Woke Up This Mornin’

… shower, brush teeth, tralala. Next:

  • Check snailmailbox:
    • Library reminder I’m late in returning that Stevie Ray Vaughn CD
    • Speeding ticket amounting to €175
    • Click my Google Ads please, thank you
    • Ooooh: Barfko Swill package has arrived!
  • At work:
    • Enter office, hear distinct dripping sounds
    • OMG!11! LOLZ roof is leaking from last night’s rainfall
    • Mop floor, place buckets in strategic places
    • Call janitor
    • “please leave a message after the beep”
  • Back home:
    • Put on “One Shot Deal”
    • Feel slightly underwhelmed.
    • Hey “Occam’s Razor”‘s great though! Aaaah… Rollo.
    • Where the hell did I put that bloody Stevie Ray Vaughn CD?
    • I give up.
    • Add One Shot Deal and TTNS DVD to the FZ discography
    • What’s for dinner, honey?
    • Mmmmh fajitas!
  • Mmmmh fajitas
  • Where the hell did I put that bloody Stevie Ray Vaughn CD?
  • I give up.
  • Nighty night!
  • Mmmmh fajitas
  • Where the hell did I put that bloody Stevie Ray Vaughn CD?