Beat The Boots On iTunes

Yes indeed:

The Zappa Family Trust will celebrate Independence Day by making Zappa’s “Beat The Boots” series, totaling 148 tracks, for sale online. These will be the only authorized Frank Zappa albums available on iTunes.

Gail Zappa:

Even though the polar caps are melting away at such a horrendous rate we will probably never need boots again except for wading in worse cacadoody than ever, you can finally get these Beat the Boots on iTunes just in time to be reminded of Liberation of another sort on the 4th of July.

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11 Responses to Beat The Boots On iTunes

  1. Clark Gwent says:

    Oh. I hope they’re not infringing the copyright of whoever did the cover art…

  2. urbangraffito says:

    Oh, Gail. (nuff said)

  3. Michael Pabst says:

    I thought their marketing policy was to acquire new, young consumers?
    In this context releasing low quality bootleg recordings instead of the “real thing” on a mass medium like iTunes seems stupid to me.


  4. From what I’ve read (at z forums) GZ wants to establish her own little controlled online-download business. Because, obviously, the kind of exposure one gets at iTunes needs to be avoided at all cost. So — get this — she’s actually asking forum members for ideas and asking for programmatic / scripting help. Call me diddly-cacadoodly-stupid but, it seems to me that it would be a bad idea to ask advice from people who think posting goatse pictures is actually a grand idea. Good luck with that G — and I say that out of complete, non-cynical concern for your business. Online distribution of songs/albums is one hell of a fickle affair on so many levels (bandwidth, online authentication and payment, swift downloads, customer service). Why not concentrate on producing great releases (as you have with FZ:OZ, Buffalo, Wazoo), and grant the selling part to people who know what they’re doing? What? Oh, yeah, of course, there’s that old Rykodisc fall out…

  5. Birdman! says:

    Great marketing idea – sell “Unmitigated Audacity” to unwitting consumers. Unbelievable.

  6. Alex says:

    Um, Birdman, don’t forget Freaks And Motherfuckers…they’re both equally grimy recordings.

    But hey, in all fairness, there is the remote chance that the release of Beat The Boots on iTunes will prevent further global warming, right?

    Hmm…$.99 a pop for 148 songs? $146.52? Not when there’s LimeWire and SoulSeek.

  7. Birdman! says:

    “Freaks and Motherfuckers” has a vocal version of “Holiday in Berlin” and an early disembodied snippet from “Inca Roads”. “Piquantique” is a pretty awful recording of a great band doing things they don’t do on any other commercial release. I don’t remember paying $146.52 for the vinyl box when it first came out. No regrets.

  8. urbangraffito says:

    Five steps to eternal Zappa happiness…

    Step 1: Purchase an external hard drive.

    Step 2. Log in to Zappateers.

    Step 3. Download. Download Download.

    Step 4. Seed, man, Seed.

    Step 5. Begin at Step 1 again.

    P.S. Why would anyone in their right mind pay for sub quality recordings they can actually download for free? Have GZ and the ZFT now become the dreaded bootleggers we all despise, making money off of poor quality recordings?

  9. Eichstetter Matthias says:

    [quote comment=”1564″]”Freaks and Motherfuckers” has a vocal version of “Holiday in Berlin” and an early disembodied snippet from “Inca Roads”. “Piquantique” is a pretty awful recording of a great band doing things they don’t do on any other commercial release. I don’t remember paying $146.52 for the vinyl box when it first came out. No regrets.[/quote]
    I really love the Holiday in Berlin-Vocal version.
    I never understood why the leftwings find it okay that Mao“s masscares was okay. I like the lyrics because it is Zappa more in a fury than of rational thinking. He describes Rudi Dutschke and hios parents as Nazis. That Berlin experinece seens to be like a trauma for him. Fritz Rau said that he and Zappa were both shit in their pants.
    Anyway. the melody is great, the lyric is wonderfil radical. It is my Zappa-favourite song. I use to sing it all the time while I am working. I like the way the melody goes from that pariodic german military march. It is a No.1 Hit, lie almost every Zappa song.

  10. hein dutt says:

    BtB was at least questionable in the first place – but re-releasing it in 2008 is a miserable ripp-off – DON’T BUY IT !!!

  11. vincent denis says:

    Gail is soooooooooooooo modern!
    The last thing I bought from the “famine trust” was EIHN it cost me
    40 euros to understand that no FZ album will be issue anymore because the guy is dead!
    download it or leave it
    buy Chadbourne! he is alive and needs your money .
    Why should I pay Gail she is not an interesting human beeing anyway
    and living in Hollywood
    fuck them Encino crap

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