15 thoughts on “Joe’s Garage Close To Premiere”

  1. An ambitious project but however it turns out, I guess FZ would just be pleased that his work is being performed. Clearly Gail’s approval was influenced by the producer having given her daughter a job but that’s life!

    It’s interesting to note the contradictions in FZ’s outlook. He always claimed that the music is what counts (and I agree with him) but then he wrote a number of pieces that rely heavily on the storyline and dialogue: Billy the Mountain; Greggary Peccary; Thingfish; Titties n Beer and so forth. And now Gail is perpetuating this contradiction by sanctioning Joe’s Garage but prohibiting bands who want to play the music!

    I disagree fundamentally with Gail’s notion that FZ’s music (or anybody else’s) should be kept ‘unfiltered’. Music is organic and is kept alive by musicians re-interpreting it – one classic example is Miles Davis’ and Gil Evans’ version of Porgy & Bess in which, by the way, the words and dialogue are left out completely. Moreover, FZ himself recycled not only his own stuff but other composers’ too.

    Whatever, I wish the Joe’s Garge production success. As I live nearly 9,000 km from Los Angeles I won’t be going to the show!

  2. I’m a half-continent away myself, but would love to see it. I doubt there’ll be a touring company, so I guess I’ll have to wait for 45 second clips on You Tube…I still say it would make a great movie!

  3. Unlike Towne, however, Gail plays down the importance of the story, because most of what Frank Zappa did is musical. His playfulness and gregariousness, “it’s all in the music. It doesn’t have anything to do with words. So that’s the legacy.”

    If Gail supports and likes it, it must be bad. I mean, would anyone listen to Joe’s Garage, or even Thing-Fish, for just the music and not the accompanying story? Both operas are rich in layered allegories concerning post-modern American culture (and Frank’s sardonic, satirical views of said culture). These operas are not symphonies. Why is it whenever Gail opens her mouth to the media, something even more incredibly stupid comes out?

  4. “The simple answer and the horrifying answer is that my future is my husband’s past.” Please come down from that cross–we need wood for the fire.

    Such woe-is-me, martyrific comments make me not want to buy another posthumous FZ release ever again. If her life as (self-appointed) legacymonger is truly such a veil of tears, then I don’t want to encourage her suffering.

  5. Thanks for that link, Barry. Gail makes it clear that her “duty” is truly her own choice. Frank told her to get out of the biz, but she has decided to do otherwise. Fine and dandy–just stop moaning about how hard this self-imposed role of policewoman is.

    I do applaud her for not wanting FZ’s work compressed into crappy MP3s. If made available for download, it should be a lossless format such as FLAC.

  6. [quote comment=”2339″]”The simple answer and the horrifying answer is that my future is my husband’s past.” Please come down from that cross–we need wood for the fire.

    Such woe-is-me, martyrific comments make me not want to buy another posthumous FZ release ever again. If her life as (self-appointed) legacymonger is truly such a veil of tears, then I don’t want to encourage her suffering.[/quote]

    Barry, we all recall fondly those pages of wonderful FZ quotes that once filled the pages of KUR before GZ and her minions and that nasty C & D letter. Well, why not construct an entirely new page of “Really Stupid GZ quotes”?

    I suggest you call it “Very, Very Luke Warm Poop” or even “Watery Poop”.

  7. [quote post=”445″]Barry, we all recall fondly those pages of wonderful FZ quotes that once filled the pages of KUR before GZ and her minions and that nasty C & D letter. Well, why not construct an entirely new page of “Really Stupid GZ quotes”? [/quote]

    I, for one, recall those days.
    Nothing has changed at KUR though.
    It’s still BITCH, BITCH, BITCH.
    GOD, what a depressing site.

    It’s worse than reading YouTube comments.

  8. [quote comment=”2442″]
    I, for one, recall those days.
    Nothing has changed at KUR though.
    It’s still BITCH, BITCH, BITCH.
    GOD, what a depressing site.
    You’re the equivalent of someone who goes to the same restaurant for 7 years every evening, just to sit there staring in silent anger and disgust at the plates as they are being served. But hey: whatever floats your boat! 🙂

  9. [quote comment=”2442″][quote post=”445″]Barry, we all recall fondly those pages of wonderful FZ quotes that once filled the pages of KUR before GZ and her minions and that nasty C & D letter. Well, why not construct an entirely new page of “Really Stupid GZ quotes”? [/quote]

    I, for one, recall those days.
    Nothing has changed at KUR though.
    It’s still BITCH, BITCH, BITCH.
    GOD, what a depressing site.

    It’s worse than reading YouTube comments.[/quote]

    sharonstone, let me introduce you to some of my friends: “This is IRONY, and next to her is her sassy girlfriend, SATIRE, and, of course, her boyfriend, PARODY.

    “Hi, sharonstone!” they BITCH BITCH BITCH in unison. “If we are so depressing, girl, then why are you still here?”

    “Must be Barry’s devilish good looks, methinks…” coos IRONY.

  10. I check in every 3 months just to read.
    It’s not a way of life for me.

    Seems like I keep seeing the same sour faces here for
    the past few years. ENJOY!!!…if you are capable of enjoying

  11. [quote comment=”2476″]I check in every 3 months just to read.
    It’s not a way of life for me.

    Seems like I keep seeing the same sour faces here for
    the past few years. ENJOY!!!…if you are capable of enjoying

    Glad you enjoy the read (though I cannot be quite certain that you truly enjoy it). Same sour faces? Then why do you return every few months if (a) it isn’t a way of life for you; (b) you obviously are not that big a Zappa fan; and (c) you have little constructive to say or add beyond being condescending to the entire KUR community?

    Personally, methinks you protest to much! And secretly, down deep inside you, lurks the spirit of a raunchy poodle…

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