Zappa Autographs

Says SOFA in a thread that kind of morphed into a discussion on FZ autographs:

TBN had a nice page of sigs, at one point in time (hint).

Now, I know a hint when I see one and yes, TBN did have some nice sigs (two, three). Since we’re on the topic, here’s my coveted little FZ sig, a birthday gift from a distinguished English gentleman who goes by the name of Magic Fingers, I hasten to add.

How about yourself? I would be interested to see any autographs (FZ or other!) you boys ‘n girls may have collected in the past. If you have any, drop me a note at killuglyradio [at] gmail [dot] com with a pic attached and perhaps a little blurb on how you obtained it, and I’ll see if I can post them here.

8 thoughts on “Zappa Autographs”

  1. 1. Fans – one way or another – badly need paraphernalia like pictures, bootlegs, autographs. You name it. In the case of Elvis .. footprints.

    Again: compare it with – in classical music world- Richard Wagner.

    A genuine artist dislikes fans.

    2. Others are trying to decode the system behind the fun, the Music.

    And that’s the way forward.
    Both in their own and a collective interest. FZ is not about looking back. It’s about an exercise in forward & future oriented thinking & creating. Yes, the atavistic way, ie deconstructing the good things from the past while constructing a new ” present day” & future.

    Sorry ’bout that , chief.
    The way I see it, Barry.

  2. [quote post=”742″]A genuine artist dislikes fans.[/quote]

    Seriously? So when Frank went out in the hallway to cordially chat with fans, that invalidated the body of art he created.

    That doesn’t quite compute.

  3. OK. Anybody like to hazard a guess as to which planet Bernard is from? I figure it’s got to be outside our solar system and probably in a different quadrant of the galaxy. Definitely other-worldly though.

  4. [quote comment=”3274″][quote post=”742″]A genuine artist dislikes fans.[/quote]

    Seriously? So when Frank went out in the hallway to cordially chat with fans, that invalidated the body of art he created.

    That doesn’t quite compute.[/quote]

    I agree, Kevin, it doesn’t compute. But sometimes it’s really best to just ignore one who obviously just talking out of his orifice (the alien one, that is) in order to (a) garner some kind of reaction, or (b) pontificate… I mean, what’s the point? Or is this just an eternal case of deja vu?

    Change the tape bernard, or please, please, please get a new writer.

  5. At least this Bernard person has been on this site for some time as opposed to the trolls from who used bastardized hybrids of our names (“Alexgraffito”, etc.) to get away with sub-mongoloid and downright insulting comments.

  6. [quote post=”742″]I mean, what’s the point?[/quote]

    You’re right, I guess. He seemed like a harmless coffee shop intellectual.

    Hey, guess what? Mark Scatchard just asked me to sit in for him on the Friday, Dec. 26 Zen Through Zappa show on KHUM.

    I agreed to do this, but only so I could drive 27 miles to and from Ferndale in probable sleet.

    I wonder if anyone who attended the ZPZ Roxy concerts would care to offer a review for my radio show on Dec. 26? Also, I’ll be at the New Year’s Eve ZPZ show in San Francisco, and am entertaining any informed speculation as to what that will be like.

    Feel free to get in touch if you have some concept of a notion.

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