes, that’s right, this is a collage) potentially commercial.
    29. “In Conclusion” :25
    Recorded at Mayfair.
    TT: 71:54
    All Music produced/composed & performed/conducted by Frank Zappa.
    This Disc: Mastering & audio restoration engineer – John Polito, 2008.
    LUMPY MONEY Compiled & Produced by Gail Zappa & Joe Travers
    All Musics & Recordings from the Vault
    Vaultmeisterment by Joe Travers for UMRK, 2008
    Liner notes by David Fricke
    Original Art Direction by NT&B (FZ)
    Conceptual & Continuous Stuff & Text by GZ
    Production Manager: Melanie Starks
    Solar Dominance by Jupiter
    Cover Art, Package Design & Layout by Michael Mesker
    FZ Portrait Photo by Linda McCartney
    All Art Elements from the Vault & courtesy ZFT Archives
    Very Special thanks with nod of head & hand over heart to: Tom Wilson & Nick Venet for
    moving in mysterious ways.
    Special thanks to: Hans Bohlmeijer for being special & Capitol Records for the Return of the Vault
    Masters (go back and read that again like a 1950’s movie ad for a King of the MONSTERS tribute) &
    a Special Sleuth Merit Badge for Inventorial Service Beyondo to David K Teddes; Capitol Records for
    the courtesy window on their Photo Archives of the Lumpy Gravy sessions & Greg Parkin
    Thanks again to: Eric Pallone at Shorewood/ Karen Stone & Rick Goldman at CDS/ Marilyn, Matt,
    Nick & everyone at Shorefire
    More than can be said in one place to: all the usual suspects including Art Kelm, Richard Land-
    ers, Keith Lawler, Owen Sloane, David Fricke, Andrew Tenenbaum, Eva Silva Travers, Joe & our own
    Mikey, Melanie, Holland, Antonio, Gorgeous, Inca et alia
    Reverential thanks & gratitude to: Diva, Ahmet, Dweezil, Moon & Eric Clapton
    the LUMPY MONEY project/object is #2
    in the series of 4tieth Anniversary FZ Audio Documentaries
    C P 2008 Zappa Records under exclusive license to the Zappa Family Trust. All rights of the Artist, deserved
    & conserved, Heirs preserved, & Copyrights Holders reserved. Frank Zappa, FZ, Zappa, , Project/Object,
    Lumpy Gravy & the Mothers are ZFT registered marks. This is Zappa Family Archival Matter In Living Ylem.
    All rights reserved. This is Official Release # 85. Participate in Democracy. Register. Vote.

  26. [quote comment=”3734″]LUMPY MONEY Tracklist! Finally….from copying and pasting teeny tiny weentzy little text from the Zappa.com newest Flash animation. This is long and may be poorly formatted as I am in the office right now and have to do this fast:
    Jake: many thanks for taking the time to copy/paste all that in here…
    Duck and cover! Your supervisor is entering the office!

  27. Barry, your oversized left eye can see great distances!

    I was amazed that for the first time (maybe ever) I got some new info onto this site before someone else did.

    And yes – – despite the heart-breaking ZFT attack toward those amazing School of Rock kids – – I bought the 3-disc extravaganza all the same. (Shame on me…)

  28. Lompy Muney Tracklist. The way I see it Barry, this might actually turn out to be a very dynamite show. (Some of it anyway).

  29. My only complaint is: why the ’84 redubbed Money? Glad I’ve still got my aged and abused original vinyl copy!

  30. Thanks for the tracklist, Jake. What I’d really like to know, though, is how does this version stand up to those already released. Is it worth the cost? How does it stand up to MOFO? Or is it for completists only, like me?

  31. [quote comment=”3748″]Thanks for the tracklist, Jake. What I’d really like to know, though, is how does this version stand up to those already released. Is it worth the cost? How does it stand up to MOFO? Or is it for completists only, like me?[/quote]

    I just listened to it. If you liked MOFO, you’ll love this!

  32. [quote post=”857″]My only complaint is: why the ‘84 redubbed Money?[/quote]
    I agree I was listening to the overdubs, especially the drums and they really sound out of place.

  33. [quote comment=”3739″]Barry, your oversized left eye can see great distances!

    I was amazed that for the first time (maybe ever) I got some new info onto this site before someone else did.

    And yes – – despite the heart-breaking ZFT attack toward those amazing School of Rock kids – – I bought the 3-disc extravaganza all the same. (Shame on me…)[/quote]

    No need to feel any shame, Jake. Though some of us here at KUR have been critical (and will probably continue to be) of some of the business practices of the ZFT, I have never suggested that anyone stop purchasing products from them. Indeed, it’s quite the “love/hate” relationship going on between them and the Zappa fan base (at least it’s still some kind of relationship), albeit a uniquely twisted one.

  34. All rights of the Artist, deserved
    & conserved, Heirs preserved, & Copyrights Holders reserved. Frank Zappa, FZ, Zappa, , Project/Object,
    Lumpy Gravy & the Mothers are ZFT registered marks. This is Zappa Family Archival Matter In Living Ylem.
    All rights reserved.




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